Chapo white knights for trannies against the gamer menace.

1  2018-12-31 by GodOfDeath_LoveWine


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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Yeah, don't think trans people like to be referred to as trannies but try again.

Who cares how anyone would like to be called

Well, Dildokin, you're the exception.

Fuck trannies. We need to bring the suicide rate up to 100% for these degenerates

Yeah, don't think trans people like to be referred to as trannies

Good, it’s working as intended then

i'm beyond not caring what they like

What do you expect from a right wing outlet like youtube?

Everything left of stalinism is right wing you fascist

Holodomor was actually fascist because it killed comrades

WTF I love Stalin now

Stalinism is now Radical Centrism.

Well then fuck, what’s leftism?

A fat sad lonely dragon with no friends.

Somehow everyone one he left has been convinced that youtube is some alt-right nazi kingdom. I read some tweet a few days ago about how some dude convinced his friend to stop letting her kid watch youtube because he will become a nazi.

Somehow everyone one he left has been convinced that youtube is some alt-right nazi kingdom.

This is because it's harder to no-platform people you dislike on Youtube, and social media leftists have become so accustomed to being able to shriek people off platforms that they think that ignoring them constitutes a willful endorsement of wrongthink.

chapotards are the new evangelicals

I'm a good liberal boy and even I keep getting peterson and that one guy who disproved the holocaust w/ math in my recommended video feed.

Their algo promotes some pretty far right content.

You know that bussybot's quote about pornhub and cuck porn?

This but 100% unironically. Google sees "why can't I get laid? and "politics" in your search history, you get recommended Jordan Peterson. Google sees "bad movies" and "iPhone XS Max bend test", Jordan Peterson never shows up.

JBP is like the most normie shit imaginable. It’s not some arcane text for hyper online weirdos, it’s something your dorky uncle or the dumbest kid at your school would read.

YouTube doesn't care whether you're angrywatching and disliking a video or watching it because it jerks you off. All it cares about is "engagement"; e.g. a dislike is just as good as a like for that.

If 30% of the people who watch Contrapoints (approvingly or disapprovingly) have strong feelings about Jordan Peterson, you're going to get Jordan Peterson recommendationsp

It makes it really hard to assess if there's any substance to these claims of recommendation bias, since most reports come from people already really into politics.

If YouTube is recommending you holocoaster denial videos, YouTube has scientifically determined you’re a holocoaster denier.

Can't argue with the algos

YouTube doesn't care whether you're angrywatching and disliking a video or watching it because it tells you everything you want to hear. The main thing it, and its advertisers, cares about is "engagement": you being more involved on youtube. E.g. a dislike is just as good as a like for that.

If 30% of the people who watch Contrapoints (approvingly or disapprovingly) have strong feelings about Jordan Peterson, you're going to get Jordan Peterson recommendations.

This makes it really hard to assess if there's any substance to these claims of recommendation bias, since most reports come from people already really into politics.

This is kind of in line with what I think is going on. I know the board at youtube don't care one way or another what their website promotes, obviously. What I think they are doing is pushing the peterson stuff because people that watch him are invariably weirdo shut-ins who will sit and watch six multi-hour videos of him doing lectures on neo-masculinity and Frozen. All the while racking up ad revenue.

So yeah they are pushing far right stuff, but only because far right people consume an insane amount of content/ads.

That's because your phone listened to you sperging out when your cousin got JPs book for Christmas

wrong, im very good at hiding my power level in public

nearly all of the political channels are full-blown fascist, and those channels are linked to gaming channels, cartoons, etc.--stuff that kids are into. the largest youtuber, pewdiepie, is also a fascist. check out his subscriptions.

I'm kinda pro the abstract concept of 'transgender' manifesting itself poltergeist-style and wreaking havok on gamers. entering the net like the voodoo spirits in Count Zero and typing stuff like UGH CAN YOU JUST NOT in MMO chats?

making $8/hour working retail job

Customer comes in and demands I violate store refund policy (aka put my neck on the line)

Cannot do that sir


Customer begins screaming at me, trashing merchandise, threatening to beat me up in the parking lot, screaming at me some more, promises a boycott. I'm almost certainly going to get fired for letting this get so out of hand.

Communists around the internet rally around a recording of the incident

Rally in support of the customer. FML

This is best for the working class.

trust me virtue signaling about trannies endlessly is actually representative of the proletariat

GOOD praxis

Chapo, trannies, and gamers

This is that crossover episode that nobody wanted.

Is it a crossover or just redundant?

I'm so sick of gay people and their fucking problems. We all got problems you fucking homos.

post your butthole

My butthole is my own problem, you damn homo.

To be fair I'd rather be stuck in a room with the craziest tranny than spend 10 min listening to and smelling a gamer.

This was a crazy, smelly tranny gamer though. Worst of all worlds.

Hmmm, good point

Xze also looks like Till Lindemann if he did heroin, which probably means xze would attempt to violate any gussy xze shares a room with.

Everyone claiming the retail slave at the counter was ‘intentionally’ misgendering her grew up as a creepy neckbeard who wore a wallet chain and smelled bad. That’s why Chapos reserve their worst invective for some 28k a year peon being, at worst, questionably rude, as opposed to plutocratic dickheads like Bezos.

They can’t picture Bezos in high school, but they can picture a Gamestop employee or MAGA brah in the cafeteria, and they’re still working through some weird psychodrama.

That’s why run DSA meetings like group therapy sessions. Yikes 🌹folx yall post hog smooth brain chuds

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Smooth braib is a decent insult tho T_T

The thing I don't get about the fight challenge is if the customer loses then okay they lost, but if even if they win then they won the fight over not being called 'sir' by being more manly.

It's a no-win scenario. A Kobayashi Maru.

The violence is pretty manly, but the level of histrionics cries femoid

Have we found the gender radical centrist?

As a radical centrist, I pride myself not only on being right but also on knowing why I am right. Knowing I am right can only happen if I understand both sides positions.

For the life of me I can’t understand modern leftists. Why are they taking the side of some deranged idiot over a dude just trying to do his job? Like what’s the logical reasoning?

They think he said "sir" deliberately out of snark or cruelty or trolling, rather than the much more likely explanation that he got flustered at the escalation.

Usually you're trying to avoid the customer going nuclear, kicking over shit, yelling at other customers and telling you to come out into the parking lot and fight. Maybe that was just me though?

Are they autistic? Clearly the dude was panicking. Anyone who has ever been in something like that situation would understand that the dude was just trying to get the loon out of there.

Have they never worked before?

Have they never worked before?

As unemployed undergrads chances are they think themselves above retail. So they spend Daddy's money on their Chapo patreon donations while burnt out from Black Friday Gamestop clerk guy is now caught between Twitter mobs yelling at Gamestop to fire him and /pol/tard types making memes of him with "Gas the trannies" to throw fuel on the fire. When all he wanted to do was put in his hours just run the register for minimum wage.

As a radical centrist you can completely and unironically feel superior to both sides here. Pretty much always, but especially this time.

They don't care, they're an internet hate mob

For the intersectionally minded, "who?" is above "what?" and "why?" in the hierarchy of questions to contemplate when one tries to figure out what would be the correct approach to evaluate a situation. I. e., in this case "poor widdle tranny feels offended" is more important than everything else. Even if this particular tranny is actually aggressive as fuck and physically intimidating in comparison to the guy he harasses.

God, nerds are such fucking bootlickers.

Every goddamn time.

The working class is a chud, donate to my patreon