"Christian" apologist forgets he is live streaming and completely RAGES against girl over mods

1  2018-12-31 by bestestsodacan


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Oh my God what a powertrip.

Sir, would you please name your defeater for the christian god?

Wow this is very entertaining. This darth guy is insane!

warning headphone users

This is pretty much every Christian man behind closed doors when someone threatens their position/respect/prestige.

Sure. The guy (Darth Dawkins) is a christian apologist who spends his time debating atheists on discord. He was live streaming his discussion and got into a spat with a moderator. He then went into a private call/room with other higher up mods but forgot that he was still streaming. Then he unloaded on this girl to get what he wanted. Then returned to the "public" room and used his mod powers on the mod that was previously immune because he was a mod.

His hypocrisy over interruptions is hilariously retarded. Dude has absolutely no self-awareness.

The arguement over the takedown request is even better:


The self control these guys have to not kill their lolcow is incredible. They have a guy with hair trigger temper ready to go off, and you can hear him struggling not to start taunting the guy.

Then near the end when he hints that trying to remove embarassing shit from the internet is probably futile ("People tend to grab these things when they come up") and the guy just doesn't fucking get it.

Yeah I'm really impressed by their restraint, but I think these guys must have a lot of practice.

Dude. OP. I know what his guy. He constantly calls people sir and yells at them when you tell him he is retarded for denying evolution. Good capture.

Its over for modcels

Holy fuck what a lunatic.

dude god lmao