South African nonsense as darkie kills mayo for trying to prevent him from stealing. Twitter replies predictably fall along racial lines as the rainbow nation edges closer to a race war.

1  2018-12-30 by Oh_hamburgers_


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. This Post -,,*

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So bloody funny xddd laughing at someone whos DEAD. You should be ashamed.

Must I cry ?

No ...just show RESPECT

Fotsek the only respect I want is my land

I will give you land ....come over to my farm let me show you your plot

Mr mad Max give Aboriginals their land before you ingage with me

Hilarious yet grim. I’m not sure how to feel.

Some of the comments are legitimately frightening. Like I'm watching a play about some dystopian reality...

Others are hilarious through

they'll wish they stayed in the congo, inshallah

South Africa should have nuked themself rather than giving them up.

"Apartheid legit could have just kept on going forever" - retards

It could have if you just drove them all away. Terrorize the population until leaving is the best option, and only whites remain.

For South Africa?

Nah South Africa treated the blacks like shit

For Rhodesia?

Fuck yes it could have

Rhodesia literally fought a civil war over apartheid. Mugabe won

Never said Ian smith was a saint

He was a cunt

they fought a civil war

Bruh you need to read up on that “civil war” it was literally the SU paying militias to invade Rhodesia as “liberators”

Can’t be arsed to go fully into it because I don’t want to sound like a t_d sperg or that I am defending mayos but the “native” blacks much preferred the status quo and often joined the army to ensure this

Ian Smith was a saint, tho

Ian Smith is laughing in hell.

What Boertards didn't realize is that they could have all moved to the Western Cape in like 1960 where they would (cumulatively) have been an absolute majority, declared independence, and then still be in power today.

Instead, they wanted all the country, which was always like 80% nonwhite. If they'd had Amish level birthrates it might have worked, but Afrikaaners manage to be hardcore Christians and have barely even children, which is truly impressive - Quaker style.

No no. I think the white and black south Africans should be gone. Nothing good has ever come from the country.

How dare u, there are some really cool rocks there

Looks like a good shoot to me

He stole shit, he got killed. Clear and cut case, except for libtards.

No? The thief is the murderer.

The mayo scum stole the keys.

Relevant username

Surething, unironic r/politic poster.

Unironically going through people on dramas profiles to attack their character.

Doesnt realise this makes you the lowest of the low.

No defense for your politics posting then, libtard ?

Go back to mde u trash.

You are on the side of the racists, not me, libtard.

I am not defending any side, because I dont have a bone to pick in this issue. SA being fucked up is not my problem. Go agenda post in some other sub.

u have been rekt, accept it

Where do all you retards come from?

Pwnerztown USA


state of the union, brother


u utter retard.

No u

Whites are not welcome here. Leave.

Stop being a retard

Mayos are always guilty

stop being a nigger. dindo nuffin

Was it actually confirmed? I could barely understand what the South African on twitter was saying, but it sounded like he said he was unloading meats and someone comes and grabs his keys and calls the cops for suspected stealing.

He stole shit, he got killed.

Nah, he going to jail.

Nah, he going to jail. The use of a firearm for self defense in South Africa requires that the persons life should be in imminent danger.

Since when do people care about laws on reddit ? this is simply a matter of morality.

Takes your car keys because you're being a nigger, better kill him.

It's simply a matter of morality.

It is justified because the shootee was mayo.

This but just a meme.

Takes your car keys because you're being a nigger, better kill him.

This but unironically.

Takes your car keys because you're being a nigger, better kill him.

Safe bet is you where banned for racism. Please don't try and play a victim.

Safe bet I'm not banned from this sub retard.

And? Doesnt change anything. Just dont try and play a victim if your racist comments most likely got you banned.

And look where you're posting retard.

You are not helping your argument.

Reading this post really makes me scratch my head at how Mandela was able to refrain from mayocide. I would not have that level of patience.

Mandela was a CIA controlled robot.

Africans can't fight wars

Post WW2 history suggests the opposite

I should have said can't win* wars against non-Africans

Post WW2 history suggests the opposite

Noa when will you post bussy

Depends, which paki are you?

How long before SA goes the way of Rhodesia? Why haven’t you left SA? Is there any hope left for your country?

Dude, the guy I was replying to has a metal fucking gate around his bedroom. That’s doesn’t sound like a safe fucking place, you think he does that for shits and giggles?

>white people get killed at the same rate as in europe >some retard told me an anecdote

That's fucking retarded


I clicked on some of the sources in the article you “””cited””” and they were broken links. Neck yourself with your loose chromosomes.

No you didn't. It's a legit source. I don't expect much from a brainlet tho

Just because some SA journalist managed to get published in one of their ragtag clickbait farms doesn’t make it the fucking Inquisitor.

It's really indicative of you being a retard that you look at one of South Africa's newswebsites and say that it's a blog. Shows that you really know what you're talking about and doesn't portray you as a retarded american

And you're still wrong

You’re arguing a strawman, and that opinion piece is full of motivated reasoning attacking a single individual. It also seems to imply that whites deserve a higher murder rate because it’s still not as high as black on black homicide, not does it properly characterize the racial motivations of the crimes which greatly heighten the amount of fear they cause.

That’s like saying crime against women doesn’t matter because men are the real victims.

But enough, you’ve wasted my time with two poorly written articles, I shant be reading a third.

Nice that americanas don't know shit about the outside world so when other people point it out they go "uh that's a strawman". What exactly is the strawman here? All you've done is say that the articles are poorly written, which matters why exactly? You've also shown that you're a daft cunt who thinks that a major news website in South Africa is a fucking blog. On top of that you've managed to misinterpret the fact that whites have it mcuh better in South Africa than black people, so any retardation about how bad it is to be white in South Africa is just that, retardation


being this retarded

holy fuck my last remaining brain cells

Doors usually don't open from the outside in fucking Cape Town, that entire country looks like it's fortified for the zombie apocalypse.

Oh and if you get a flat tire, even while black, your first move is to call the cops so they can come and stand next to you with their guns out while you change the tire so you don't get merced.

That shit is nothing like Eastern Europe.

Again that's for the National crime rate, if you're white you're far less likely to be killed or suffer from any sort of crime

National crime rate? The fuck are you talking about?

Here's another fun anecdote- whites are told to ignore stop signs and traffic lights in Johannesburg late at night. It's safer to assume that there's not another white driver coming the other way through your intersection than it is to assume nobody's going to shoot you and take your shit.

So again, you're just talking shite, white people get murdered at a far lower rate than black people in South Africa

That's what you get a flamethrower for, obviously.

That's why you need to eat the corpse. Dispose of the evidence.

That comment section made me racist

white guy gets shot in the back while trying to stop a crime

>"the whitey got what he deserved"

IDF shoots a terrorist resisting arrest

>"those fucking kikes are killing our palestinian bruddas"

Sjws don't say kikes.

South africans do

Room temperature iq

What a vague statement. Is this an insult towards me or south africans? Or both? Bear in mind, if you answer with "yes" I will find you.


You're a brainlet.yes I was insulting you

That's pretty mean. Why though?

I apologise.

ill do better

What many white people don't get is the pain they put us through daily and their actions triggering anger. Mr Dlamini didn't wake up to shoot any person but was harrassed and undermined. I actually pray for him.

what the actual sam hill fuck

Don't you get it? It couldn't be similar. Mayos deserve to be shot whenever they commit microaggressions because of their history of oppression against POC of color.

but they do tho

This but unironically

Is POC of color the new RIP in peace?

It’s not even their history. People with the same skin color were assholes to darkies decades ago and now they’re being punished for it. No way something like that could escalate over time.

theyre black it is what it is

wow its OVER for nigcels

you jest but did you ever see the reaction to oj simpson or any other black guy accused of a crime

its just tribalism and they have no nuance because ~80 iq

What's coming to you soon is gonna be a good bit

Monkey-Americans will always lose the war cus they cant wake up before 1pm

Your wife, sister and daughters will all be blacked. Every single white women on earth will be blacked. And there's literally nothing you can do about it

I'm gay, take em, they're fucking retarded anyway.

I still got guns nigger, whoop.

Funny thing is, my sister loves black guys, but she's fucking barren, lol.

No half-breed niggers in my family.

And I got money, I can pay some country daisy Duke bitch to have my baby If i get a hair up my ass to breed.

What do you have, nig?

A pack of cools, and a dime bag? At most?

laughs off to the bank to deposit my white man paycheck

I'm not black. But I will observe what becomes of your race with glee

So you're either a spic, or a fucking dirty muzzie, or a street shitter.

None of those are better than white people.

The second you shitskins become the modern standard of beauty I'll kill myself.

Til then enjoy white superiority

You're literally a faggot. You are by definition a degenerate every race hates. I'm a hapa but that's irrelevant. You should kill yourself now before the aids does faggot

Lol tiny peepee boy thinks he can shame me.

What's it like being shunned by both of the groups you desire to belong to?

What's it like dealing with blatant Asian racism, and demure white racism here?

Can you even go to see your Asian grandparents or do they deny you?

I'm honestly curious

Have a good day faggot. I'm the least of your problems. Demographic change and aids will fuck you like the men you desire. They won't be asking for consent or celebrating your identity tho. Good luck you borderline pedo

So niggers are like women always siding with each other.

Intersectionality is unironically going to get people killed

remember how that one porn star refused to have sex with a gay porn actor bc of aids risk and got cyberbullied super hard for "homophobia" and then killed herself

I remember it, I occasionally think about it as I watch the guy she refused to fuck deep nut inside some other hairy muscle boys bussyhole.

I'm so happy she killed herself.

Dont talk shit about my people.

Were fighting the AIDs thing, cant blame us cus niggers hate rubbers and responsibilities.

The AIDs numbers compared between white and black gays is like literally night and day.

Black men (7% of US pop) are responsible for more than 50% of all new HIV infections yearly.

I'm TRYING MY HARDEST to stop my people from fucking these diseased savages

I can't tell if this is a really weak shitpost or if you're unironically buttsanded about some dead porn THOT not wanting to fuck fags

I'm the opposite of bootyblasted.

Thot killed herself.

I'm ecstatic. I finger myself a little when I think of it.

some dead porn THOT not wanting to fuck fags

t. fag

I sexually identify as a fag thot from this point forward.

When rednecks and hoodrats beat innocent gays to death, they pretend the victim has your face. It makes them hit harder.

I got guns nigger.

Fuck you.


That was pretty funny honestly.

BASED gay man

Its over for hillcels

Palesa Mahlatsi @PaleighMM Replying to @Greg7Dunn I'm just curious as to how you would've preferred things to have unfolded here? Are people allowed to go around taking people's car keys?

Top minds of South Africa

darkie kills mayo for trying to prevent him from stealing

I don't see the problem.

i maybe living in a shithole european country but atleast i can still lynch the negro

You're posting in the wrong sub, this isn't CringeAnarchy

this isn't CringeAnarchy

i know

Eurocucks out, this is a mayo free zone.

mayos in Europe

My sides

Basketball Americans: How can the cop just shoot just because they were resisting arrest? That doesn't give you the right to use deadly force!

Also BAs: He took his keys, of course he should have been shot

Truly an indecisive people

Old SA - law, order and 'problematic' opinions

New SA - murderous blanarchy

which is betta?

Both are shit.

Nothing says law and order like the government not giving a shit about a dude killing hundreds of black people and only policing white areas

Where do I sign up?

Bring that shit to Florida.

Apartheid for south Florida, push all the uppity ones north to the people's republic of Georgia.

Correction: both were murderous blanarchies. It sure as hell wasn't Rhodesia.

Old SA - law, order and 'problematic' opinions

Do you people just not read at all?

Hey please dont use the racist dogwhistle 'you people'

Both are shit, because both have Boers in them. While Boers aren't black, they might as well be.

darkie kills mayo for trying to prevent him from stealing

I don't see the problem.

Ed being right




ITT: Why we need a party sized white purge.

Who's downvoting you. Purge the white devil

ITT: racist POCs'

inb4: bLacKs aNd PePuL OF cOlOr cAnT bE raciSS

lol racism against whites is a good thing you faggot

Oh boy, i can't wait to hear the justification for this one. 3woke5me fuckin nig nog

lmao shouldn't you ODing on fentanyl or knocking-up your sistercousin or something?

Yeah, well go with that, if that's the worst you can come up with.

That's like the worst stereotype you can come up with.

The stereotypes for everyone else are a 100 times worse, for a reason.

tell me 1 real country in south africa

pro tip: you can't

Western cape succession from the rest of this shit hole right now thanks.

I'm going to blow off some steam in the race wars. Rape and pillage here and there, steal shit, kill whites and Mexicans. I'm really looking forward to letting my inner niggerdom come out in full force. And eventually when tides start to turn against "us" I'll drift back into the woods, head down the Mississippi and catch a boat from new Orleans to Italy, them france