It's over for 2018cels

1  2018-12-31 by BriefSquirt

Lmao all u amerifats living in the past


happy new year squirty!

I still got three hours to go

Thanks bae x happy new year

Happy new year!

Has Trump been impeached yet? Reddit tells me that’s coming in 2019.

Not yet its only been 2019 for a few hours and I'm a bit drunk

Post a picture of your dick mate.

Chapocels gtfo

Log. It's "post log".

Does this have a virus

Not possible.

Are u asking me to post hog?

New Zealand?

Pretty good but a bit cloudy 😊

Fucking foreigners.

Imagine not being drunk for new years


Honestly? I hope so, not because he's bad mind you. Like yeah the kids in cages and having a literal retard in office sucks but he's boring. Every day it's the same exact jokes and it has been before he even got in. I'm not sure how much longer I can take this maddening fucking cylindrical nature almost everything seems to have degraded into. It feels like I've gone schizo or something.

The writing in this timeline has gotten so lazy.

I can’t wait for season 2, it’s less than 2 years away

Mommy runs again - beating Bernie, Beto, and Biden - and wins in a landslide against Daddy. Her AG appoints a special counsel to look into the Clinton Foundation, winds up uncovering proof of pizzagate and Illuminati pedo murder ring. Q winds up being right about everything.

That’s what y’all thought last time and we all know how that ended up 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Mommy becoming president but actually getting impeached for whatever reason would unironically be peak drama.

Trump gets removed from office mid 2019. Hillary runs in 2020 against Pence and annihilates him. Hillary is then removed from office two years later for her later-revealed culpability in the Sarkozy-Libya corruption case surrounding his financial links to Ghaddafi after Sarkozy himself is convicted in France.

That would be peak drama.

impeached for lying under oath about sucking off a white house intern, or alternatively ben garrison. she resigns, leaving VP Acasio-Cortez to step up as prez. first order of business, mandatory dance classes for all fatties.

You know, Quasimodo predicted all this

Pocahontas is gonna have a go. Already declared.

Trump runs as a democrat.

We need Evil Abed to transport the Darkest Timeline to us

You know Notch is a trump supporter?

Well yeah he's a gamer

I would be too if I were that rich.

i just hope its a long slooowwww process, the tweets will be so 🔥

My wish for next year is that Daddy will have a heart attack on live TV. That would be dramatic.

He'll probably stroke out on the shitter while tweeting and we'll have 8 hours of people speculating what he meant by "The Democrats think that illegal imigrananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

I feel like if he has a stroke it becomes coherent and sensical.

I like the idea of it turning him into a full nazi, like people think he's right wing now? Oh boy imagine how they'll deal with it when he's goose stepping and wanting the Jewish media eradicated.

Donald Trump waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were jews in the media. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to America were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the Airfoce-1 fly and he said to dad "I want to be on the plane daddy." Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY JEWS" There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the White House of the US he knew there were demons. "This is Alex Jones" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!" So John gotted his phone and tweeted high energy "HE GOING TO KILL US" said the jews "I will shoot at him" said the NPC jew and he fired the rocket missiles. Donald tweeted at him and tried to gas him. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. "No! I must kill the jews" he shouted The radio said "No, Don. You are the jews" And then Daddy donates ungodly amounts of money to Israel.

But now in the White House of the US he knew there were demons.

You missed one, but it was still good.

jews = demons

Personally I hope that he gets targetted by Christopher Walken with a sniper rifle and picks up a child to shield himself.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and use a Guatemalan child as a human shield, and I wouldn't lose voters."

cylindrical nature


The only thing that could fix the drama black hole that was the Trump presidency would be if Trump lost the Republican ticket for his second term, and the replacement Republican won the election.

No its came in 2017. Skromble just refuses to accept it.

he won’t even last 3 months

he won’t even last a year

any second now

watergate took two years

At this rate I think they’re gonna switch to “he won’t get re-elected” because democratic primaries are gonna start soon and election is around the corner

He was never going to be impeached with the last congress. No one seriously expected those things.

Let’s not pretend lefties weren’t intensely jerking off to Superman Mueller to dig up dirt so bad that entire congress would turn on trump.

Maybe some, mostly it was just /poltards constantly sperging "it's over for drumpffghffg". Anyone living outside their parents' basement knows the GOP only had two poison pills: guns and abortion. Remember how quickly GOP leadership cucked Don when he suggested taking the guns away?

Russian campaign contributions? GOP loves those, we even have a slideshow of them mugging with a spy!

Impeachments are good for drama. Twitter's gonna blow up like the DJIA.

I don't know. I know people saying "welcome to the last days of Trump Presidency" before the midterm happened.

I know people who say essential oils cure cancer. What's your point? Does their idiocy somehow invalidate reality?

Yeah? They live in real life, but they also believe in their own delusion.

If that wasn't a thing, there wouldn't be books after books arguing whether Trump should be impeached in 2017 and 2018. There were people banking on him getting impeached way before the midterm, that's all I am saying.

Some people ignore the obvious reality, others want to make money off being first to call it. This neither invalidates the majority grounded in reality or reality itself.

Still, those books wouldn't hit the market if there weren't grounds for it to start.

There are grounds. Simply the overwhelming evidence that Trump did a number of impeachable things, in addition to being generally not worth keeping around (see: Clinton, B.). A few people are using this for attention and money. Most people realize the house swings from the RNC's dick and would never dream of damaging their party unless it was absolutely imperative.

Don't use the attention whores and uninformed to try to disprove the hard evidence and less newsworthy majority.

Well, you do have a point. I don't think I am wrong, though. So I'm just going to stop here.

All of this is good for DramaCoin, cheers.

Since impeachment is essentially a political process, it’s hard to name a President that hasn’t technically done impeachable things. Even Bill Clinton only got impeached because of a stained dress, basically the equivalent of the Trump pee tape, and not even then, he was impeached for lying about it existing under oath. Nixon was impeached because he released the equivalent of a bunch of tapes of him saying [n]slur over and over.

Oh man look at all these C O P E!!!

Yeah, lmao at this new narrative about impeachment, “haha it was just a prank gaiz!!!”

They wasted a whole lot of effort jerking off to the idea since November 2016 then


The Dems will fuck this up. You do know that, right?

They really do have a talent for clenching defeat from the jaws of victory

Huh, well look at that. Pelosi has the same chance of winning as John Cena.

Imagine how easy it would be to be secret service for President Cena. Can't assassinate him if you can't see him.

As we've seen, literally anyone can become president, so why not make it John Cena. He can make his intro music the national anthem

John Cena came to China and spoke moderately passable Mandarin.

Dwayne Johnson and Ben Shapiro better odds than Flake

Flake is so pathetic

So what you're saying is Michael Avenatti could make me rich...

I don't gamble because it is against Allah, can you explain what this means?

Daddy FTW.

Need to figure out how to /r/wsb the presidential elections. I think there was a site for it.

I hate Daddy like any other sensible human being - but the impeachment stuff was always a pipe dream. Mueller finding legit actionable collusion is also super unlikely.

They started today. Fuaxahuantus declared she was running.

Tbf we've also gone from:

Nobody Daddy has ever met knows what this "Russia" is.

to C O P I N G:

So what if he has phone-sex with Putin? Republicans have always supported closer ties with Russia and homosexuality.

The only people coping are lefties, with the fact that they got nothing on trump. By the standard they’re clinging to right now half the redditors are Russian spies because they looked in the general direction of a Russian guy once

Oh, you're serious.


$10,000 in Russian bottom and $100k in Facebook ads is a tHrEaT tO DeMoCraCy

Link me to the phone sex tape, sounds hot, just like that pee tape Democrats are keeping in a vault for just the right moment.

It's on Anthony Weiner's laptop apparently.

I hope so. That'll be fun to watch

It's coming with the Mueller report (successful or not). There was no way Mueller was releasing with a GOP house.

2019 will be good for dramacels.

It's finally over.

It never began

It clearly did you stupid fuck. Don't misuse this phrase ever again. It's a very serious matter.


Based and redpilled.

We have the best words, don't we folks

Wordposters have to go back.

so only ed would remain?

Yes, ed and his alts that post dinos, tay, and he like.

Reddit is exclusively Ed alts and u/spez

This but as it is.

I would f5 that sub so hard.

We really don’t. Each day I become less convinced that anyone here isn’t a frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic

roasties BTFO

What's the future like

Commies and altrighters sperging out mainly

Nothing new then

pretty good


At least I live in a first world country

Lmao america is 3rd world now

coping this hard because you wish you could eat our burgers

You're welcome for the internet btw

Cope harder fatcel

You wish you could be as fat as us

Send corn syrup.

Saying mean things on the internet won't make your country not trash 😎😎😎

It's over for shitholecels

That's why all you Americans wish you were Irish is it?

I don't think anyone wishes they were Irish lol

The true niggers of Europe.

Literally a holiday just so burgers can pretend they are 1/64th Irish and drink themselves into a coma.

Literally a holiday to celebrate the only Irish thing worth doing.

Sorry you're a bigot, but we're a melting pot.

Virgin homogeneous country vs Chad cesspool

Claiming uncontrolled migration as a win then voting a retard into office so he can build a wall around your shitehole country

Cope harder


Maybe if the UK let in more migrants, it wouldn't be terminally boring

Burgerland: the only place that is obsessed with mentioning licenses yet spergs out when someone suggests they require one for any mayo schoolkids that put an AR in their schoolbags.

Rather be shot at school than live in the UK tbqhwy fam

It's like Plato's cave except instead of sunlight you're scared of civilisation.



LOL at ur life, or whatever the UK equivalent of life is

Imagine pretending to be from the worst country in Western Europe. Even Portugal is laughing.

Lol some people's goddamn grandparents were off the boat Irishmen. Especially in the northeast, lots people aren't even mudblood. I'm like 1/4 Irish, which is why I'm so unbelievably ugly. Thanks for that.

Well they should've got off the boat and into the Atlantic mate.

Oh shit, I don't think any of my bio grandparents were born there though. Dang, that could have been my way into legally living in Spain and having 5'2" thin girls around me all day.

Wait people wish they were Irish? I know there's weaboos who wish they were Japanese but never heard anyone wanting to be Irish.

Eireboos have been a thing since The Quiet Man came out in 1952.

I like John Wayne because of his commitment to fucking firey latinas.

Not even the Irish like being Irish

Lmao why?

Who would actually enjoy living under the heel of fucking England of all people

Cause being the Canada of UK is fucking trash

It literally cost you a weeks pay to get drunk tonight

If you spend less you’re doing it wrong no matter where you are.

Implying i bought the alcohol

oh so you're a bogan

and proud of it!

You’re welcome for wifi

And who tf considers themselves civilised and cares about burgers... that’s a convenience food, not something to be proud of

Listen, I don't usually talk to criminals or their droppings, but I'll make an exception for you.


Burgers are just a beef patty sandwich and the sandwich was invented by the British, like many substandard foods.

What would a British sandwich even be? Vinegar on bread?

The first sandwich was allegedly invented by the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, who was such a compulsive gambler he asked for "bread and meat" to be brought to him at the card table rather than go to the dining room. So there you go: bread and meat. Vinegar and curry might also feature, as this is the British we're talking about.

Why didn't we nuke the UK

Scots are pretty good

They get it too

If it means ridding the world of England I guess I can compromise

No just Japan them. Imagine all the weird new shit

imagine thinking australia isn't a first world country

It isn't LOL.

A prison colony can never be first world cuntcel

maybe u should look at ur own penal colony history, m8

Sins of the father, criminal.

The only first world country is the US of A

it's zero world country

Wait, does that make it above first world or below first world?


United We Stand, Divided We NaN

No matter what, it will always be current year

Holy motherfucking ass shit when you put it like that

That's woke af

It's already current year + 4, bucko. Are you gonna clean your room this year?

You got to do that shit every year!? That’s some dedication. Is this Peterson operating a cult?

The meme caught on because of John Oliver constantly spouting the phrase in 2015. Hence the year of our Lord Current Year always having 2015 as a zero year. Doesn't take dedication, just not having the memory or attention span of a rodent.

I was under the impression 2016 was current year

Sorry, it hit KYM (dead meme status) on December 31st, 2015.

4Chan was on it a few months before that.

No, that's current year + 1

I meant cleaning my room.

I pile shit all over my house just own JP. Clean rooms are for the alt-right.



Galaxy brain tier take tbh

This but ironically

Thanks ed

7 hours for britbongs

But who cares about them nowadays?

it's all over for it's all over-cels.

It's over for cel-cels.

I'll choose 2018 anyday but there's something about this song that I like

Lyin ass nigga. It isn't even 2019 in Europe yet.

Or maybe he's from Fiji, like many pedos.


2019 doesn't start til we arrive. Exhibit a: your post.

The absolute state of 2018 in current year.

It's 2019 in China. Yet again the Middle Kingdom is numba wan.

I know way too many people here right now that I didn't know last year

Who the fuck are y'all?

I swear it feels like the last few nights we've been everywhere and back

But I just can't remember it all

What am I doing, what am I doing?

Oh, yeah, that's right.

I'm posting bussy me, I'm posting bussy I'm living life right now, man

And this what I'mma do 'til it's over

'Til it's over. Pizzashill is over. (We just open mouth tongue kissed, it went okay.)

yikes sweaty


happy new year bunch of fellow degenerates.

Let's continue our efforts to reach message of friendship and tolerance for another cycle. And laugh at those, who chose to lay on darkness. Happy New year, monseigneurs.


It's finally over for us EETcels. Happy New Year you filthy animals❤️‍💋‍

you too xx

Australia can't even GMT+12.

america, cant even GMT in the positives

2019lets lmao

cope cope cope cope cope

Pfft, fools. I live in the 2030s. You people are the ones living in the past, Eurofag.


try again amerilard

2❗️0❗️1❗️9❗️ is here BiTcHeS!!! 👸🏼🙌🏼👩🏽 Christmas cummies are gone ❌🎄❌ and Twenty 1️⃣9️⃣ is time 🕒🕜🕠 to SUCK TWENTY DICKS CLEAN!!!🍆💦🍆Pop that NEW YEARS PUSSY 💦💦💦 like you’re popping champagne 🍾🍻🍾 and get ready to get RAILED tonight!!🤗😫😏 Make sure that ball doesn’t drop 🔵❌ without two balls in your mouth 😊👅😊 so you can get all kinds of confetti in your face💦😉💦 Send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ bad bitches 😍😜 and you’re a New Years babe ☺️☺️☺️ Send this to 2️⃣0️⃣ banging bitches and you’re a naughty New Years slut 😫💦😍 Send this to 5️⃣0️⃣ of your naughtiest bitches and you’re the Mother Teresa of getting dicked!!! 🍆😜🍆 Happy New Year❗️🎉❗️🎊❗️



Don nuke this faget

Don couldn't nuke a mcdonalds sweaty

Pence will do it