Idiots sperg out over a shitty starterpack

1  2018-12-30 by malicious_turtle


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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damn all i said was that it makes sense a woman who has given birth 4 times would be overweight even though her family is sporty...

Yeah if she's a lazy bitch

"I had 4 kids therefore my body is unable to be skinny."

“Having 4 kids means I need to take in 6k calories a day.”

She’s not obese she’s “sort of” overweight which would make sense if she has two toddlers

so you are saying she isnt skinny but she is skin-y

excess skin does not cause one to be overweight you sperg

It causes you to look “sort of” overweight when you’re wearing clothes dumbass

maybe she should have tried being born with better skin then

shes a stupid fucking whore dumbass is what she is! I dont want anyone to mince words on this sub of all places! Go Seahawks! GO russel wilson!

Why you assuming they kids aren't adopted?

Or would that not make them a family to you?

This. I’m sick of adoptive moms pretending that they’re real moms.

What about my fur babbys?

How DARE you not share in my delusions.

My boop-snoot will surely take care of me when i get older and have to shit through a hole in my abdomen

I thought you only adopt if you’re into child abuse?

Youre not being made fun of tbh. I read your comment as a joke and somewhat reasonable, but if ur 100% serious L O L

Its more of the drama you caused in the comments

When the drama spills into here, you know it's a good post.

You're fine. The other dude's got the kaboozies though

I mean, ya, if you want to be overweight, you do you. Having kids is far from a death sentence for being overweight. My sister had a kid recently and had abs and looked like her pre-pregnancy self within a month or so of giving birth. It's not impossible.

The excess skin from having 2 recent pregnancies is going to give the appearance of being “sort of” overweight for most women. Without surgery it takes a while for that to disappear

Weight is one thing. But stop judging women by what their abs did after childbirth.

I'm not. Obviously you're going to have stretch marks and loose skin (my sister was lucky) but that doesn't make it an excuse to be overweight. We all have issues, stress, work, and responsibilities but you owe it to your kids to be healthy for them. You brought them into this world, you need to be your best self to raise them right and you can't do that while fat.

Your previous comment conflates abs and weight, it's important to separate the issues.

We judge because it makes us feel alive. How dare you try to tell us what to do. YOU ARE NOT OUR SUPERVISOR.

You have spawned something greater than the sum of your words. God bless

Post bussy

My wife has given birth to four children and isn't at all overweight.

Post tits for proof

Those are bolt ons and prove nothing.

I never understood how married men are okay with their wives getting boob jobs? like you do realize in order to have them, she needs to be topless in-front of maybe two to three doctors along with whichever dipshits are shadowing the surgeon or are on residency at the time?

  1. She had her boobs done before I met her.

  2. It's weird that you think of it that way.

  1. And you chose her to father four of your offspring?

  2. Its an absolutely natural way to think about it. Nudity is just so normalized for you westerners that you don’t really think there’s anything weird about ut but it totally is weird.

  1. We both had our children from previous marriages. She got a boobjob after her four daughters sucked the life out of them.

  2. It isn't weird to be nude in front of a doctor. I've actually met the doctor that did hers and it's a woman (in the west we allow women to become doctors).

Seriously, you sound like an incel.

This had to be some of the stupidest shit I've read in a while. Two dudes nitpicking a meme and trying to convert it into misogyny...

It’s the commentating that’s the problem. There is no specific text saying, “even though this dad tries real hard, he’s still fat.” It ties into the culture of policing women’s bodies, but not men’s. There is the implication she is a failure, and furthermore implies she only enjoys sports to stay thin.

To illustrate the point more simply: why not just use a picture of a woman like with the man? Why is text necessary for her, but not him? Why is she a failure for not maintaining her figure, but not him?

This comment got gold.

plebbit incels of both sexes tarding it out


Ed 😴😴😴 posting


y r U so mean 2 meeee? 😔

didn't ur mommy tell u that boys r only mean when they lyk u? ;)



Implying Ed is a man 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fk u right

I only like my girls with big Dicks

Are poor asians a thing or...?

Yeah, check out every Asian country

Good point.

Where's the lie

Something about not punching down

Literally correct response to both of them

Male feminists everywhere

Do they know women don't even use reddit

i cant imagine why not

Female radfems are infuriating, but they are women so I give them a pass since they are working towards what they think are their best interests. Male feminists just wants to get on the femoids good side, which makes them tricksy little shits.

Who the fuck went through and gave all those comments silver, gold, and platinum?

Some soyboy who believes if he respects women hard enough they will finally start giving him the time of day

"Hey Amanda! Come look at this asshole. The reply to that misogynist is priceless, though. I'll give them gold. Say, do you have any plans Friday?"

Lmao he'd just show Amanda and want her to take control and ask him out

Amanda take the wheel 🙏🏻

Amanda take the strapon 🙏🏻

Amanda takes chad’s dick instead 🍆

Amanda Hugandkiss? Yes, plz 🤗

Doesn't it make more sense for it to be a woman?

Reddits stock just rose 8%

The posters in the negative most likely gilded themselves lol

More importantly, how did this turd get upvoted 31,000 times?

criticize man

criticize woman

Fucking misogynist!

Massive meteor hits planet, women most affected.

Women have always been the primary victims of the world ending.

lmao that fucking retard spent like 45 bucks giving all of their own comments gold+platinum

Eh. You can gild and not be mad. For some people, $45 is nbd.

SJW guilding. SJW guilding everywhere.

Imagine being so oppressed and poor as to spend real actual dollars on a tiny .jpg.

At this point they should probably just ban making starter packs that criticize women.