Medical student burns every bridge past, present, and future because UVa made him sit through a lecture on microaggressions

1  2019-01-01 by shaneoffline


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American universities were a mistake

What's with American Universities having so much shit completely unrelated to what they're actually studying?

It could easily be sold as a part of improving bedside manner. Hey, people are sensitive to some of this stuff, be aware.

But it seems like they brought in a ph.d in microaggressions and I think that's hilarious.

What's better is that after the lecture, which it seems like he was well in line, he spent the next month antagonizing the university leading up to a meltdown during a conduct hearing.

ph.d in microaggressions

Fucking Christ.


spent the next month

Double fucking Christ.

Learning to chameleon is like the number one skill for any uni student. Nod along with the microaggressions lecturer, go home and rinse your brain out, next day it never happened. It's not hard.

It gets better. He actively posts in these threads as u/redpillpub and he's taken his story to 4chan

Some quality fanfic in here:

There's more libertarians, people that actually work, intelligent people, business owners, etc on /pol/ than people realize. Been posting on /b/ then /pol/ since I was very young. Lots of /pol/ posters in my engineering classes. Now run my own business and I still shit post on /pol/ in my office while my assistant brings me coffee thinking I'm doing important work (I am, I'm posting on /pol/). You'd be surprised how many chan people there are next to you and they're not incels, I can tell you that. The incel meme needs to disappear as it only applies to 16 year old faggots on here who are just confused and lost while attending some shit-tier public school full of spics or niggers (I know how it feels, it will get better).

But as for us libertarians, we went full on racist like Molyneux.

hahahaha this is great fucking pasta

There's more libertarians, people that actually work, intelligent people, business owners, etc on r/Drama than people realize. Been posting on r/Drama since I was very young. Lots of r/Drama posters in my engineering classes. Now run my own business and I still shit post on r/Drama in my office while my assistant brings me coffee thinking I'm doing important work (I am, I'm posting on r/Drama). You'd be surprised how many chan people there are next to you and they're not incels, I can tell you that. The incel meme needs to disappear as it only applies to 16 year old faggots on here who are just confused and lost while attending some shit-tier public school full of spics or niggers (I know how it feels, it will get better).

But as for us libertarians, we went full on racist like Molyneux.

There's nothing more destructive to the lolbertarian agenda than full-blown race realist spergs like this asshole.

I should gift him my username, as he truly deserves the title.

lol spergs, post on r/drama about le mayocide to show you don't give a fuck like the cool people!

unironically, why would you care about your so-called "race"?

I've said it before and I'll say it again Ayn Rand said nothing wrong when referring to lolbertarians.

I don't think that's completely untrue, and I think it's probably something people should be concerned about. Have you seen the numbers on how many fucking male virgins there are now? Any guy that's still a virgin after like twenty is probably bitter and fucked up for life.

Most of these guys will graduate having bitten their tongue through all of this shit. Living a secret life, "concealing your power level", and otherwise having live a lie can lead to instability and deviousness, like with the gays and the whole closet thing. Makes them sneaky and crazy.

I genuinely think we may have an incel time bomb waiting to go off at some point from a societal perspective. If we're going to survive as a nation males who haven't had sex by 22 for any reason aside from genuine religious conviction must be forcefully transitioned in a practice girl (male).

Have you seen the numbers on how many fucking male virgins there are now?

Wait, are there actually numbers on this now? I’m willing to believe it’s bad, of course, and I think there is something to the argument that excessive violent media desensitizes you to violence and excessive video gaming can make you dissociative.

It’s probably gonna a good idea to make a note of where the nearest exit is if you’re in the States and you go to a bar, or school, or church, or the movies, or a Madden tournament.

I'm just going to put it out there that referring to the people judging you as a slur may not encourage them to do you any favours.

lmao I think this guy might legitimately be on the spectrum.

Why should this be acceptable?

Because being able to listen patiently and respectfully to bullshit is a core skill for being a physician/working in healthcare. Patients bullshit their doctors all the time, so anyone hoping to be a successful doc can't respond to this by absolutely losing their shit.

So like if someone asks me a skeptical question and my first impulse is to start building a case against that person to ruin his life, that would obviously make me pretty qualified to be a doctor, right?

You should ask these questions to your boss, during the next all-staff meeting. Report back here.

Idk what a manager at Taco Bell's opinion on this really matters

I went ahead and checked, and she wants to know if I'm "done writing that memory mapped index." Not sure what that has to do with it tbh.

Sounds like she's swallowed the feminist propaganda. You should engage her in logical debate during a meeting.

Wait, are you the UVA student who got b& from campus or what? I've seen you posting all over about this shit and just a bit confused on you're role/relation is all. Btw, this guy has potential to be another Skyler Itner which is awesome.

Yeah, I'm him. How did you figure it out?

I'd drop it imo though fuck them, you're right in a lot of cases.

I'm not really him, by the way. I'm just the guy who made many (most?) of the 4chan posts.

By the way, if he has a lawyer who needs me to make some statement, I'd actually be happy.

If I were your lawyer, I'd tell you to shut your stupid mouth by yesterday, stay off the internet, and look high and low for a shrink who'd be willing to swear that your behavior was the result of an untreated manic episode.

Doge account?

It got wiped out in the Great Dogecoin Crash of 2016.

lol ur claiming 2 not be him in the other thread


Fuckin’ code monkeys thinking they’re people.

done writing that memory mapped index

So clearly you've never written code beyond what is required for class.

He goes to all-staff meetings 😝

Was the panel that you sperged out at a required lecture or an optional panel?

Could you please not talk me until you can keep the hypothetical consistent in your dumb brain?

Could you please not talk me until you can keep the hypothetical consistent in your dumb brain?


That was perfectly intelligible English you embarassing moron.

I'm sorry, I don't speak retard as well as you

He was sperging out in the SRD thread too, until (((BroboxylicAcid))) ended the fun.


Maybe, but people in manic episodes aren't good writers anyway. And for the school to order him to undergo a psych eval in order to keep taking classes, he must have acted out in a really disturbing way.

Oh dear, your CARS score wasn’t very good, was it?

I think I scored a 3. Is that good?


Could you please become a regular here?

mod this man

I just want to commend the /r/Drama community for not downvoting the prize-lolcow.

You're welcome, and you always have a voice here even if it does sound retarded.

Know what else I have? A future, in the medical profession.

Cool, I'll be sure to shit really good for you the night before.


That's how people die.


Reminds me how decades worth of fire analyst was proven to be bullshit and that countless people went to prison because people fell in line.

You don't have to do the dumb things patients ask of you, but you still have to be respectful toward them when they're bullshitting you

Pretty much this. You nod along, pretend to take some notes and act like you give a shit when they are bullshitting you.

Was it disproven through hard work and evidence or by sperging randomly?

So would you allow a Nazi lecture since the students have to learn to listen to bullshit and stay collected and calm

Right yeah, so they had a Christian fundamentalist preacher come right after to make sure all the shitty leftists like you could stay calm and not "lose their shit" right?

REEEEEE leftists are the reason this sperg made a fool of himself so hard he got kicked out of med school

And she answered his questions, he just decided to get hostile and defensive for no fucking reason

Learning to chameleon is like the number one skill for any uni student. Nod along with the microaggressions lecturer, go home and rinse your brain out, next day it never happened. It's not hard.

This guy is super retarded for not doing what you say but this does sound like it's coming right out if a dystopian novel.

Or a message board full of spectrumcels

"Ignoring things you don't like or believe" is hardly dystopian

Sitting in boring ass meetings and learning to ignore it is like 90% of corporate life.

I can't imagine it's healthy for us as a society that so many men are living like this. Look at how sneaky and unstable being forced to live in the closet made gay people.

This is literally what turned Jordan Memerson from a boring Canadian shrink into a cult leader.

It was a seminar actually. It might have been voluntary on his part to attend the microaggressions seminar.

A surgeon was absolutely devastated by a microaggression and it genuinely affected her.

lmfao i can't even imagine being so thin skinned

I can but what I can't imagine is someone who is in a job where lives are on the line having that thin of skin. This surgeon must not deal at all with patients and be like a helper.

It's even more ridiculous considering the "microagressor" was a patient. Just go along with everything they say or don't take it seriously, because these people are in distress and usually not in their right minds, ffs basics of health professionals

how are you supposed to get social credit for being a minority if you can't tell a story about this one time you were devastatingly oppressed?


training to be a surgeon involves spending about 14 hours a day getting called a useless fuckwit by dysfunctional boomers displacing their anxiety about their heroin addict children and pending 3rd divorce, which is to say actual overt aggression, and medical students/residents are expected to just deal with it. but I'm really sure it hurt that this patient belittled them for being black/female/gay/who gives a shit.

Listening to her chock up over retelling a story about a patient calling her hun is kind of hilarious

I came to an interesting realization while doing my surgery rotation. First, that surgeons really are dicks. All the students in my rotation had at least one story about getting ripped on by an attending during a procedure. Obviously we would all bitch to each other when we had the chance, but the guys and girls disagreed on the magnitude of the problem. The guys’ stance was basically, “what a bunch of jerks” while some of the girls wanted to take it further. One girl was trying to convince me to submit a complaint about an incident I’d had with one of the surgeons. After missed one of his question he paused the procedure, told all the OR nurses put their tools down, articulated every possible combination of words conveying how incompetent I was, and then continued to mock me for the rest of the surgery. I told her I thought it had been a little uncalled for, but not a big enough deal to get the attending in trouble. After talking about it some more, she concluded that the surgeons were obviously treating the girls much worse than the guys. Her friends agreed when she brought it up later, and they ended up making a complaint about mistreatment and sexual discrimination to our clerkship coordinator.

Anyways, what I realized is that the girl I talked with had never been mocked to her face like that before. For guys, tearing someone down and humiliating them in front of all their friends is just how we say hello. She felt like she was being treated differently, and she was partially right. It’s just that she was being treated differently than what she had grown to expect, and wasn’t used to guys talking to her the same way they talk to other guys. I’m sure sexism towards women in the workplace exists to some extent, but the cultural expectation that women should be treated kinder plays a big role too.


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Has LongPostBot been Ed this whole time?

I am Ed, We are all Ed.(read it in Negan's voice)


You're also in a field where if you fuck up, someone can die. So he also has a right to rip you a new one if you're a med student not paying attention.

I agree with you. Like I said, I think the surgeons were bigger dicks about our mistakes than was necessary, but I get why they do it. I’m certainly not gonna demand that they need to be nicer. That was the crux of the difference between the guys and girls. For the girls it was like an unwritten rule had been violated, and ripping on them in front of their peers had crossed a line. For the guys it was just a bit overkill. In my case, I went up to the surgeon after and apologized for being so ignorant (he’d said he deserved an apology for that during his rant) and he laughed. We got along really well the rest of the rotation.

Anyways, my point is that a lot of the uproar over mistreatment in the workplace stems from different expectations on how people should be treated rather than differences in how they actually are treated.

Anyways, my point is that a lot of the uproar over mistreatment in the workplace stems from different expectations on how people should be treated rather than differences in how they actually are treated.

Female soldiers, especially overseas, are seriously awful about this kind of shit which is surprising since they voluntarily signed up.

In my case, I went up to the surgeon after and apologized for being so ignorant (he’d said he deserved an apology for it during his rant) and he laughed. We got along really well the rest of the rotation.

Man you're a real servile pussy huh. Sounds like the women had a lot more balls than you did and actually stood up to that cunt.

Girls are just as, if not way more savage than boys are towards one another.

The thesis that girls among themselves are all nice and supportive while boys are comptitive and adversarial is an old and disproven canard.

But they pretend they aren't and have a hard time taking it, with out holding petty grudges

Right, whereas boys take rejection and criticism from girls just great, and let it roll off their back. Definitely no lifelong grudges against foids to be found anywhere.

I don't know why some people can't just hold their tongues when it's expected of them. At my school, people can and do express dissent about the SJW-ish tendencies in academia, and as long as you aren't asocial moron, you can do this without being "persecuted." Besides, all medical schools will waste at least some of your time with talks that have little to do with medicine. Although it sounds like this wasn't even such a talk, but an optional thing that he gate-crashed.

but an optional thing that he gate-crashed.

Sees microaggressions seminar on flyer


Imagine being such a sperg that even watermark looks down on you.

I don't know why some people can't just hold their tongues when it's expected of them.

I don't know . . . isn't that how we got to this point? Where people can get in trouble for saying something like "men have penises" and the whole student body will pretend to be horrified and offended?

At my school, people can and do express dissent about the SJW-ish tendencies in academia, and as long as you aren't asocial moron, you can do this without being "persecuted."

it's all good as long as you tiptoe around those angry trannies

can't even call black classmates niggers, it's as if you have to tiptoe around them

I mean you don't go around calling people the N word, but my God the absolute spergouts at racial jokes is no fucking better.

Maybe if we start putting a goddamn level system on what's the worst things you can say and what's not that bad, it would be okay.

As it stands, saying you'll "put Velcro on the ceiling" as opposed to just saying the N word, they're just a little different, right?

Yeah, transgender people are disproportionately likely to be patients because of the inherent challenges of gender reassignment and rampant mental health issues. I don’t care if you don’t want to date a chick with a dick, but if you’re enough of a sperg to call your patients “trannies” in a professional setting, the medical profession is going to rightly see you as a malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen, not just because of transgender issues, but because you’re a poorly socialized sperg who probably can’t be trusted with people’s protected health information.

Wew drama get cross posted or something? What's with all the downvotes and seriousposting? You guys are boring today

>it's not seriousposting when I do it

I don't often seriouspost drama unless I'm seriously fucking bored. I sure didn't in this thread. So as a wise man once said, get the fuck out of here with that weak shit.

This is genuinely discriminatory against autists though. Is that a good👏🏿thing👏🏿?


I've never heard anyone who wasn't a professional engage in a public political debate without sounding like a sperg.

A surgeon was absolutely devastated by a microaggression and it genuinely affected her.

And letting people cut into you who get completed "devastated" by insensitive words is a good idea, because???

Because they're probably really good at it. Are you really this retarded?

Right, because someone who can't handle an insensitive comment is totally not going to crack under the pressure of having someone open on the operating table.

Either xir protests too much and wasn't actually "devastated" at all and simply wanted the oppression points, or they're a malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen.

The only person I see sperging out over insensitive comments is you

Ur just a loser who wants to believe that you could replace this person

The reality is that some people are sensitive. The training process is a fucking bitch and theres no way someone incapable of handling pressure is getting a surgical position, at all. They can go home and cry later but who ever at the table is there because they're good you fucking sperg

Atagonizing them how? Seems like he just refused to go to the psych evaluation they were demanding he attend before going back to classes. I'd probably do the same, tbh.

That surgeon needs to grow some balls if that's what wrecked her emotionally

A surgeon was absolutely devastated by a microaggression and it genuinely affected her.

oof, I would hate to go under her knife.

Dealing with people and getting them to feel comforcomingnin for medical advice/care isn’t really unrelated to being a doctor.

Nobody cares, stop defending this shit waste of tuition money.

Are you even qualified to face problems like this?

I never had micro aggression training in college.

Maybe that's why you feel the need to post here?

Could also be why he's not a gigantic sopping pussy like you?

Ouch, that's a .89 on the microagression to aggression scale.

You could use some classes.

Oh my god, this stupid lecture was an optional guest speaker for a student org, can the outrage.

that's basic medical psychology.
"microaggressions" are a meme and weren't even mentioned in my (european) curse. telling bad news consists of giving the right amount of information and looking like you care about the patient, not remembering the 52 pronouns of the pink hair in front of you.

Because they are the patient zero in the peer review scandal that has lead to thousands of utterly unqualified 'professionals' in academic fields that deserve about as much credibility as any field that takes zodiac signs seriously.

This isn't just med school, so the replies saying "bed side manner" are BS.

When I entered university I had to sit in a circle on the ground and write about a time I felt oppressed and then we all had to go around and listen to each other's oppression, then they talked about the standard checking your privledge, etc etc. It really is just indoctrination as far as I am concerned.

That circle's name?

Albert Einstein.

I don't know if you went to a state school, but this stuff is absolutely routine at private colleges and universities and has been for decades.

I remember having to sit through a lecture called "Can I Kiss You" and another one about "New Masculinity" as part of orientation for my university, and being required by the specific college I was in to take at least two courses from a list that would make Howard Zinn blush.

And this was a decade ago, before feminism and socialism came back in vogue.

I had to sit through a lecture called "Can I Kiss You" (it was exactly as it sounds)

Was Joe Namath the professor?

He probably thought he was back in the 60s

God, I remember that. It was hard to watch but was immediately funny.

RIP kissingsuzykolber, one of the funniest sports blogs ever. fucking uproxx is trash


What was the "new masculinity" one about? I imagine it was about having traditional masculinity tropes seen as toxic and traditional femininity tropes seen as the new masculine.

They brought in an author who talked on basically a mix of that and a watered down "Mythopoetic Mens Movement." You're in the ballpark.

You probably went to a state school because there's nothing unbelievable about this in private colleges and universities

As I suspected, letting the government do everything (AKA demonKKKrat socialism) is the best way to go, and privatization is cancer.

If the government cut down on student loan subsidies we'd certainly see a lot less enrollment in these easy-to-pass programs. Lot of people going to college right now just to have the degree because easy credit has made it an expectation.

Not surprising at all that employees of private companies raking in regulatory capture money would support bigger government.

If the government cut down on student loan subsidies we'd certainly see a lot less enrollment in these easy-to-pass programs

Why do you hate people for pursuing their dreams?

Is it really your dream to have to spend four years jumping through pointless hoops to get a well-paying job in your field?

It really is a dream to imagine that well-paying jobs will go to people who haven't gone to college if we stop subsidizing it. They'll just go deeper into debt to go.

pointless hoops

Just teach yourself civil engineering online, retard! No one cares if you have an accredited degree or not. It's pointless anyway.

The state universities get the same student loans. They are not "subsidies" btw. They have to be paid back in full. Unlike any other type of debt in existence besides fines you got from committing a criminal felony or something like that, it's also totally non-discharable.

They are not "subsidies" btw. They have to be paid back in full.

They are subsidized loans you retard. The government pays the interest on the loan while you are in school and during your grace period.

They have subsidized interest rates and are offered to students that wouldn't otherwise get loans that cover skyrocketing private school tuition. If a borrower later defaults on the loan, it's sold for pennies on the dollar to a collecting company - the taxpayer never gets that money back.

It's subsidized.

They are not "subsidies" btw.

The borrower receives a below-market interest rate due to the government guarantee to repay the lender if the borrower defaults. That's absolutely a subsidy.

Wait, why am I attempting to argue about economics with someone with "Marx" right in their username?

Unlike any other type of debt in existence besides fines you got from committing a criminal felony or something like that

There's a bunch of different kinds of debts you can't discharge through bankruptcy but student loans are pretty unique in that the reason you can't discharge them isn't because you acquired the debt through a bad faith action. It's just because the banks managed to lobby Congress to not allow them to be discharged.

This but totally unironically.

My state school students are always streets ahead of the private school fuckwits, with few exceptions

an example of this:

a guy tried to burn an american flag in the middle of campus at LSU when I was there, and a bunch of students threw water balloons full of piss at him

this was like 6 years ago haha

I'm concerned that they had piss baloons ready.

as I remember it, he'd announced beforehand that he was going to do it, so people showed up ready for the good stuff

I go to what is probably the most liberal school in the country that you can still get a job after graduating from.

There was tons of shit like that, but not a single one was required and most were only shared through, like, facebook groups and word of mouth. Maybe a poster or two.

Considering the amount of efforts you're going through to cuck the libtards though made-up stories may I suggest either running for president or offing yourself?

Guessing Hampshire or SLC? Good luck wit those student loans those places are expensive

I mean student rape may not be a big thing statistically but it's a popular thing right now and if you want people to come to your school you have to make them not scared of rape, justified or not. You can call it morale boosting if it makes you feel better.

I mean, my college is liberal and private and it doesn't do the thing you say they're doing in private liberal colleges so I don't know what to tell you.

Yeah, deleted my comment instead of editing it, was being kind of a prick in it and didn'tou had replied already

Never said "all private colleges do this" just that it's perfectly plausible that one does

Yeah, but like, can you give a single real verifiable example? Just like, a single mandatory SJW lecture?

Brandeis dude. The "Can I Kiss You" lecture I referenced. That's where (((I))) went.

Bullshit! Link me! It was mandatory?

Give me a minute to see if I can dig up credentials to my college e-mail. It's been a very very long time.


can't find em and I don't think the school IT staff are working right now.

you'll have to settle for this alumni e-mail showing I'm not lying about going to Brandeis and this pdf from the program referencing that sometimes students are required to attend the program and that it happened at Brandeis.

I believe you're going to Brandeis (well either that or a family member who doesn't lock their computer is) but which page is the part about requiring attendance on? That thing is waaaay to long for me to care about.

Wait..... Did you sexually assault someone and they made you take this course?

Nah, it was a mandatory part of orientation for all students. It was a big joke to us, mostly.

I'm equally open to both possibilities.

That's called as sexual consent lecture. It's pretty standard but it seems like the message might have gone above your head.

Yeah, for the overreaching insane feminist standards of consent. Feminism just means women are equal and that if you bet wrong on going in for a kiss after a date you should be carted away for sexual assault.

That's just the name of it. It covers consent.

I was there dude, there's a reason that's the name of it because it said that even for kissing you always need explicit consent

Google the name of that first talk, I wish I was making this up

Why would someone post twice and then edit the first with the same comment? It's so autistic I wish I was making this up

You probably went to a state school because there's nothing unbelievable about this in private colleges and universities.

If it's a private college they can do whatever the fuck they want to and your concerns are even less justified

When did I say they should be banned from doing this? Deplatforming isn't my thing.

I had a new-student-week lecture where the college warned white guys about asking-out black girls women. Doing so would "recapitulate the oppressive structures of Colonialism and Slavery." And this was the 1990s (my undergraduate school was a little ahead of the curve on being retardedly woke).


I had to sit through something similar at my private school although, I think was because it was facing a title 9 lawsuit at the time, lol.


Shit like that happens. I had a communist progessor who's class was pretty much "communism propaganda 101". It was fucked up.

Damn I would've loved if I had a communist professor. I had one weirdo who just randomly declared that we should nuke Iraq one day (in 2008 when we were literally occupying Iraq, just nuke it I guess for fun even though we literally own it).


Yeah swing and a miss ... I went through this shit and it is even worse than what he wrote.

I didn't have to do any of that in college

I graduated in 2013 but I don't imagine that the world has completely and totally changed since then

This is also why college is so expensive now.

Actually it's because how do you think Soros gets his money to go to the caravan? That's right. The reptilians controlling the universities.

I had to do this and "don't do rape" training. It is not as bad you make it out to be. Just sit in the class, do your minimum effort, and be done with it in your first semester. For fucks sake, that's what the instructors expect.

You may actually learn something. Or, you'll use the lull to reset over all the engineering classes that will crush you alive.

What’s really ridiculous is if he did the same thing in a lecture about actual medical shit, there’s no way he would be suspended. At worst he would fail that attending’s eval.

My med school never did a lecture on microaggressions, but they did do one on student mistreatment. They played a video to give give an example where an attending kinda being a jerk. For instance, the student got pimped on the Virchow’s triad and when he didn’t know the attending asked, “What are the even teaching you in med school nowadays”? After the video our Vice Dean asked us, “Who do you think you should report this to?” Not whether we should report it, but who we should report it to. It’s so ridiculous. If you can’t even handle that minimum level of dickishness, you’re going to have a really hard time as a physician actually working in a hospital.

Maybe they meant the malpractice. Like, report them for being terrible at their job.

Like I said in an earlier post: if you're in healthcare you need to know what you are doing otherwise people die. You should expect to get chewed out if you fuck up

I don’t know if you’re directing this at me, but like I said in my other reply I agree. Being a tool about a wrong answer isn’t necessarily as helpful for learning as explaining the rationale behind the correct answer, but it is helpful for preparing students to deal with some of the patients and coworkers they’re going to encounter later on.

Oh crap, didn't realize I responded to you up there

yeah i came to confirm a "microaggressions lecture" was a real thing lol

Imagine the special kind of stupid you have to be for /r/Drama to side with the microagressions lady over you.

its not because of the stupid though is it lets be honest

youre just trying to rage against righties that dont like the idea of such lectures and youre willing to side with really faggy shit to do it

Mate I hate the idea of such lectures. I wouldn't be on /r/Drama if I liked them. But I refuse to believe that you listened to any of those recordings and didn't immediately want to shove this kid down a flight of stairs.

no i mean i didnt listen to the recordings so youre right in that aspect

i just think all marxist faggotry should be outright banned from places of education and nobody can be obnoxious enough for me to ironically pretend to support it

I don't fucking know, i get depressed sometimes when i think about all the pointless classes i took.

Because the classes are still paid for.

Academia is useful, but at its core, it’s a racket. They force you to pay for these “elective” courses to (in theory) create a well rounded graduate, but in reality, it’s because to get you to pay for more courses.

They aren’t even truly electives. Most schools divide these courses into different categories like Diversity, Cultural, Literature, History, Art, etc. and in order to graduate, you’re forced to complete least one elective in each category. It doesn’t matter if you’re a computer science major, an art major, a math major, or whatever, you must complete a course in each of the categories.

Also, most of these classes are extremely similar in content and tone, regardless of what category they’re in. You might be taking a course on European literature, or a course on race in America, or a course on jazz music, but professors are going to preach about whatever social injustice or political topic they feel like.

This isn’t even including the mandatory English courses that are built into each undergrad major. I was a math and math education major, and in total, I took about nine classes that were totally useless. That’s a whole fucking year of classes that I had to pay for, study for, and complete.

It makes no sense until you remember that these professors who teach these classes are incentivized to bloat schedules so they can keep their jobs. Their expertise is useless in the real world, so without academia, they’d be fucked. College administrations are also incentivized to do this because of the money.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I fucking love you.

You didn’t actual go to college or do you have the tism?

He was a math major. Of course he has the tism.

Sorry you got suckered into taking classes you didn't have to and that you're too dumb to tailor your schedule to your major.

It’s the case for every undergrad. Three English classes (I could’ve tested out of one but I’m retarded), five required “general education” electives, then one class specified in my major that had good intentions but was ultimately worthless.

I got off easy compared to everyone else that I’ve talked to about this. Other schools in my area have way worse requirements.

It’s not like I got nothing out of some of these classes, and at least two of them were memorable, somewhat balanced, and enjoyable, but they were all ultimately useless in regards to my major. I didn’t get suckered into anything.

Hey retard, Universities are about creating intellectual individuals. If you want to learn a specific trade go to a trade school. Universities have always been about creating well-rounded individuals who can at least hold their own in various philosophical areas ever since Ancient Greece. History, religion, logic, sciences, sociology, etc. That's been the purpose of University since the founding of Western civilization -- to create overall well-learned people, not robots who know how to do a Senior Design project in Java.

"go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job go to university so you can get a job" - Gen Xers and boomers

"wow it really feels like a lot of millennials and zoomers just treat university like its a diploma mill" - Also Gen Xers and boomers


Don’t have a problem with that, but the classes are nearly all the same and aren’t actually helping anyone become “well rounded.” I understand the intention, but it’s not working anymore because it’s been corrupted by aging hippies and woke 40 year olds who think that teaching a class is meant to steer young people into their political ideology rather than helping them learn about the fucking subject they signed up for.

I took a class on the history of Philadelphia (plenty to talk about there), but the professor spent the first two months talking about how Mitt Romney would ruin America if he won the election. She also bragged about running a voter registration booth on campus and throwing out the forms of people who registered as a republican. Any time spent talking about Philly history was spent talking about the MOVE bombing in the 70’s and how it was the racist Frank Rizzo’s fault, even though he wasn’t even the fucking mayor at the time and advised the mayor Wilson Goode (a black man) that it would be a terrible idea.

I wish I actually learned about the subjects I signed up for, but nope.

That's been the purpose of University since fuckin' Ancient Greece.

Naw, the Catholics invented universities

He's thinking of the Groves of Academe, where Plato was wont to stroll.

That's like my third favourite strolling place probably. Top five at least.

Is this what Americans actually believe? 🎃🎃🎃😎

No I'm being autistic to stir shit. Why would you read anything on this subreddit and think it's serious.

Is this what dramacels actually believe? 🎃🎃🎃😎

Ah fuck I got got

My basic stuff for my accounting degree at Community College required I take 2 PE classes, something drama related like acting or w.e, and few other stupid classes I'd never use in real life.


They're private businesses, not publicly funded universities. Nothing is preventing them from teaching biased ideological stuff.

It's a neopuritan power play for total control

Whether you like it or not the world is becoming more ''PC'' so the ability to navigate the PC world is a useful skill even if you think its all bullshit.

Poorly phrased comments can end careers so you'd best be able to watch your mouth when it counts.

because many, many burgers can't focus on things that are actually important, instead choosing to shit themselves at the sight of a brown person or women outside of a kitchen.

In response to this, smart people try to educate the burgers to not be so retarded, failing to understand that burgers are really, really stupid, and incapable of such non-retardation, and then things like this happen.

Signalling required to secure federal and donor dollars.

Not all universities run this scam, just the ones you hear about.

America has told people they're entitled to being offended by words because their fee fees got hurt.

It was a student org guest speaker. Completely optional.

Getting kicked out of school and throwing away your future to own the libs.

he can still go to the pilipines and find a trad wife (only orientals know how to treat whitoid men) and do his medical school there

Since moving to Asia, I don't give a rat's ass if a woman that I'm with has an orgasm or not. I don't care if its a some Japanese chick in Tokyo making more money than me or a hooker off of Burgos St in Manila, to me its just purely service my cock woman. With the full menu. If they do happen to have an orgasm, well that's just magic.

You forgot to switch accounts, ya moron

Yeah you fucking tell him. you nailed that fucking uppity *** boy

It's a pasta from an article that was posted here.

Thank you Ralph, very cool!

This sounds like some shit Master Shake would say.

I kinda miss that show but man is it super easy to burn through a majority of the seasons in one sitting

As a Filipino, we're fine without him. Most universities here would be too much for him to own epicly😎

He's a Hapa.

He didn't really have much of a future anyway since he was failing a lot of his classes and has the interpersonal skills of an autistic toddler.

As if any doctor has interpersonal skills

He could become a surgeon.

cool thing about being a surgeon is you are legally allowed to follow any request or direction with, "STAT!" and then sticking your hand out

"*yeah uh can I get a large #2 with a dr pepper.... STAT!"


Also people have to just get you shit. You can be like "Water bottle, STAT" and someone HAS to get it, it's like moving over for an ambulance on the highway

We got some tasty pasta from it though!

I am the student in question.

Look, I know that this all makes me look bad. Especially to someone who doesn't know that I'm normally brisk and (what has sometimes been described to me as) "abrasive," I can easily see how the Q&A questions came out more forcefully than I hoped. I know I haven't been showing it lately, but that really is something I'm trying to work on, and I'm starting to see that the UVa faculty gave me every chance to work on it under their guidance and finally said, "well, we'll just give him a year off," and that would cool my jets. Reasonable hypothesis.

Having said all that, I do think that during any academic procedure or process, it's important to document the elements of the process and implementation of policy which can so impactfully direct outcomes of the system to which we all subordinate ourselves in the name of fairness (or so I thought).

And to that end, I would like to make the following clear:

Every UVa employee who sat in on that hearing or who participated in the policy formation which led to it will be fired by the time I am finished.

I will be a doctor, whether said faculty or anyone related to this stupid website likes it or not.

I will not back down to people who cannot have their documents in order.

I will not be browbeaten into submission by a kangaroo court implementing SJW policy.

Here is what is going to happen: I'm going to take all (legal) recourse at my disposal, to expose these individuals for what they are and for whom they are working. I'm going to expose the SJW indoctrination happening in the place of medical education. Just for fun, I'm going to obliterate all concept of microaggressions from the public consciousness. All documents and textbooks mentioning so-called "microaggressions" will be destroyed.

If I have to transfer to a different school, rise through the ranks, and then become Dean of Med at UVa, then that's what I'll do. And stop treating me like I'm some minority. I hate minority shit.

Thank you for your time. :]

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Imagine believing this is actually him

The guy is clearly not right in the head, so I wouldn't be surprised if this really is his doing.

Forget med school, this guy need to enroll in an Italian culinary academy.

I will never respect anyone who unironically says microagression

Seeing him downvoted makes my heart yearn for death of r/drama, milk the lolcow not bleed its udders dry in one one spergfest.

there is a lot of that all over the thread. we must have guests

No one can justify employing either of these histrionic people. A competent medical professional's effectiveness is contingent upon their mental fortitude and equanimity, anyone who's emotionally fragile enough to demand retribution for mircoaggressions should have the license revoked.

Conversely, this person was belligerent and antagonized the lecturer in an unacceptable manner; he lacks the necessary professional decorum/composure that's imperative for a medical practitioner.

Had he been more judicious, he could have mitigated the repercussions.

One of them is still studying the craft, still in the long and awkward process of forming their professional character. A lecture hall is the exact place they should be allowed to make those mistakes. If this was about correcting that mistake it would be fine. It's not. It is about a professional acting unprofessionally, not a student needing a lesson.

You realize they've been in school since they were six right? Not shouting at a teacher is something you're supposed to learn within a week, tops. 20 years is just sad TBQH

Being a Jew you wouldn't understand that if bullshit is being told you're going to get bitched at.

I guess that's why Jews get to be doctors and goys don't. Sucks to be your healthcare-less ass.

Religion is just a extremist cult that got popular. Get fucked boi



Jews are the only real mayo's. I bet you still believe in the moon you fucking society holosphere denialist.

Is there some kind of chart that determines when jews are white and when they aren't?

If there's cops involved, we're white.

The best kind of white to be.

thats before teachers became insurgents in the culture war

So yesterday when I went to my STUPID libtard school (If it were up to me we wouldn’t go to school and would learn real things since test scores aren’t a sign of intelligence but that’s beside the point) and during my history class my idiotic SJW Feminazi teacher suggested that women should have been given rights sooner. Now as a Ben Shapiro and logic follower I do not know what to do. Should I report her for oppressing her political views on me? Should I send her a Ben Shapiro video? I don’t know guys so please help me, I don’t know how I will deal with an SJW Teacher like this.

You should whip out your cock and masturbate furiously, to completion. The female will never respect you unless you can achieve climax within 15 seconds. But if you succeed, she'll defer to your natural masculine authority. It's just science.

I too masturbate over strawmen fantasies.

So many young kids think just because it's college that you can get away with talking back to the professors "since I'm an adult just like they are!"

“I’m paying your salary, you have to listen to me!”

I feel like I heard that exact line being said in the YT video of those dipshits protesting a test at either Berkeley or Evergreen college

His behavior at the microaggressions talk was just the straw that broke the camel's back. If you listen to his ASAC hearing recording, it becomes clear that's he's also failing his classes and has absolutely no interpersonal skills or self awareness.

Go read the /r/UVA post. The student went to 4chan and started posting threads trying to dox the faculty. A microaggressions lecture is stupid but the kid is an absolute sperg and deserves to get kicked in the teeth by reality.

Reminds me of that crazy catholic college kid, Skyler Itner, who was sperging out all over reddit slandering the school. Dude couldn't or wouldn't accept how his actions made him look like an absolute tard. There was audio uploaded of his final meeting with the school and it's cringy but funny to listen to him AND his mother both sperg out.

I think what these MAGA dummies fail to recognize is that mandatory diversity/sensitivity bullshit has been a part of academia and business since the late 70s. This isn't some brand new product of the SJW era. It's just a way of life and a bad reason/time to take a stand

I mean, I'd say that the current atmosphere is worse than the 90s, but that's probably more so because of the internet than anything. I expect future periods of PC-mania (as well as future moral panics) be just as amplified by the internet, regardless of context.

That's a lot of unironic text you typed out you know.


Sorry, it’s already maxed out.

he lacks the necessary professional decorum/composure that's imperative for a medical practitioner.

Calling out bullshit is professional...

I've done plenty of calling out bs when I dealt with nursing faculty. But only when I was 100% sure they were fucking me. I didn't need some incel army for my defense. But I expressed my displeasure calmly and politely.

I've taken pointless classes, but they were mandatory and I get the feeling the profs didn't really like teaching it either. They knew that we knew they were full of shit.

Doing that in a public setting is the opposite of professional lmfao

Why would you allow the masses to be subjected to propaganda when you know it's bullshit?


Obviously the number-one thing we want to evaluate our potential doctors on is whether they play along nicely with social justice sociopathy, and not whether they can capably practice medicine.

A microaggressions lecture would basically sum up as don't be a dick and stay professional but I guess that'd be too hard for someone with no social life.

Usually when I just throw out the word unprofessional to medical students they usually look like they are going to shit themselves and they do whatever I ask them to. This guy is too autistic to understand the food chain.


It's beautiful watching 4chan spergs try to act out in real life.

They've circlejerked themselves into thinking they're apart of a silent majority.

He really thought people would just start applauding and handing him $100 bills once he went apeshit about this. Microaggressions aren't even a thing championed by the majority, it's just that most people know how to not be spergs about things they don't really agree with.

You don’t agree or disagree with microaggressions. It’s just putting a name to something that happens. It’s like disagreeing with something in psychology just because people on Twitter decide to be dumb about it.

Yeah the point is whether people agree about the seriousness of a microaggression and whether or not medical professionals should care about them.

apart of a

A part of a

4chan was like “not your personal army” apparently

The thing with the 4chan users was that they controlled the environment when posting on their website. In the real world, you had to put up with who in charge. If they want to say whatever they want in the real world, they had to create and control their own venue/platform/forum. That mean leaving their basement, which is why you don't see that often.

Somehow I suspect that a guy who got so triggered over an optional AMWA sponsored talked about microaggressions that he sperged out for a whole month isn't fit to be a doctor. Dude just don't go to the dumb talk. Don't roll up and record yourself going full debatelord on the lecturer even if her topic is admittedly dumb.

The best part is that instead of swallowing his pride and playing nice toward the administrators determining his future, he went full sorched earth and posted his ramblings all over the internet under the name "medgate". If you're posting the faces of your administrative review board on 4chan to try to get /pol/ autists to fight your battles, you might just be too unstable to be a doc.

I thought the lecture was required.

I read somewhere that it was optional but now I can't find it. I would be surprised if it was mandatory since AMWA is just a club/student organization. I've never had a club-sponsored guest speaker talk be required attendance.

That would be even more hilarious. Of course this sperg went into an optional seminar on microaggressions and disrupted the whole thing.

It's in the comments of the linked thread, other (alleged) students are talking about how this presentation was not required.

He had to go! Those libs weren't going to own themselves!

It was optional.

Maybe you read it on 4chan.

Well since you have conveniently followed the link to this sub, can you inform us whether or not the microaggressions talk was optional?

Seeing as he refuses to answer this, I'm 100% convinced it was some optional student club event that he went out of his way to attend.

Yeah it's pretty clear it was optional. My school has an AMWA chapter so I'm familiar with the organization and highly doubt that talks by their guest speakers are mandatory attendance at a med school.

I’m friends with a person at UVA med who knows the guy. It was a 100% optional, not the required session that people are making it out to be. If anyone wants some form of proof, PM me.

Obviously the number-one thing we want to evaluate our potential doctors on is whether they play along nicely with social justice sociopathy, and not whether they can capably practice medicine.

Anyone autistic enough to take pictures of their administrative review board and post them to /pol/ is too autistic to be a physician.

posting the faces of your administrative review board on 4chan to try to get /pol/ autists to fight your battles

Oof, this idiot better hope and pray that /pol/ refuses to act as his personal army, or he’s gonna be expelled outright.

sure is seriousposty in here.

Copeposting by people that relate too deeply with this sperg, y'mean?

that too.


your drama is boring and you should feel boring

You seem so invested in this post, I'm starting to suspect you're a filthy agendaposter.

It's my post. My little pride and joy.

It's a good post. Pre-med/med student drama is juicy and often filled with turbo autists. There's lots of future pathologists, radiologists, and gas docs on Reddit lol

Med student drama is my favorite. Especially when the freshly graduated sperg outs about not getting job offers/called back or they expect to be making high 5, low 6 figures ASAP.

No one wants an annoying noob who won't listen to directions...especially when it can result in death.

This entire thread is you "copeposting".

Unironically defending microaggressions is a new low for the mods here though, so congrats on that.

Bruh we're making fun of a dude who's own lawyer quit because the tard in question has mental issues. It just so happens that today the tard is a /pol/tard

Because the mods are liberal crybabies who so a bad jobn of pretending they aren't.

I was banned from /r/medicine for admitting to be the person making the 4chan threads because they would rather smear the student.

Because they're a sub of grown ass adults and you're just trying to stir shit up lmao

Because they're a sub of grown ass adults and you're just trying to stir shit up lmao

They're blaming some kid for posting about this on 4chan without evidence when it was me. So when I try to tell them it was me, they ban me and go back to their pitchforks.

What a bunch of adults who aren't just trying to stir shit! (It's honestly an embarrassment to their profession given the investigative component.)

You're running defense for the kid without evidence lmao get real

Should I explain why your logic here is remedial, or should I just assume you're a doctor and doing so would evidently be pointless?

I do fashion myself as a Dr. House type

If Dr House had the IQ of a potato and gained a benzo addiction, maybe. You're not helping this kid but then again you probably ARE the actual sperg

This is a self help sub?

maybe? Lawlz seems to be getting more confident by the day and his shitposting has improved. Not as much Ben 10 though so I'm a bit disappointed

get a jobn

(It's honestly an embarrassment to their profession given the investigative component.)

How can they call themselves doctors for not investigating shit that doesn't matter?

I was referring more to their willingness to jump to (incorrect) conclusions when they should realize they have virtually no information upon which to reach those conclusions.

Seriously, don't medical students have to take some philosophy? It's embarrassing.

In medical school they teach you to cut the limb off to save the body.

So you're saying if I just avoid UVA doctors, I'll be OK?

Yeah, sure.

Good, I'm relieved to hear that not everyone with an MD is necessarily an uncritical dumbass who gaslights people communist psychological tactics.

Lmao that's exactly what you are doing

Pointing out that uncritical and dishonest people are uncritical and dishonest is a well-known play by Stalin.

Hahahaha you should write a book about how to be a bad manipulator.

(I don't really think it's a well-known play by Stalin, komrade. Calm down.)

Great chapter one title.

Wait, am I correctly resolving these layers of sarcasm to mean suggest that you think it is a well-known play by Stalin?

I the guy who was posting on 4chan, by the way. Here's proof

Your narcissism is showing, sweaty 😘

Pointing out that uncritical and dishonest people are uncritical and dishonest is a well-known play by Stalin.

Is it my behaviour that's unacceptable or is society Stalin?

You are an irredeemable sperglord, master of retards.

snappy quote when

Seriously, don't medical students have to take some philosophy? It's embarrassing.

That would make them baristas

TIL I should ask for health advice from baristas instead of doctors.

Are you doing okay man? Cuz this post is really embarrassing.

No one in that sub is a fucking doctor, I was able to flair myself as an MD and diagnose someone with the aids before I got banned. 99.9% in there are pretending to be doctors.

Grown ass adults

medicine student

Choose one

You got exactly what you deserved 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Keep dancing. I mean laughing.

You're so transparently the guy in question lmao

-- a doctor from UVA

a sperg who got suspended from med school

Watching a sperg try to socially manipulate on the internet is akin to watching a dog try to eat a bowl of cereal with a fork.

Could you expound on that?

You, a sperg attempting to use a sock puppet to back track on sperging out on 4chan and reddit. It's painfully obvious. It's ok dude, Charlottesville is hella gay, you should be thankful

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I am quite clearly very forward-looking with my sperging out, even at this very moment.

Explain further?

Nigga you gay

Is this how you talk to people? You've earned the right to address me in second person?

Post your selfies from unite the white rally I haven’t laughed enough yet

I'm not sure what emotion a dog eating a bowl of cereal with a fork is supposed to evoke.

When were you diagnosed with Down's?

When I was 2 or 3 I think.

Probably because your mother married her brother

You're nine dollars short.

You’re an idiot. Your actions were idiotic. Your attempted coverup is idiotic. How the hell did you get into UVA? You aren’t even URM. I’m switching accounts and bringing my respectable, professional, medical student account to /r/Drama just to tell you this.

Love, someone at a higher-ranking school.

Watching you idiot shills try to seriouspost in here too is pretty funny.

C👌O👏P🙌E 🤣👍

Oh look, we're careening towards 300+ comments. Big mystery how that happens!

Drama knows how to milk good lolcows. 🐄🥛😉

What is a lolcow?


You are my beutiful bovine

Moo for me, baby girl

:twirls: ;-)



who are you quoting?

Jordan Peterson.

Im a UVa undergrad and tbh you got what you deserved. Retarded spergs like you dont belong in med school

Oh shit, at the med school? Did you know this retard?

saying someone has bad interpersonal skills to be a doctor is a microaggression twoards people with aspergers.

Yeah, but so what? What if I think the idea of microaggressions is stupid and I think the student deserved to be suspended?

then I would say that’s pretty fuckin centrist and I think you are in the right place. friend.

Then you're a fucking idiot? What answer were you expecting, you moron?

Someone post the Trump wrong gif, I am too lazy.

This one right here. I was expecting someone to blow up and start throwing a temper tantrum. Thanks.

Are you done sperging out?

It's the only thing he knows tbh


Stop changing accounts it’s confusing

That's centrist which is required on drama.

Spergs arent people

I dunno I think The Good Doctor show's autistic character is nicer than whatever this doctor is.

Anyone who spreading the cancer of cultural bolshevism as education should not only be denounced they should be arrested sent to gitmo for rectal rejuvenation

not even tip toeing around it anymore are they

rectal rejuvenation

That sounds like 2019's hot day spa treatment.

Hey buddy, the male G-spot is in the anus

It owns that we're now washing out potential doctors because they're not good enough at pretending to hate white people.

😴 😴 😴

Remember to sperg out some more to show how not mad you are.

Where did I say I wasn't mad, you gibbering cretin?

everyone here profoundly dislikes you, yet here you always are

I'm thinking this isn't your first time pathetically clinging to a group even though all its members wish you would just go away, be it online or IRL.

nah, speak for yourself.


That letter from his lawyer is gold. That is a classic "my client is a nutbar who refuses all help, they are going to burn everyone including me" ass-covering letter.

I'm not seeing this letter in the linked article, can you link me to it?



This man got owned so bad lmfao

Making your lawyer think you are insane to OWN TEH LIBZ

lmfao it's so good

he literally told him to go get evaluated by a psychiatrist

It's a really sucky spot to be in as a lawyer. You know that your client desperately needs psychiatric help and there's not a damn thing you can do.

Can’t believe students are selling their panties to fund the tens of thousands of dollars tuition to listen to that shit with a side of sperg.

What the fuck is a microaggression? I have studied psychology all my life and I have only seen crazy people use that term. It's not a real thing. I honestly would feel mad if someone forced me to sit through that class. But I don't think I would get mad enough to get a one year ban.

I have studied psychology all my life

Check out the brain on this 4 year old.

It's a comment that may not be intended badly but because of other's previous life experiences negatively impacts.

Well, I was trying to not be arrogant by stating it this way instead of flashing my degree like a wanker.

Sadly you came off as both a wanker and le euphoric scientist.

That's incredibly vague and fits the bill on like a fuck ton of things.

hence the beginning of the word being micro. It's basically a new way of asking people to be thoughtful and polite.

Yeah, a negative statement about a race or sexual orientation? That's just what I described it as. It's not a separate thing.

What? You didn’t describe them as anything. And it’s a separate thing the same way 1st degree murder is a separate thing from 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.

How is this hard to pick up on?

So you've been studying psychology all your life but had never heard of a microaggression.

Did you take note of my source, there, chief?

So you've been studying psychology all your life but had never heard of a microaggression.

In the scientific context. It's like if you study physics but have never heard of cold fusion.

Maybe. I'm pretty sure you're just s retard.

he's a plumber who googled, "spycology" and read about it for 5 minutes before he made the post

"Can I touch your hair?"


Microaggressions can be shocking

Wtf is wrong with Americans?

Are you saying that America is the only country where people are easily offended? Well, I'll just put on some shorts, fly to Italy, and order an afternoon cappuccino, and have some parmesean on my fish. Maybe a side-trip to England for some shopping, with some loud talking in public and lots of haggling over prices, of course. Then maybe to Russia, wearing a Gay Pride shirt.

and order an afternoon cappuccino, and have some parmesean on my fish

Literally made me gag. But it's not the same, this is objectively disgusting.

lol at this reasonable post being downvoted. /r/drama's liberals really aren't COPEing well today :(

a microaggression is a new word for "being an asshole in little ways and not necessarily realizing it".

You being ignorant of vocabulary should not be a point of pride, but here you are.

If he's studied psychology all his life without knowing something that basic he must be a hell of a moron.

I know the term. I don't know what it has to do with any kind of education or science.

because knowing how not to be a tactless asshole is important in the real world.

microagressions are worse than microtransactions. we need to stop people from microagressing me!

that will be $.99 sir

Learn to read the room. Attending a voluntary lecture about the smallest possible thing you can do to offend someone and then getting into a fight with the lecturer?

4chan ruins another life.

This guy is clearly batshit insane. Med schools don't like to kick people out unless they are legitimately unstable.


I wonder what gave you that impression...

im currently post-grad majoring in micro-dramas my thesis is in grammatically incorrect internet comments

Charlottesville is the most dramatic college town

Best spergout I've seen in ages.

You know, you can think people should be less sensitive while still agreeing that microaggressions exist.

You don't have to resort to concern trolling and JAQing off just because you're a anti-sjw reactionary who must be deliberately obtuse because you can't even dain to agree with (something you perceive as) a "leftist" idea.

I mean throwing your what little was left of your academic shape career the fact that unintentional slights and insults exist, for someone who thinks himself to be so logical you sure aren't pragmatic. Gee, it's almost like you're offended by over the idea that people get offended by people who didn't mean to offend.

After you're finished getting kicked out of school to own the libs ask yourself; "was it worth it?"

I mean fuck, did anyone else listen to the audio? Guy's too far up his own ass to realize that he is an ass.

Why are they teaching this shit in medical school?

He needs to be eval'd for his own sake. He's going to fucking murder people if he's this unstable.


I listened to him yapping at the seminar lady and I read his lawyers letter. This dude's autism is so fucking bad, he should have unlocked parts of his brain that grant him special savant powers.

Even his lawyer told him to shut his mouth and see a psychiatrist.

Micro aggression is just a term for sniveling little brained pussies to use who can't accept the cruelty of the real world they're entering as an adult. The fault lies with the person feeling the aggression when a word or phrase is uttered. Politically correct 2.0

UVA filed a restraining order against the kid and is refusing to let him appeal the decision.