"DAE HATE FOOTBALL?!?!" WitchesVsPatriarchy combats sexism by... embodying one of the biggest female stereotypes ever? Whatever, abracadabra drama!

1  2019-01-01 by CoolBeansBussyBoi


Jews did this


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Where's the lie?

on the first date with the guy in currently dating i told him i was a feminist, and i specifically said that i was the kind that doesn’t like men and doesn’t shave, and he just said “cool, most men suck and shaving is tedious, i get it”

What is up with these self-hating cuck men?

Must have found him on r/menslib

It's imaginary. That never happened.

Lol @ you thinking these female incels aren't making shit up just to cope

Lol @ you for thinking that cucked beta self-hating men don't exist

implying i don't think men like you exist


implying i don't think men like you exist


Implying that is me


Seething aren’t you

I'm actually off to sleep.

Doesn't like men but dates men

Galaxy brain


I told my boyfriend I was feminist. He went on his own and binged half of the Handmaid's Tale and then came back for a great talk about what life is like for women. That sort of motivation to learn and grow because of someone you love is amazing. We're engaged now :)

That's what it takes to be a feminist these days? Watching half of a fantasy TV series (and not even reading the book). Jesus christ.

At least they found something to watch which isn't Harry Potter.

Handmaid tale is about white people LARPing as Muslims.

This but unironically

Wait, isn't dune pretty much the same? At least the first book.

You should look at some of the reviews on goodreads. Lot of mentions of white man savior.

How thick-headed do you have to be to read a book that was written specifically to critique the whole idea of the White Man Saviour (and the saviour in general) and get butthurt that it has a...white man saviour?

You might be giving the white man who wrote it too much credit

Well there is a desert but thats about it.

There's tons of shit...

Well drinking your own body fluids, sure.

I despair of anyone who thinks The Handmaid's Tale bears any relation at all to what life is like for actual women.

Femoids are irredeemably retarded.

I do not consider women to be actual people.

Based and redpilled.

It reminds me of when Zombie movies were big and every nerd acted like we were on the brink of a zombie outbreak.

Imagine being forced to watch a Margaret Atwood misery porn show.



This is how you end up with up a menslibber. The "do whatever you want sis, it's the evil menz who are wrong" mentality is literally the gender-swapped version of incel thought.

I'm pretty sure these women are in a recursive trap where they hate men so they only date pathetic self hating men who constantly fail them furthering their hate of men.

Abracadabra drama!



Watching any kind of sport is retarded. It's like cucking but for sport.

Nerd gtfo

I swim, fatass. Stop watching TV and start exercising.


So a sport nobody wants to watch in the first place? Cope harder, fishboy 😂😂😂😂

He might be a fish boy, but that is better than your fat ass

So a sport nobody wants to watch in the first place?

Buddy, you might be straight, but people that matter, aka bussyboi, love to watch a dozen lean men exercise and being dripping.


Watching sports is basically watching other kids chasing each other on a field while you get fatter.

Where is the stereotype that women should like sports is coming from? Women shouldn't like sports I can get but in which world are they living that men are forcing women to watch sports with them?

Also, generalising women as vapid fashion obsessed creatures in her own example.

Sports are just a way for men to avoid women, if women start liking sports, men will find something else.

Did you just invent autistics video games?

Not only did I invent them, I'm diamond league.

sub masterleague cels

This is just a bullshit Facebook tier meme, I'm surprised it doesn't have minions in the background

I fucking hate sports. I am very blunt about this but still, men will ask me "Why don't you come over and watch football with me?" No mofo I will not. I hate sports. Stop expecting me to do things I hate for you. Why do some men feel like women should alter their personalities for them?

Yeah, getting drug to shit you really ain't into by your SO is gender neutral as a motherfucker.

trying to include women in a typically make dominated thing

Fucking pig


You mean "dragged," you autist.

he's black

It's true

I thought I was dramas premier black. :(

you autist

Oh honey, bless your heart

You got me

Happy New year

Happy New Years to you too, fellow /r/Drama naut

I love when self described anarchists talk about being into fashion, the most classist industry that exists.

If I wasn't gay I'd probably kms. Imagine trying to get a gf where the average millennial women is a twox poster.

Just don't date American

Same sis. Same.

Typical for burger-land. Go to a different country. Those sorts of people are few and far inbetween.

The original thread on /r/tumble is way worse

Top comment

Straight male - I hate sports, too. It's hard to make new friends, I've had the same few basically my entire life because everyone I meet just wants to talk football and invite me over for "game day."

Also, on a slightly unrelated note, the first "game day" I was invited to I brought my N64, favorite games, and four controllers before realizing they meant football. I still wake up cringing at like 2am over that sometimes.

this is why we need gaymercide

Jesus, what hell hole does he live in? America?


As I’m starting to build my career in a professional environment, I’m noticing this play out there as well.

Guy: “I want a strong, ambitious women”

Woman: “I earn more than you, I travel for work, I may have to relocate for work in the next few years. Want to have the opportunity to work overseas with all our moving expenses paid and our visas taken care of?”

Guy: “wait no not that ambitious”

Lol ambition doesn't necessitate uprooting your whole life. It is not hypocritical to like ambition but also not be down to move to a whole different country.

Imagine knowing only how men act by watching King of the Hill.