1 2019-01-01 by lajnovoz
1 SnapshillBot 2019-01-01
Jews did this
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Welfare_Duke 2019-01-01
When did the bad guy from The Fifth Element become a rapper?
1 lajnovoz 2019-01-01
You gotta admit It's pretty representativie of gender dynamics in STEM universities though.
I don't speak nazi sorry.
1 STEMCel69420 2019-01-01
No it's not...
I am humbled by this epiphany, didn't realise you actually exist. What do we do now, eh?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-01-01
Jews did this
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Welfare_Duke 2019-01-01
When did the bad guy from The Fifth Element become a rapper?
1 lajnovoz 2019-01-01
You gotta admit It's pretty representativie of gender dynamics in STEM universities though.
1 Welfare_Duke 2019-01-01
I don't speak nazi sorry.
1 lajnovoz 2019-01-01
1 STEMCel69420 2019-01-01
No it's not...
1 lajnovoz 2019-01-01
I am humbled by this epiphany, didn't realise you actually exist. What do we do now, eh?