A Danish conservative politician tried to blackmail a woke intersectional female Imam with naughty pictures of her

1  2019-01-01 by queerjihad

This is somewhat old drama but it's good, and since it took place in Denmark you guys probably haven't heard of it.

Naser Khader is a highly controversial Danish-Syrian politician. He joined an arguably radical centrist party in 2001, formed a centrist party in 2007, then he formed a liberal party in 2008 and finally joined the Conservative party in 2009. He is always controversial - he e.g. publicly suggested that Denmark should hack Russia and he claimed that evolution is obviously bullshit because monkeys still exist.

Sherin Khankan is a woke intersectional female Imam with an MA in religious studies. In 2002 she ran as a candidate for the same arguably radical centrist party as Khader did, and she was eventually kicked from the party for causing drama by refusing to sign an anti-Sharia petition, stating that she agreed with content of the petition but she didn't like that they used the term anti-Sharia. She repeatedly caused drama throughout the years, e.g. by criticizing Hizb Ut Tahrir. In 2014 she formed an organization to help female victims of domestic abuse.

In 2016 she formed a "women's Mosque" with Saliha Marie Fetteh: A Mosque where only women are allowed to pray and where all of the "Imams" are women as well. In 2017 Fetteh left the Mosque calling it "non-Muslim" and accusing Khankan of kufr due to theological disagreements. IIRC these disagreements included Khankan supporting gay marriage.

Drama ensued fucking everywhere. This neckbeard atheist retard intentionally misread one sentence from one of Sherin's 6 year old articles and used it to portray her as a radical Islamic Salafist sympathizer. Rumours started spreading. Some people actually ate the bait and started to think that the intersectional feminist who rarely wears a Hijab agrees with ISIS.

Khankan claimed that Naser Khader used to be in love with her but she rejected him (I can't blame her for rejecting him). A couple of days later she uploaded this text message she got from Naser Khader. He essentially accuses her of lying about him proposing to her, and then he casually threatens to release "the cute messages and pictures you sent me" if she doesn't stop lying, and the tone in the message sort of implies that those are some naughty pictures.

The metoo movement somehow gets involved. Khader uploads a cringy long-ass Facebook post that I wish y'all could read but I'm too lazy to translate it. In it he claims that the pictures weren't naughty but merely proof that she had feelings for him too. Then he accuses her of being a whiny radical Islamist (note: Khader is Muslim too). He wrote that she used to encourage small kids to go on Jihad in MENA, that she staged a school play in which the Prophet Muhammed beats up Christmas elves and that she cooperates with Hizb Ut Tahrir (the very organization she's been heavily critizing for a decade). Finally he accuses Khankan of bringing up personal matters rather than keeping the discussion civil... even though he's the one who brought up the pictures that may or may not be nudes.


You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


  1. Naser Khader - Outline

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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Naser Khader - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. Sherin Khankan - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  4. Saliha Marie Fetteh - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  5. This neckbeard atheist retard - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  6. this text message - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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A hijab would be useful for covering her fivehead.

Oh shut up she's fucking gorgeous

She looks like a plastic sex doll about to rise up.

Send nudes

That this effortpost goes unnoticed is tragic.

This is great. As I read through this, I found myself wondering what the world looks like to Khader. In what universe is any of this material to be divulged to the public? How does he see Khankan and how does me manage to generate the absurd unreal personality he’s clearly projected upon her? Incredible stuff.

Khader truly is one of a kind. Not only does the Wikipedia article about him have an entire section dedicated to controversies involving him: That section is located before the sections about books he's written and prizes he's received (including a prize for "peace and intercultural understanding" lmfao)

The weiderst thing about all of this IMO is that he and others chose to portray Khankan as a salafist and actually succeeded in doing so. That's like claiming that Richard Spencer is an SJW.

I watched a documentary about one of the two parties he formed. His brainlet levels blew my mind. He was e.g. repeatedly told by his spin doctor to say a very specific phrase at an upcoming debate that was going to be broadcasted live... it was something along the lines of "we have not decided on which parties we will cooperate with in parliament yet, however we do agree with The Liberal Party on several issues and thus we will likely support a government led by that party if they agree to [a list of 5 demands]". The spin doctor made him recite that exact sentence countless times as practice because it was so god damn important. Then at the debate he just phrased it as "we support a government led by The Liberal Party", which (along with countless other fuck-ups made by Khader) led to his party's popularity plummeting.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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did u just assume my gender

smh its 2019 u cant do that dumb bot

So are you a liberal or a socialist?

Neither, sweetie. But that's not really relevant, is it? Even many conservatives dislike Khader.

Apparently going on your phone is wasting your trip

But Richard Spencer is a plant, nothing more than controlled opposition and therefore is an SJW. How well do you really know Khankan? Has she sent you nudes?

If she sent me nudes, I wouldn't even look at them. Gussy is haram.

That anyone is embarrassed by nudity in Denmark is shocking.

Why is it all the cold, miserable and damp parts of Europe where everyone likes to get naked?

Seen a lotta tittays on the Riviera.

My guess is the temperature difference between outside and inside combined with the privacy differential. You walk in with a lot of layers from the cold and now you're overly warm and private so you disrobe more than you would with a smaller differential.

Nah there just aren't any rude Italians in the North to yell about them titties so no one gives a shit.

damn I want 2 bone an arab gurl

Too bad the feeling isn't mutual.

Hmmmm I bet I could find an Arab hoe without much work

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(note: Khader is Muslim too)

I'm sure everybody here caught on to that.

So Khankan is on the opposite side of crazy scale compared to Khader and Fetteh?

So on who's side is the general opinion? I want to know how Danish are throwing shit because of this.

I don't really know if Fetteh is crazy but Khader and Khankan definitely are.

I think most people disagree with both sides. Everyone on the left and most on the right don't like Khader. Some populists and anti-immigration conservatives like Khader though: Rasmus Paludan (a guy who talks shit about Muslims to their face and then records their angry reactions as "proof" that Muslims are intolerant) has e.g. called him "the only good Muslim in Denmark".

People don't really like Khankan either: Some dislike her because her she's a feminist and others dislike her because they think she's basically ISIS. And some atheists hate her just because she's religious.

Sounds like a trainwreck.

I hate everyone involved in this because they're either Danish, Muslim, a politician, or post on Twitter.

Begone Swedethot

He already said muslim

Some dislike her because her she's a feminist and others dislike her because they think she's basically ISIS. And some atheists hate her just because she's religious

Is she /ourgirl/ ?

Both Khankan and Khader deserve to become /r/drama mods.

Fetteh is the worst of the bunch, and an actual islamist

Oh yeah, I knew enough about her to know that I disagree with her. She's a convert, loves talking about women and Islam, and she considers Khankan's interfaith marriages to be kufr (most conservative scholars think it's ok for Muslim men to marry Christian women but that Muslim women shouldn't marry Christian men. Khankan performs ceremonies for both types of interfaith marriages). I don't really know much else about her views but converts tend to be very conservative.

That sounds like an Islamist to me, anybody who truly gives a shit about "kufr" is an islamist.

And being a convert doubles down on my assertion of her being the worst of the bunch.

we’re reaching levels of stupidity that shouldn’t be possible

Hell hath no furry like a Muslim man rejected by a female with no burka on.

This but seriously.

ll hath no furry

bullshit, hell hath all the furries, because they yiff in hell

He is a supreme gentleman, not a furry

Muslim men are the og incels. That's why they are so good at killing, sperging and raping.

The correct term is Volcel you unbelieving kafir bastard.

all incels are volcels

the only men who truly are unable to get gussy don't identify as incels

change my mind

no, incels really do have such atrocious personalities that they can't get a girl to touch their penis.

"volcels" don't exist they are incels who have given up or claim it's voluntary to save face

You can change your personality. Incels choose not to.

Noone identifies as volcel. There are volcel people (e.g. monks) but they don't use incel terms.

The only people who can't get laid at all are people with severe physical handicaps or something like Downs syndrome.

or something like Downs syndrome.

They get laid plenty

I'm saving this post in order to read it under a confy blanket

In 2016 she formed a "women's Mosque" with Saliha Marie Fetteh: A Mosque where only women are allowed to pray

these disagreements included Khankan supporting gay marriage.

Wait she thought her women only mosque would be conducting straight marriages? Galaxy brain right there.

They wouldn't perform marriages

The mosque didn't and AFAIK still doesn't conduct gay marriages - Khankan just supports LGBT rights from a secular POV (though I wouldn't be surprised if she started conducting gay marriages). I've read some more stuff about the situation since I wrote the post, and it appears that the main thing that made Fetteh leave was Khankan conducting interfaith marriages between Muslim women and Christian men.

Terminator should've been about going back and killing the people responsible for the internet. At least then I'd be able to get a job sucking dick and actually feel shameful about it.

I love how these Scandinavian lesbian feminist imams with a congregation of 6 are mysteriously always on TV explaining to the general public how compatible True Islam tm is with Western society

Good effortpost btw

Good for them. Maybe we should start funding them like the Saudis do with the crazy right-wing islam.

Isn't that Macron's plan? IIRC he's been working on making it so that Imams will be trained in France in the future rather than being imported from MENA areas. He even met with Khankan to discuss it.

The party that Khankan used to be a member of supports making a Danish government-approved Imam education. But that's obviously a highly controversial opinion.

Why don't we skip the hundreds of years of schism and inquisitions and wars and jump straight ahead to no religion. But that would require offending people.

tips fedora

I’m surprised that Muslims would allow a woman to be an imam instead of only a mom.

Allowing Muslims into your country... shame, Denmark.

IIRC the organization (known as Exitcirklen) was originally supposed to help Muslim women but it quickly turned into an organization that helps all sorts of women.

How awful

how so?

supporting white gussy

Khader thinks man was created by God and his reasoning for this claim is the idea that apes still exist so therefore we couldn't have evolved from apes. And this is in a country where 95% do believe in evolution.

He expressed it as "If monkeys are our ancestors, then why do monkeys still exist today? And when will they evolve to become humans too?"

he e.g. publicly suggested that Denmark should hack Russia and he claimed that evolution is obviously bullshit because monkeys still exist.

The moment I read this, I knew this was going to be fun.

I thought Denmark was the place everyone popped anti-depressants and reminisced about the good ole days over danishes?

that she staged a school play in which the Prophet Muhammed beats up Christmas elves

this chick is kind of hot tbh

she staged a school play in which the Prophet Muhammed beats up Christmas elves

This unironically sounds like the best school play of all time.

Khankan was a teacher at a Muslim private school in 2006-2007, which ended up closing in 2017 after a controversy because some of the teachers at the school supposedly supported Hezbollah. Khader claims that Khankan is just like those radical Islamic pro-Hezbollah teachers because one of Khankan's former colleagues supposedly told Khader that the 3rd grade class she was teaching in 2006 staged that play for Christmas. The principal supposedly played Muhammed and the elves were played by some of the kids.

Wait, the principal of the school staged a play in which the principal beat up schoolkids dressed as elves?

This just gets better all the time. I hope that was some WWE-meets-MMA shit. Powerbombing elves from the top rope, etc.

probably just a way for him to relax after a year trying to herd the little fuckers

It sounds cool but all we know about it stems from Khader's rant. I don't know who staged it or what the exact plot was. Khader only writes that the play ended with the Prophet Muhammed (played by the principal) beating up all of the elves (played by 3rd graders).

It honestly sounds like something that an edgy atheist would make to criticize religion and then it'd end up being accused of islamophobia.

Wouldn't dressing up as Mohammed be "portraying" him and super-mega haram to conservative Islam? Isn't this more proof that she's basically the chill fun kind of muzzie?

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I could at least understand it if people had portrayed her as a crazy radical intersectional feminazi SJW or something like that. Calling her a radical anti-democratic Islamist is really weird.

Muslims rioted over a movie called The Message (starring Anthony Quinn) about the life of Muhammad, even though Muhammad isn’t actually shown in the movie. It’s really just people in the time of Muhammad reacting to Islam, and in scenes with Muhammad you don’t see or hear him, and the characters look at the camera and repeat his response the same way Steve from Blues Clues talks to the kids

Aren't Muslims generally against depictions of the prophet? It sounds much more sacrelige than religious.

The principal played Muhammed and the elves were played by some of the kids.

So a grown up man dressed up as mohammed (isn't that haram ?) and proceeded to beat up kids ?

And you aren't making a post just for that ?

I want to see it. hell i'd pay to see that.

Lol all of this is happening in Denmark? goodnight Western world


You know it's over for Europe when alien politicians are fighting other alien politicians.

Tbf Khankan is only half Syrian, and Khader has been described as a coconut: brown on the outside but white on the inside.

They both sound pretty retarded to me m8

look I came here for the naughty pictures so post em

Naser Khader keeps them in a box, according to his text. Try sending him a message on Facebook or breaking into his house if you wanna see them.

Tbh I wouldn't even be that surprised if someone made a fake Khankan account and succeeded in catfishing him and getting him to share the pictures that he claims to have. He's that dumb.

Also, you should be ashamed of yourself for asking for gussy nudes. It's 2019, you're only allowed to enjoy bussy now.