Users in r/news are upset that South Park never made a episode about LGBT+ community IN 20 YEARS!!!!

1  2019-01-02 by Ayylmao11023


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Why are these faggots so mad that South Park no longer aligns with them politically? Just go watch Rick and Morty or some other progressive kids cartoon.

Big Gay Al? Cripple Fight?



I love how they got the community involved and had them send in tons of OC Yaoi pictures of TweekxCraig

The F Word is one of my personal favorites

bass to mouth

This one was ahead of its time.

Mr. and Mrs. Garrison??

Cartman Sucks

Am I reading a different thread? Use context in your link if you think the previous posts are important but don't just link the parent.

So you found it (just like everyone else) and still decided to be a pompous shitlord who has to correct an r/drama post

What about the episode where Mr Garrison becomes a lesbian?

Or trans.

Holy fuck there are so many comments. People really get upset over every little thing

and it sustains me 👿

Imagine choosing how you think from what you see on various cartoons. worse than gamers.

Imagine thinking border skirmishes in America was the cause for the 7 years war, which included most of Europe and was fought around the world.

Imagine posting an on topic comment