Publicfreakout of a guy needing his medication. Turns out it is op (the cameraman) who needs his meds.

1  2019-01-02 by Madcuntfuckface


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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I'm the op . And I don't need meds.

Back story is 45 seconds before filming my family and I witnessed hit hit his mom and she asked us to call police. My dad and many others were on the phone with the cops. But the cops never came. This is LA.

Judging from the faggy looking homies you're hanging out with I don't believe a word you're saying

Gooooood one dude.

Well we know you're full of shit. If you were waiting to beat on a guy like him why'd you sit around for 2 minutes with your two faggy homeboys while he beat on whoever. What a pussy.

You're soooooooo gooood at this !!!! Wow mind blown

Did you guys give each other bro jobs in celebration after your heroic larp? Or do you just look like faggots ironically?

You are sooooo smart! Keep up the good work ole sport

Why tough man no answer question?

Once again. Your pure, Magical intellect is mind blowing. Keep em coming !

Not enough vowels, sad!


Well. I have to say. While you completely pussed out after throwing up the tough guy act, you did an iota of good. I mean, he probably went home and beat the shit out of her later but whatever.

No dude , your is possessive. Magical intellect is what you have. You're is "you are"

Even my dumbass knows this . Meaning you're at the bottom of the barrel

I apologize. I couldn't understand the retarded 1st grade sentence construction.

Copy that

Soooo... how about a drink sometime. We can hate fuck each other afterwards.

You are WAY out of my league

Bussy is bussy. I don't care. That's half the fun of a hate fuck.

User name checks out

U really kno how to reddit

I'll never be as good at reddit as you. You being good at Reddit means you're a a fucking loser I'd say


Did you not want to bruise your massive pussy lips

Have you and your "brother" ever hooked up?

So cleaver. So gooood . You. Are . Smart

Seriously...I'd bang him if I were you. Not so sure about you because I haven't seen your face. How do you feel about posting a selfie from between your legs that captures your asshole, balls, cock and face? I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong. It is possible and I can teach you how

Soooooooo goooood. Keep em coming ole Sport. It's like your a jester for a king from 1500 years ago! COOOOOOL

loooooool uuuuuuuuur soooooooo maaaaaaad

Chill bro, I'm on your side, I just wanna see you do gay things


I can tell your mental health is deteriorating, get well soon bro, life is too short to be mad all of the time. If you don't get a grip of your anger you'll end up with some retard filming you while you're in a car with your mom punching her in the face and he won't do anything to stop you, he'll fail to antagonize you then he'll come to r/drama and get hella bussyblasted...don't be like that dude bro

Awesome dude . Out fucking standing 10/10

Hella bro. So much hella bro

Laughing out loud





Post hog and/or bussy

Genius and original response 10/10

You can sorta see him in reflection. Looks normal/fine. Seems tall 😍😍.

His personality is a total turn off though. Too bad he can't act like his brother and shut the fuck up

What if he dresses up as a horse? Will you give him a wank?

No and here's why: that would be unprofessional

You've been waiting for a chance to fuck someone up like me.

no one cares what the story is. you're an enormous fucking pussy and that whole exchange was pathetic.

first you tell the guy cops are coming and to run and then try to screech like a little bitch tattle tale that he's running?

and you brag about wanting to fuck someone up but literally during the entire interaction you just stand there with your thumb up your ass filming.

i don't know you, but i fucking hate you.

We separated him from the mom without violence. Seems like it's that black and white? Did I trigger you? Baaahahahahahahahaha

but you were the one who said you were looking to fuck someone up.

why didn't you, tough guy?

He’s down to spar with you if you’re in downtown LA 😎

Also the fact you live in the drama sub is fucking hilarious

Bless you, we don't get many visitors these days.

Ya this place is hell I'd say. A darker recess of the web no doubt

I've been waiting all day to call someone a fag

Ya this place is hell I'd say.

Yes, now please insult us more.

Aw hell yeah, he called us recess!

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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I'm the op . And I don't need meds.

I mean perhaps you do.

This isn't a direct response to this particular comment, but more of an aggregate response to all of your comments. You're kind of a really fucking weird dude. I don't really 'get' your curious mix of tough-guy posturing coupled with the sour responses of a 12 year old kid who can't muster a solid comeback. I think you did the right thing by intervening with the dude having a psychotic breakdown on his Mom, but everything besides that seems really try-hard. I'm just having a hard time establishing what your end goal with all of this is. I understand that maybe you were kind of amped up during the actual video filming, it was probably a stressful situation, but carrying that over to the internet is just making you an easy target.

The truth is. I can't care any less about the troll opinions on reddit. Also it's comical that y'all reading through my history to find any evidence of r/iamabadass screen shots. Seriously. Get a fucking life ! Hahahahahahahahahhaha

I'm just trolling to be a dick just Like everyone else ! Cool! We're all Reddit losers

My goodness you are a sad individual.

I'm sad because I don't let Reddit trolls effect me? COPY THAT !!


This comment loses any validity it may have had with a quick look at your comment history.

What a shit show lol. OP writes like a middle aged dad trying to be a teenager.

Nice try, rookie.

You’re just triggered because of my real life confrontation

I've been waiting for the chance to yell at somebody like you.

Man I’m just talking to my mom

"Should we attack this guy?! Like, let's look for a weapon"

White people antics

It's called the bystander effect retard. You really think a black neighbourhood is going to help? Rather than just record and yell worldstar

I see ten other people doing nothing, you can bet I'm not gonna do anything either.

I would be careful guys he has been looking for a fight. Haha haha this motherfucker...πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£


Remember kids, if you see strangers in a domestic dispute: Try to escalate the situation. Dial it up to a 10 if possible. Remember that you know exactly what's going on, you understand these people and all the dynamics in their family, and you're prepared to surgically apply violence to solve all their problems.

And then after you've got some total shitshow going and the cops show up and taze somebody, run around screaming "fuck the police!" Why do those jackbooted thugs come into our communities thinking they can play God with us?

What's the point of the second amendment if nobody shot the OP?

Non2nd amendment rights in Los Angeles lil buddy

I must have missed when they seceded from the union. Either that or you are an utter moron.

Ya you did Rookie

No open carry

No conceal carry

Online. Ammo sales banned.

Most handgun and auto load rifles are banned.

Wow dude wow. Are you like... you know, riding the short bus ???

Laughing out loud

Yeah, there's no gun violence at all in Los Angeles. Keep telling random potential crackhead strangers you can't wait to fuck them up, I'm sure it will work out just fine for you. Dumb cunt.

Dumb cunt! Wow creativity award 10/10

Keep collecting participation trophies

It seems like it's working out

Oh yeah, you're also a fucking dolt for thinking that restrictions on firearms equate to a repeal of the second amendment. But thanks for the award, tosspot.

If you are trying to argue that Cali has not restricted 2a. Then you are on your own little guy