1  2019-01-02 by charming_tatum


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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The Bill Clinton part is most likely true

That only makes me like him more though

Thats because you both love massages from developing teens.

Yeah but just boys though

I'm not a degenerate

This is embarrassing.

I have trouble imagining anyone outside the boomer generation being on T-D

dont you remember that drama from when a cringey manchild with a pepe cake made it onto CA and the sub had a meltdown of COPE

Look it up. Oil has always been renewable. Also not unique to this planet.

DAE wonder when do we get oilfields on exoplanets??

Saturn's moon Titan has oceans of oil.

Methane, not crude oil, brainlet

It's hydrocarbons, not methane. Science progresses, your brain clearly doesn't.

Methane and ethane. They're hydrocarbons and they can be used to make petroleum and plastic.

If oil exists on other planets then where are the space marines?

off on bug hunts

I can’t wait to put truck nuts on my spacex rocket

donny's space force makes sense all of a sudden

Where is the fun in Space when we can't send Legions of Space Marines to secure Oilfields?

I for one welcome diesel powered spaceships.

many scientists now believe there are other processes at work.

There was a guy on Fox that said so.

Don't forget to install your solar panels, abort your babies, and suck your farts you dirty vaxxer.

That’ll show ‘em!

Solar panels are the leading cause of autism!


Raging about the Clintons has certainly proven to be a far more renewable political resource than I would have predicted in 1999.

Even funnier since I'm sure most people on T_D probably weren't even born when Bill was president.

I can never forgive Clinton for Christmas 1996 when I got fucking Pilotwings 64 instead of Mario. Worst president of the 20th century.

That's on you for having shitty parents.

Guess we found Chelsea Clinton's account.

Life-fuel for Herbert-Hoover-cels

when I got fucking Pilotwings 64 Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge instead of Mario

Idk, judging by their memes I think they're old boomers

T_D's older than it's ever been. Boomers fucking invaded after he got elected.

To be fair Hillary is about 1000x more hateable than Bill and 20% of the country hated Bill.

The DNC trying to ram Madam Hillary Down our throats in 2016 was probably the cringiest thing to happen in US politics since Mondale.

Don't make me destroy you. I am Captain of the Mommy Defense Force.

trying to ram Madam Hillary Down our throats in 2016 was probably the cringiest thing to happen in US politics

yeah that was weird it was like they were trying to get her to campaign to be president or something like wtf

why do rightoids always talk about ramming things down throats.

Sad attempt at a retord


Or gay sex, or transexuals.

They are mentally disabled, but it's possible to make artificial hydrocarbons. I guess that's what they were trying to say.


Thats what I took out of it but the guy is a retard

Id cite that we have lots of oil left, and that we can always do coal to petrol for more oil if we ever do run out before ww3 happens

Incoming 60% upvoted

dude DDF cope lmao

People that make these kinds of comments need to remember that ohana means family

Right on schedule

Haha kwality kahntent dood ack ack ack very originial it's not like this same message appears under every linked Trump tweet no matter what the upvotes percentage is

Every daddypost consistently has a lower upvote percentage due to massive amounts of DDF cope

kwality kahntent dood ack ack ack

are you having a stroke

he missed his hourly fent dose

He should double his next dosage just in case


No, rapeseed it a renewable resource and Bill Clinton is oily.

both true

A Trump supporter is a complete retard? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!!!!

Lmao dramacels don’t even know that oil is produced by extremophilic bacteria deep in the earth’s mantle

You got a source for that sweaty?

Yes a source. Im gonna need a source

Still waiting on that source.

OP is digging a hole to collect samples, don't interrupt their progress it just might cave in.

There's more people calling that guy a moron than I thought there would be at least.

Take the green oil pill renewablecel

This is what happens when half your positions depend upon all the scientists being wrong.