Imagine being so unbearable that being replaced by a plastic doll is a real concern for you.

1  2019-01-02 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


The rise of sex-bots could be one of the greatest sources of social transformation in the next few years. Foids will have to adapt to a world that doesn't need them for sex anymore. If sex-bots are banned, there could be legit incel uprising (which wouldn't amount to much anyway) against the explicit bias towards women in society. This is why Islam will win. Shubhanallah

Call me when they make a robot that gently comforts me once I make the transition from happy drunk to sad drunk.

It might happen. At least they won't be disgusted by emotional vulnerability like bio-foids.

Seriousposting. This is why I can't be bothered to be in a relationship with a woman. I want someone who cares about me as a person, and a woman just isn't capable of having that dynamic with a man she's in a relationship with.

Women want you to be emotionally vulnerable enough to validate their existence via attention and affirmation, but that's where it ends.

Hypersonic blackpill

oh come on it isn't that bad. you're just not finding the right woman.

oh come on it isn't that bad

Never made a value judgement.

Short term relationships want to be fun and don't want to have to deal with your shit.

Once you put a few years in, emotional support pulls through. Hell, they get a little worried if you dont lean on them for support once or twice after a few years.

Yeah, but they want to lean on me after the first month.

Ya, I can't put up with all of these conditionals. After four years of dating, on the third blue moon of the decade, if you've take her out for a nice meal and pushed all the right buttons that month, she will let you be vulnerable for a night, if it's a leap year. How fulfilling! Hashtag relationship goals

That's only if you are super super lucky and she doesn't take half your shit and the kids.


Ritualized expression >>> genuine expression ~= no expression

That what’s bros are for, fuck the woman, go hang with some bros

Yes, exactly. That's my point. Actually being in a relationship with a woman is awful. Just fuck some whores.

Just buy a fleshnight. Its not like whores want to spend time with you either. Keep yourself safe 😘

I just use my hand. I mentioned whores because most guys pretend like they can't go without.

if you haven't a single woman that cares about their SO as a person what the fuck kind of people are you meeting

He's meeting the typical foid

Sometimes I can’t tell if this shit is ironic incelposting or not

This but unironically

There are unironic incels in this sub. A horrifying realization.

There are unironic Bernie supporters.

There are unironic Trump supporters.

There are unironic anime fans.

This place isn't a bastion of well adjusted, good quality people.

Lol none of those groups can compare to incels. Btw gas all weebs.





Hey, you're one of the incels I'm talking about

This was the hardest redpill to swallow :(

I'm one of the original commenters in the linked thread. I've taken my comments down due to the negative publicity that this post has causes me, and I've been torturing myself by reading the comments on this thread. It is horrifying that what should be a neutral subreddit is dominated by incels/MGTOW beliefs. I'm only responding because you're one of 2 comments that I've come across so far that isn't horrifyingly mysoginistic. :(

This sub isn't dominated by incel/MGTOW beliefs. But sometimes you have posts like these and it's hard to discern what's shitposting from what isn't. Until you click on some account and they post in braincels. And then you're like "oh shiet I actually have these weirdo niggas in my sub."

So if most of this is a joke then that's supposed to make it better somehow? :/


Obviously. Foids LMFAO not even once 🤣🤣🤣🤣😍

Virtue signaling cuck



It is horrifying that what should be a neutral subreddit is dominated by incels/MGTOW beliefs

This is what all men think like, some just hide it better than others. However, that misogyny is always there.

WGTOW is the path to salvation.

I wasn't aware that everything commented on this subreddit was unoriginal, hurtful satire. What kind of life does somebody have to have to become somebody like you? :(

What kind of life does somebody have to have to become somebody like you? :(

What did you mean by this?

I briefly looked at your comment history and you seem like a pretty angry person. What do you get out of making fun of others? Does it make you feel better when you put others down or what's the deal? I can listen.

Which comments are you talking about? If you're talking about where I call people retarded, everyone calls everyone retarded in /r/drama.

Your most recent comments are immediately denying somebody who said that they had been raped and making some pretty crude comments about anybody on the left.

You literally post in man hating forums lol. Typical female hypocrite.

But we're not trying to hate on men. I wish that I could show people that.

Would you mind giving me your aproxamate age and general area that you were brought up in? Just to give me a better idea of what kind of person that you might be.

But we're not trying to hate on men. I wish that I could show people that.

Explain this comment then?

As a fellow foid, I’m embarrassed you represent us.

Why would you call yourself a foid? And that was in response to somebody saying that there are studies suggesting that reduced access to porn increases sexual assault perpetrated by men. I only said that because those studies also suggest that men need porn to not assault us. Seriously, if a man can't refrain from raping people without access to digital boobs then I have no problem with admitting his burden on society. I do admit that I was pretty angry when i typed that, I think that its absolutely absurd that people think that men are incapable of learning to not rape without porn.

Are you satire as well? I can't tell. Everybody here seems crazy.

But we're not trying to hate on men. I wish that I could show people that.

"I was angry, don't take my inflammatory comment seriously!"

reads some mildly MGTOW shit on an unrelated sub

"I can't believe misogyny is so rampant!"

It's all jokes when you say shit, but everyone else must be serious in their hatred. There's no way you hate men, you just participate in a subreddit that celebrates men being punished on social media for being bad dates, and laughs at men who try to organize to address men's issues.

If an incel is a misogynist for just posting on braincels, you are just as hateful for posting on TwoX. Your hatred is just socially acceptable.


Low IQ response. At least give me some cringy, emoji saturated copypasta. Typical foid.

What does foid mean? :D

Foid is short for femoid, a dehumanizing word for women.

It's a term that originated with incels, meant to infer that women are generally unintelligent and act in extremely predictable ways.

It's kind of funny sounding, so many on this sub have picked it up.

Also it pisses off the rare serious poster that stumbles in, which is a plus.

yeah my bad for being a bit too serious. I was unaware that this subreddit was for pretending to be terrible people, I actually thought that y'all were serious and y'all made me want to kms lol. I don't understand what you're getting out of pretending to be monsters so I will leave. Goodbye. :)

It's probably similar to whatever it is you get out of calling men apes, so don't pretend that you're superior.

Lmao but I am superior you fucking ape.

You're not even that cute.

I wouldn't necessarily say that this subreddit is for "being mean to people", but rather for people who choose to look at given news, arguments, scenarios, etc. through a lens of dark humor and cynicism. Such people who tend to gravitate towards such a pessimistic or sardonic viewpoint and humor-process actually tend to be more intelligent than their peers, according to such studies here and here.

Furthermore, the "extreme nature" that you're commenting on actually gives way to some pretty in-depth and informative discussions between individuals with wide arrays of viewpoint and conviction, which ultimately begets a more expansive and nuanced discussion that (from what I've witnessed) leads to more organic and productive discourse that isn't found too often within ban-happy and vacuous subreddits that you seem to frequent. (Case in point: the user above pointed out an obvious, hypocritical flaw in your logic, and instead of actually addressing the argument/rebuttal of this user, you myopically focus on their language used).

You may actually need to start frequenting some less savory subreddits, as you may actually learn how to address an argument and properly respond when faced with distasteful confrontations in real life (the kind that you can't escape from by clicking a block button).

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”― Sun-Tzu

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Yeah yeah I get it. Everybody on the internet thinks that they're smarter than eachother. Congrats dude on that massive ego of yours, literally everybody can understand what's going on this sub .01 seconds into reading the bio. Therefore I have superior intellect as well because I am aware that this whole sub is one big dumb joke!

I was going to make an equally trashy statement as the others in this thread to respond to you but honestly I can't call somebody the f-slur and feel good about myself as a person. Have fun doing that for the rest of your life, the real world will be so sad that were missing out on your superior intellect. :(



All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

it's over for longpostcels 😞

Okay i looked into everything that you said and yeah you're right. I apologize for my assumptions but to be fair I'm fairly positive that I've seen actual far right people make very similar comments. I guess that I should've looked a little further into your comments rather than briefly skimming the most recent ones. My bad.

I have a question though if you don't mind me asking, why is everybody on this sub acting like the worst kind of scummy human? I can't tell who is joking and who is real. It's terrible. And I know some of them are real because after this was posted, my comments on the original post about me disagreeing with the usage of child sex dolls and giving men with a rape fantasy a doll to practice on instead of real women were downvoted. So surely at least some people from here actually believe some of what is being said, right?

why is everybody on this sub acting like the worst kind of scummy human?

Only about half of them are scummy humans, the other half is just pretending. It's easy to tell who's who though if you can read the tone and/or recognize the user.

I know some of them are real because after this was posted, my comments on the original post about me disagreeing with the usage of child sex dolls and giving men with a rape fantasy a doll to practice on instead of real women were downvoted

A lot of those downvotes were probably from here because they tend to downvote whoever is causing the drama (referred to as "downvoting the lolcows"), even though they're not supposed to. They probably read your initial comments and then just went down the page downvoting things, since most of /r/drama probably doesn't even have the reading stamina to read that deep into the comment chain. I'm guessing that some of it was from /r/TrollXChromosomes though because the people that were arguing with you were regular TrollX users.

I just now found out that this subreddit is for being mean to people

Who told you this? The users on this subreddit are very fine people who have raised over $30,000 for the Against Malaria Foundation.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Stfu retard

no u

You really think this is uncommon?

Not at all. I've been on the internet for years. I am aware that people with problems would rather act like y'all do than get help. :/



Also shitposting is theraputic what are you talking about?

I mean I used to shitpost too when I was 15, only mine was more clever and less offensive, but that's besides the point. Maybe if you actually had any meaning to your life, or at least tried to find something to do, subreddits like this would no longer be appealing to you. Though it's just a suggestion. :)

More clever and less offensive


Unironically but this.


T. /r/Cuckoldry mod

JFL if you aren't cuckmaxxing in 2018

It's 2019 sweaty. C U R R E N T Y E A R

I would rather be working (day trading crypto)

Magic beans

How’d it feel to lose your house? 😂🤣😂

I’m amazed you didn’t kill yourself.

Serial killers. He's so unlikable the only people willing to date him have horrifying ulterior motives.

White ones. But it's not their fault for not wanting to hear you whine, it's television's fault for teaching a generation of men that women were into pussies.

You can care and be repulsed at the same time.

I want someone who cares about me as a person, and a woman just isn't capable of having that dynamic with a man she's in a relationship with.

then date a man. duh

Bros before hoes

i love when incels talk about why it sucks to have a girlfriend.

Or do what my fiance did on New year's Eve and pour out the rest of my drink once I hit blackout mode.

Rude fiance tbh

Nah it was needed, the hangover yesterday was bad already. I cAn only imagine what it could have been with another drink

I would have left you to choke to death on your own vomit.

As it should’ve been

Are you gay or are you a wordlet?


Are you gay or are you a wordlet?

They are (in a very autistic fashion) pointing out that you wrote fiance instead of fiancée.

Ah, it's the second one if you get pegged

That’s better than mine did. She left me for her ex on New Years and didn’t give me the ring back

Fuck her boyfriend in revenge.

Assert dominance

God damn dude. That’s rough

Indeed. At least when mine left me on Xmas Eve (not the one just gone, so no need for any r/aww) she gave the ring back.

Ya but that was a cock ring, I think other dude bought a finger ring.

Yeah, but ur mom dresses u funny and also she's really fat.

Technically it us kind of your property. They are conditional gift, ergo revocable if engagement called off

Wtf?? Why?

She's a foid. It's her nature.

The nature of all foids

If true, sorry bro

Assuming thats real i think you can actually sue for the ring back. Read about a guy winning his ring back some years ago but its blurry due to it being years back.

Wait rly

Yes really


I don't usually hit black out mode unless I am just in a chair plowing through a bottle of bourbon. Otherwise I stay pretty lucid, my emotions just jump all over the place.


Did they give you weird looks at the hospital or try to talk to her with you out of the room, or were they cool?

Lol we were out of the hospital

A lot of women can’t do that to begin with. A bot can learn

That would imply you would stop drinking

Men are better for that honestly. The idea that you should vent your feelings to women outside your family is a meme. She already has a pussy bro, women that want a second one are called lesbians.

Yeah, this is true, but it isn't socially acceptable to ask my bros for a cuddle.

It’s call bjj

Bros are the best cuddles

Women will actually have to be interesting and develope personalities instead of relying on their pussy. What an amazing technology

I say this as a gay man: If this were the truth every dude would just fuck men. A bussy with lube is literally 10x better than any pussy. Dudes want to fuck women for a bunch of other reasons we're both too dumb to disseminate.

The reason being: not being a flaming faggot.

lmao gottem

Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?

Were the pharisees the original radical centrists?

So you'll fuck a machine but not a human? What does that make you?


As a technology lover, I approve of this term.

What's next, gay robosexual marriage?

Not gay

What is a bussy?






Please leave.

Get out

Oh I’m here to stay

Fuck off, we're full


He's not wrong

What's your point?

Does a fact need to have a point?


10x better than a pussy.

Imagine a pussy. Now make it 10x better with lube.


Please do some reading before you continue.


We're soft and needy, lord only knows why men find that appealing but thank fuck they do.

I bet you smell good too.

I find that appealing. Too bad you don't find emotional men appealing.

I like emotional men.

On my milking table.

CFNM club 4 lyfe!

Check your dms bby

I don't talk to men who have their pants on and don't call me Mommy or Mistress.

Mommy please! I need your touch!

Mommy needs to milk all those bad cummies out of you so you stop misbehaving and shitposting on reddit.

I want to be good for Mommy

Mommy needs her good boy to suck on her nipples while she milks all that nasty cum out of you.

It's not supposed to be enjoyable, so Mommy is going to only give you ruined orgasms.

I was joking, but this is actually getting kind of hot. So I am going to stop.

Give momma a hug you nasty little spergie 🤗🤗🤗

hugs but keeps my waist back because of boner

I don't know what happened to fuck uo my brain, but I freaking love creepy weirdos 😂

In my experience it's usually daddy issues.

Nope, mommy issues.

And probably that dude who jacked off in front of me when I was 13 🤷‍♀️

I have only known men to have mommy issues. How does it manifest in women?

  • Shit at housekeeping

  • Hypersexual

  • Fear of abandonment

  • /r/drama user

As a very low libido dude who enjoys mopping the floor, but also fears abandonment, the drama user thing is really my only turn off.

Watching a man clean for me is a 10/10 turn-on 😍

I will do all the chores if you take care of my cummies Mommy.


Now be a good boy and take your clothes off while you clean the kitchen.

While I am not opposed to walking around naked, you'd probably be disappointed most of the time. I am more of a grower not a shower.

It's not disappointment, it's excitement in potential.

Also, it's fun to play with and get hard and then send back to cleaning duties frustrated 😍

You have to stop, I have a weak heart given to dumb feelings. This is not good for me haha.

I'm fat and have an amazing boyfriend, your cute little pee pee will have to find solace elsewhere 😋

Fat is cute if you know what to do with yourself. Be good to your boyfriend.

I think I'll suck his dick when I get home 😎

Wtf did I just read

Standard /r/drama retardation.


Call me more names, Daddy


Not much to it, I like naked men doing things, and I like doing things to naked men 🤷‍♀️

I'm a simple lady.

Nice. Cfnm

Men are there to be my emotional blanket, not the other way around, sweaty.

Ya, I know. I suspect this shortcoming of yours is why I'm bi.

Women's skin really does feel like super soft. I'll give you that. But you can get the same shit by taking hormones, why do you think there are so many trannies running around? We like don't even need you any more to get that super soft skin, we can just take hormones and rub ourselves.

Women aren't likely to give me AIDS

I hope you don't actually believe that. You give people way too much credit.

Men who have e sex with men make up like 68% of all hiv infections, and 80% of new infections. It's primarily a disease of gays and heroin addicts.

I understand they're more likely to have AIDS, can't argue that. It's just that I've seen enough people willing to hide such things that I wouldn't trust either gender as far as I can throw them.

Only true if she isnt DTassF.


Do you mean ascertain?

I genuinely thought ascertain meant disseminate and disseminate meant ascertain. I'll asser-tain you in a moment.


If you throw cum everywhere, you have literally disseminated. Fantastic!

Wordlets everywhere

This tbh

There's also secondary and tertiary sexual characteristics that men have been conditioned through eons of evolution to get pp hard at.

A bussy with lube is literally 10x better than any pussy.

I say this as a gay man

something just doesn't add up here

Nigga do u think that every gay person has never touched a pussy or something? The fact I prefer sucking dick has nothing to do with the fact I've dipped into pussy.

no you retard i'm saying you're gay so obviously you're going to prefer bussy over pussy.

stop being a literal stereotype of the touchy, catty faggot.

A hole is a hole my tight bussied friend

This conversation is amazing

Truly worth keeping in the archives of NSA to be archived and unearthed in 2104 after nuclear war

And one is filled with shit, and smells like it. If that's the one you choose to live your life by, you ain't right in the head.

A hole is a hole

bussy with lube is literally 10x better than any pussy.


Says the Incel who's had no experience with any holes whatsoever! Except, maybe sheep. Or dogs. Nah... This little pussy fucks his teddy bear!

I dunno, man, granted I've only fucked women in the ass, but IMO even the best anal sex can't compare to good pussy. There is some kind of sorcery in its design that's missing from fucking someone in the ass.

Closest I've come to seeing it replicated are those tenga cups. That's not even a joke, 100% seriouspost here.

Curves, tits and lack of penis...seeing the nothing between navel and labia in a Playboy years ago for the first time just gave me that pleasant rush feeling. That is when I knew I have to develop the skills to manage the bulshit happenening north of the tits. Still a work in progress.

If ur gay how do you know

ding dong gets mega hard at the notion of other ding dongs

No about pussy

put me ding dong in pussy


Get to Eastern Europe i study English at university and even There the girls are passable in personality. Psychology etc are amazing. We didnt let our society get cucked throught.

Cracka you speak English why you going across the globe to study it

Im staying in the place where i was born and raised fwaggot. And its because of paper. i got High school it degree and want to try bullshitting my into corporate. They are faggots but they are only one in eastern europe who pay well.

Haha rich kid

A world that doesn't need them for sex anymore

I have a hard time imagining a world where the drunkest guy at the bar is not trying to take home to ogre.

Life, uh, finds a way.

I have a hard time imagining a world where the drunkest guy at the bar is not trying to take home the ogre.

Shrek is love, Shrek is life

You should hang out with me some time. I'm almost always the drunkest guy in the bar and sometimes I don't even follow through with discount-Stacey. Partially because of whiskey dick, but still.

I for one welcome our new sexbot overlords.

tfw your holographic q.t Joi gf will finally become real

Life-fuel for Blade-Runner-2049-cels

Soon Ill be able to cuddle with my waifu Azusa Nakano 😍😍😍

I'm a JuaSicko-cel, so I hold out hope too.

She's like the complete opposite of what I'd look for in a woman but I respect your taste and hope you and your future android waifu will live a happy life

She's like the complete opposite of what I'd look for in a woman

Wenigstens ist sie volljährig...

weil zierliche, relativ flachbrüstige Frauen nicht volljährig sein können?

Sorry, ich diskutiere nicht mit Pädophilen.

tust du ja auch nicht.

Das würde ich auch sagen, wenn ich ein Pädo wäre.

Kenn mich leider nicht so gut mit den Gedankengängen von Pädos aus aber wenn du meinst.

Is that black speech? HAVE THE KRAUTS INFILTRATED US?!?

I think it's going to be virtual reality.


I found the incel

If sex-bots are banned, there could be legit incel uprising (which wouldn't amount to much anyway)

Even if it doesn't amount to much, it would still make an interesting history class for future generations.

Don’t you mean inshallah?

If sexbots are banned i would advise Islamists to recruit incels.

They already are.

I went to a whore and discovered that my hand feels better than vaginas anyway

This is why Islam will win. Shubhanallah

Until the introduction of the 10 year old cousin bot.

I'll be laughing if/when this causes a noticeable decrease in birth rates

“I have a theory that I pulled straight out of my ass which posits that men are pieces of shit.”

“Really? Here’s some evidence that contradicts that theory.”

“Fine. My new theory, supported by your evidence, is that men are subhuman pieces of shit.”

they're actually being kinda woke about youthful sex dolls. Nice

Inferior apes? As someone who identifies as a POC, I'm offended


"Bots will not replace us!"


TwoX were already replaced by the hand. They have nothing to worry about over sex dolls

It's over for femcels

Is anybody else concerned with the usage and increasing popularity of sex dolls? I see this as max sexualization of women. I read this article onetime that suggested if the usage of sex dolls becomes common practice and the status of women remains the same or decreases (because there is no way that men could feel okay with owning a sex dolls if women were humanized) that new generations of you women/girls would feel pressured to live up to a sex dolls standards, so basically existing to be pleasure for men.

Imagine thinking it is bad if women are sexualized by gasp the evil menz!!!

That's how you react when nobody thinks you're sexy I suppose

I've never seen a hot woman complain about those things

I've never seen a hot woman

sexualization and objectification are terms made up by uggos because they feel inadequate


There are no hot women. The only people that can be hot are male or trannies.

high IQ as fuck

WELP complexes with that flair.

Just like how hot men never ask for sex dolls. This whole thing is bizarre

there is no way that men could feel okay with owning a sex dolls if women were humanized

... why?

Sex toys with similar features exist in male versions, don't see why we'd have to shit on men here.

How is that comment still there?

It's like seeing an unicorn.

It's gone now.

OTOH there will be fewer men who have a pathological inability to relate to women, feeling forced into bad marriages for sex, passing their genes along.

Agreed! It’s nature fixing itself

At least dudes appreciate the whole of a woman's body. When a women wants a sex doll she only cares about the penis.

You know every one of those chicks owns a few vibrators.

More like a 15 inch black mamba complete with realistic veins and jackhammer setting.

I bet they all own pitbulls and costco bundles of peanutbutter

You have some interesting fetishes.

I read this article onetime

seeing this used unironically is my life fuel

A dude wrote that

Now that is one cucked manlet

Ok but that's good though. You sweaty neckbeards who don't think women are people to take out their rape fantasies on sex toys.

Exactly! The future is going to be grand on all kinds of scales and ideas

As an actual man with a penis and testicles and testosterone coursing through my veins, I don’t give a fuck about sexbots. Most men already know that 95%+ of bio women are useless at sex anyway. That’s not why women are marginally useful to men. When they make robots that can make you a sandwich and get you beer, then women will panic.

Are you trying to imply that starfishing isn't the most highly skilled sex technique a women can master?

No, I am implying that starfishing is the most advanced sexual technique that 95%+ of women can master.

Yeah, I don't get the need for sexbots if there are women who you can literally rent for money. I need a bot for something that I can't buy.

Robots are almost never programmed to steal your belongings to support their heroin addictions.


Where can I find the ones that are programmed with a heroin addiction?



STDs, pimps, pay every time, only do certain things vs clean in the sink, you are the pimp, pay once, do whatever you want

You are having the wrong type of sex fyi.

As an actual man with a penis and testicles and testosterone coursing through my veins,


i would think most feminists would be relieved at the fact that men will start chasing technological pussy over real pussy. i wonder if sexual assault will increase or decrease in the oncoming barrage of men spending all of their time outside of the work place pounding their winkies into the worlds most sophisticated clam trap.

Rape rates fell pretty hard after the spread of the internet as far as I know

that's because raping someone requires going outside

Not according to tumblr. I can rape with just my thoughts!

You’re raping thousands of women right now by ignoring them instead of offering them your platonic friendship while thinking about them as “whole people”.

You mean “hole people”.

It's a coincidence. Unleaded gasoline was invented around the same time as the internet.

sometimes when i get horned up and aggressive i get high af huffing some gas and settle down so idk

Just get a lobe job, just takes a minute.

So you’re saying that lead in gasoline is the leading cause of rape? You may be onto something here.

I think that it is at least plausible that using unleaded gasoline led to fewer rapes. Lead causes brain damage in children which makes them grow up to be more violent which makes them more likely to rape. I think the link between violent tendencies and lead exposure in children has actually been accepted by science, but I don't know what the impact of using leaded gasoline really was.

It's not just children, by the by, although it fucks you up more as a kid, lead exposure makes you stupider and more violent.

Heavy metal exposure in general, actually, IMO the worst kind of poisoning you can have happen to you... it literally makes you stupid.

Explains that napster shit metallica pulled in the 90s.

Saying "boomers are brain damaged" would be much shorter

Actually look it up

Leaded gasoline legitimately causes lower IQs and more impulsive and violent behavior, so banning it may actually reduced the rape and DV rate.

Easy access to porn and removal of lead from petrol did more to decrease violence and sexual assault than 100 years of behavioural modification through legislation.

Anyone who is pushed off about sex isn't getting any.

  • Ugly feminists nobody wants to rape

  • Incels that should keep themselves safe

  • Trannies who thought they'd get lots of sexual attention after putting on a dress but didn't and are now angry about "transphobia," AKA incels

  • MGTOWs who literally don't talk about anything except women - the exact opposite of "going their own way"

  • Suicide bombers in shit hole countries where one dude has 20 wives and 19 other dudes go without gussy

Literally every problem on the planet comes down to not being able to get data nut.

Wow this was a lot of words to get through as I stroke my cock while reading this thread

Is your penis feminine at least?

Maybe it's non-binary you twat!


So the solution to the worlds problem is too make all women sex slaves, holy shit, let’s send this to Congress and the UN, world peace can be achieved

You get Tess Holliday 🥉

I didn’t say they were chosen for everyone, but if I starve her for awhile, she’ll be right as rain... hopefully

Starving her won't get rid of the excess skin.

Everything is about sex.

This is why every man should kiss another man to see if he likes it.


Ugly feminists nobody wants to rape

Men barely have any standards, they will gladly fuck those women.

What the heck is gussy?

You make the mistake of thinking that men can do something that isn't problematic.

probably decrease, I imagine the effect would be similar as the decrease in violent sex crimes which is correlated with a wider availability of pornography

The OP of that thread is a tranny. Probably just jealous that sexbots have a G spot and he doesn't, LOL.

That flair though...

the trans girl whomst is gay

Whomst probably complains about the "cotton ceiling" on the reg.

cotton ceiling

what in the world

Is the "cotton ceiling" one of those "why do consumer hygiene products cost money" things?

no that would be too rational

The term cotton ceiling refers to the difficulty trans people experience when seeking lesbian and gay relationships, and in lesbian and gay social spaces more generally.

They're basically incels without self-awareness and some of the fun shitposting.

at that point what's even left

Judging by the trends, some rope.

"Why dont cis lesbian women want to suck my shriveled 3 inch dick??? Must be BIGOTRY!"

😂😂😂 the best part is this isn’t hyperbole. We’ve had so many of these posts in the past. If only they realized men like bussy more than women like a feminine penis

Not to over-serious post but, fuck I'm a gay man and I was struggling with my gender identity a bit, but nothing turned me off more from embracing that side of myself than the trans community. I honestly just felt gross if I wasn't playing into their hyper-sexualized fetishization of literally everything. Dare speak up against it? You're a TERF BIGOT and that's PROBLEMATIC.

Additional serious post incoming: I also hate that they have valid fetishization demands but if “straight”men have a fetish about fucking bussy they get shamed as creeps in that community. It’s weird

Every straight man who wants to be with them is a "chaser"

Every straight man who puts on a dress is suddenly an "ally" and "woke" if they want that bussy. It's insane. I'd see screencaps of people calling out just normal dudes hitting on them as "chasers" because I guess it's just too beyond the pale for a guy to be interested in them. I wanna say it's projecting, because they know it's a fetish and when they perceive themselves to be fetishized it triggers that dissonance but I haven't a clue.

Fucking exactly! If it’s something they like, then what’s wrong with it? This is assuming the “chaser” isn’t abusive or harassing or rapey. If it’s a consensual fucking and they both are into it, then why does anyone care? People fuck, being so pc that you become conservative again is one of the lgbtq communities greatest hypocrisies

straight male sexuality = bad. that is all you need to know to understand this kind of thing.

Oh baby, I envy the drama you're in for. Men in dresses bullying lesbians into sex is some of the richest drama to come out of 2018.

I've seen the first, little shook from seeing

if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it

being labeled as unhealthy and leading to "severe emotional problems"

It's a fake controversy made up by feminism appropriating reactionaries. Also, you claim that you don't believe in "gender" but then you shame men for not conforming to gender roles - maybe you should think about this for a second?

you claim that you don't believe in "gender"

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Did you mean to reply to someone else?

Wow, this sub reddit is seriously the most toxic place I could ever imagine.


**The cotton ceiling is REAL.**

Most lesbian women are TERFs in hiding who only really want a pretty, effeminate woman, similar to incels. That is why most lesbians are butch and create the persona of a "chad" male who is a sexist tough guy.


Trans-women like me are screwed in every dating community we try to exist in. It isn't right or fair that most lesbian women aren't attracted to female penises. I am thinking of moving to Canada or the UK where misgendering people is illegal. Maybe we can work towards opening peoples minds about feminine penises and the reality that they are just as female as a vagina.

Jesus christ, look at their post history.

Literally does nothing but spam the trans/lesbian subs multiple times a day with various shitposts. It's like a retarded cross between wanting validation for your identity, and karma whoring by posting the same thing to multiple subs.

It's a 15 year old too... I really hope he isn't doing HRT or some other horrific shit.

It's a 15 year old too

unironically: Yikes

I'm glad I'm not trans, it seems pretty fuckin complicated.

I'm "just" gay instead, but at least I don't have to worry about "hurrmones" and "b-blockers" and "spamming /r/traaaaans multiple times a day for attention"

Show bussy

I'm a fellow gay and I almost transitioned into being a woman when I was in my late teens because I thought it would mean I'm not gay LOL. Being trans is extremely complicated, especially when ur black and ur fam is like its fine to fuck men as long as u live as a woman!

especially when ur black and ur fam is like its fine to fuck men as long as u live as a woman!


Oi! You got a loicense for that gash-gussy?

No fronthole shaming

unironically: yikes

Honestly it's not that bad. If they still have serious feelings of gender dysphoria by this point there's a good chance they'll always feel like that

Not really, I am 18 and even I wondered if I might have been trans when I was 15~, luckily I wasn't part of any online community who basically tell everyone that they're trans if they're questioning it. I mean r/asktg has literally never said no to anyone and they even have a saying that "if you're questioning, you're trans because cis people don't do it"

I would say pretty much everyone growing up in a very liberal environment questions that when they're around that age in my experience.

The kid has managed to get 400k karma in 7 months, that's insane. I am guessing it's just a kid with no social life who has convinced himself he's trans because all his friends are transpeople online and he wants to fit it.

I feel like a lot of men question masculinity and go “wow it sure would be easier to be a woman. Just put on dress clean house and ur husband works. Such an easier life” then that might lead to “am i a woman???”

Kinda like grass is always greener, but way more mentally ill if actually pursued

21 year old. DITTO.


Those stats only get worse after transitioning lol. You can't take the man out of them even after transitioning. There are more transwoman rapists in UK prisons than there are female rapists. Transwoman, despite being 0.4% or some shit of the population, commit more sexual assaults and rapes than the entire 51% of the population that is female.

Transpeople are also famous for another statistic that you're already pretty aware of.

Transwoman, despite being 0.4% or some shit of the population, commit more sexual assaults and rapes than the entire 51% of the population that is female. That's a crazy stat if I have ever seen one.


Also, that's because they weren't transitioned early enough to root out the male tendencies.

"If you question you're X, you probably are X"

Doesn't matter what it's in regard to, that's just such a ridiculous mindset that closes you off to other possibilities. Trained professionals exist for this reason.

Not really, I am 18 and even I wondered if I might have been trans when I was 15

lol i stopped reading there, transition already you fkn egg.

I can't be trans, I am a terf. I actually started becoming a terf after I started looking up how gender identity was different from gender roles and it made absolutely no sense. Some "internal feeling" non sense that's on par with spirituality.

i wonder how many other terfs are trannies in denial.

At that age 95% of cases would be cured by having them not log into whatever echo chamber they're being groomed in.

The majority of kids who start natural puberty do not persist in gender dysphoric feelings long term

Biiiiioiiiiiiiiiig yoikes guiy.

I do. Think about how much hotter he will be if he starts early.


I will never get the logic of trannies defending child transition. You guys talk about mental health so much, but think literally playing around with someone's hormones and stuff while they're going through puberty won't have any consequences.

Kids are incredibly naive and can be convinced to do all kinds of dumb shit. I could literally convince any 10 year old that they're trans within 3 months. Now imagine what 100s of freaks on r/asktg telling them this shit would do. We don't allow kids to have fucking tattoos because of how dumb kids are, but apparently HRT is fine.

Dude do whatever you want when you're older. I don't give a fuck if you want to LARP as a man, woman, half dragon/half wolf etc. Just don't make kids do that.

It doesn't matter if you'll end up uglier transitioning late, it's not an excuse to destroy otherwise healthy kid's bodies.


Regardless, they chose it, so if they regret it, you can just blame them for choosing it. If they don't regret it, then everything is fine.

"The kid chose to fuck me, if she regrets it, you can blame her for fucking me, I am not the rapist. If she doesn't, then everything is fine"

How many times do you pedos need to be told that kids can't consent and can't be held accountable for their actions? Please Don't breed, you'd probably blame your kid for hurting themselves after you leave them alone at home.

"The kid chose to fuck me, if she regrets it, you can blame her for fucking me, I am not the rapist. If she doesn't, then everything is fine"

They did it to themselves, you retard. Do you blame school shootings on gun shops and manufacturers?

I feel sorry for them more than anything, they've been abused in the past or have had shit drilled in their head so hard that they just become the ultimate hate filled moron.

It’s called the prostate my dude, and it’s proof that god meant for us to be gay

A LESBIAN tranny. Man. Fuck me. Those one are SUPER common.

My puny fucking single molecule brain can’t think up why.

It's not rocket surgery. Women didn't pay attention to their creepy asses when they were men, so they tell the world that they're women and suddenly they can be creepy with impunity.

🗣 🦖

literally most of twox is actually trannies.

Maybe they should tru dressing up as animes. It worked for twinks.

but they can't cosplay as 99% of the girls because dressing up as a high or middle school girl is gross and icky.

Also not mant fat anime cuties

I'll stick to my gf's dirty undies for sexual pleasure. I'll switch over when the technology is advanced to the point where I can ping the doll.

The least these disgusting animals could do is couple with dolls of color.

Good luck, dramanaut.

Good luck, dramanaut.

Already downvoted sadly. Clearly it means trollx doesn't care about POC rights 😔😔😔

"Sex dolls will not replace us!"


If incels were coupling with DoC (lmaaaaoooo) trollxers would be up in arms about "fetishization". Do these people even know the culture they're a part of?

dolls of color.

I suppose I should have had some software in my head by now that would have not made this phrase a complete surprise to me, but holy hell. Current year indeed

The supposed reason behind "people of colour" is that it puts "people" first to emphasise that they're a person first and that their race is secondary. Same with "people with disabilities" instead of "disabled people". This is supposed to be more respectful because of it.

How does that work when talking about dolls? Do dolls mind being called a doll?

This is supposed to be more respectful because of it. How does that work when talking about dolls?

What if you respect dolls more than racial minorities? 🤔🤔🤔

You realize the person that made that comment is a /r/drama user, right?

No, I try not to look at usernames anymore. One time I was in a grocery store in Oregon or some shit and I had a legit thought about Ed or Pizzashill or someone on here and I was like "Jesus fuck my life is a complete mess" so now I just rely on the RES +/- system. You are at +7, so you're doing pretty good, whoever you are.

Trust me, I'd bet there's a good amount of incels who would pick out the asian doll. But maybe that's not the color they're talking about hmm?

That comment came from the dramasphere, not a trollxcel.

lol i guess they don’t use dildos, explains a lot actually

Foids eternally BTFO

I cannot be bothered to put any effort into a post to even mock that sub. Its just fucking rubbish, its no different from a white power, a black power, a chink power, anti-gay, whatever, those subs are all the same. Zero self awareness. At least incels have some level of self reflection to realize something is wrong with them, amongst the rest of the bat shit insanity they indulge in.




Nah, its not good enough. Lets at least raise the bar with snappy.

When is TrollX gonna be renamed as r/femcels?

Fencels don't exist.

t. Incel

TrollX is the biggest proof that femcels ade very real.

Femcels exist but theyre all volcel or so insane they couldnt be properly charged with a crime.

femcels could pick up any of the 60% of men who are disgusting fat troglydites.

They just think they can compete at the top of the sexual marketplace and feel they are entitled to Captain America's and Black Panther's attention

They're phat (therefore beautiful) and have a great personality (which stacies never develop) and a sense of humor akin to Amy Shumer!

Stacies never had a chance. The game is rigged due to patriarchy! Otherwise landwhales would be top material!

No incels are actual incels. Unless you are a facial burn victim or born in Chernobyl you are a volcel

Yeah...that's just incels in general. You think the majority of male incels would go out and fuck self absorbed ugly bitches? Getting laid with literally anybody is easy with a bit of work, but fucking people you're genuinely attracted to is another matter.

I thought that was gender critical.

Gender critical are just femcels in their 40s and 50s whereas TrollX is for femcels in their 20s.

TrollX is the biggest proof that femcels are very real


What are incels if not insecure bitter people who couldn't get laid and lash out at the entire opposite sex for their shortcomings?

TrollX fits that definition to a T.

people who couldn't get laid

The women on TrollX can get laid, and they talk about their experiences pretty often. They don't really have any reason to lie because women aren't looked down upon for being virgins. If anything, it's the opposite.

I bet you think there are no girl gamers either huh you fricking incel

there is but they all play shit like hearthstone.

Femcels means spinsters.

There's also avery small subset of those that are also actually incel.

A woman having sex with a doll would also be creepy.

What’s the difference between that and a woman having sex with plastic shaped like male genitalia?

is this person retarded?

For real. Who uses plastic dildo? Silicone is the way to go.

Yeah, he’s a well known idiot.

Dildos are an appropriation of male-ness, and are demeaning to men, and therefore need to be banned.

Sex slaves, even. Using an oversized fleshlight is literally enslaving an actual person, apparently.

Words mean nothing. Decriptivists rejoice!

The gist of that thread is that women are being sexualized, and that a puritan lifestyle with no porn... Wait no, it's that women shouldn't be slut shamed for havig... Wait no. ERROR NPC 3325745 monolog malfunction.

It makes more sense when you realize that female sexuality is always good and male sexuality is always bad

True. Explains all the double standards they have towards male and female sex toys.

I’d rather stay

The least these disgusting animals could do is couple with dolls of color.

ITT: people who don't understand intersectionality.

Fuck me my sides.


i love how the definition for this word is literally just, "the issue is so complicated I don't need to explain myself."

Any time they are pinned down they tell you that you need to read some French philosopher to understand. I'm not going to read Derrida to understand your annoying world view.

I learned from Descartes that I like bussy therefore I lmao.

that was gold. are we allowed to ping /r/drama users?

You can ping me bby

I grew up watching Cherry 2000. It was one of the few films my father owned on VHS. I think he paid $89 for it. It was probably a bootleg. My pop was a petty criminal. He died in 1989 from a crime-related injury.

Sexbots have been the dream of every man with a frigid, nagging wife since dudes fucked barnyard animals on the regular.

People like to condemn Jeff Dahmer, but he was really just a pioneer in the field of non-judgmental holes to stick your dick into.

You cannot stop the singularity.

My mother was a frigid, nagging wife.

What's better? A robot you can screw or serial killers and rapists?

Some women will lose this war, others will benefit.

I remember loving that film. Looked it up a while ago (forgot the title) and watched it again. Turns out it's best to leave those childhood memories be.


Wonder how many people there making this argument who own dildos

Deep down women know they are annoying as fuck. The only reason we talk to them is because it's better than jerking off.

It's just like Billie Burr said, "women are constantly patting themselves on the back on how difficult their lives are and no one corrects em, cuz they wanna fuck em!"

RIP women. 200.000 BC to 2019

They had a good run though. Nothing to be ashamed about. Marie Curie and... other female scientists who surely existed somewhere.


if the usage of sex dolls becomes common practice and the status of women remains the same or decreases (because there is no way that men could feel okay with owning a sex dolls if women were humanized)

How many women own vibrating dildos? TLDR TrollXX and women dehumanize men, and there is no way men can live up to a vibrating 15in cock.

I feel like we should ban dildos because of the extreme standards imposed upon men by them. In daily life I am constantly anxious about being outperformed by dildos. What if I'm not enough anymore... what if.. I become replaced? I do realise that dildos have neither emotions nor any empathy to speak of, but who needs empathy when you can put on some VR glasses and be fucked by Brad Pitt? Sigh.. Maybe we should just cover ourselves from head to toe in some kind of cloth so we won't be tempted by eachother and ban sex in its entirity outside of marriage.. where the goal is to produce children. Sometimes I wonder if we should do something about our sensitive organs as well, orgasm is a large part of why we have sex - So if we just make the organ dysfunctional nobody would want to have sex.

I got banned for posting this piece of gold right here

2X-cels sure don't like to have their hypocrisy pointed out in a sarcastic manner.


I feel like reddit has made society worse.

It gives us something to laugh at.

Just TrollX in general.

I can easily see the mindset of "I can just jam my dick into my intimate sex slaves ass without doing any work or hearing any complaining, so what are you going on about, bitch?" Developing.

This is what happens when you learn everything you know about men from Charles Bronson movies.

Do any work

Hear any complaining

This person has fucked up views about sex

Sexbots won't catch on because they're too big to store unnoticed in the dumpy little apartments of people who use them.


Makes u think huh

So women just using dildos willy nilly for years was reinforcing female tendencies to look at our phallic sexual organs as just products to be used for their desires? Am I doing this right?

Unfortunately dildoes can't provide child support and alimony.

Years? 20k years old dildos

Sex bots plus artificial wombs mean femorrhoids will finally go the way of the dodo and I can found Chadistan

Where would it be located?

My basement duh

In Chad, of course.

Based and redpilled nation

What about when they start implanting artificial wombs in trannies, and then the world just becomes a bunch of men fucking each other?

Utopian communism will finally be possible and also we'll have space ships.

Also it will be fully automated

Why are they so concerned with it? I don’t really get it.

self reflection

You know if these sex dolls had realistic responses they might be good as "sex training" for men.

if these sex dolls had realistic responses they might be good as "sex training" for men.

Not really, no.

See, there are only two possibilities. (1) the responses are deterministic. This means that given a certain input, they always produce the same output. If it works this way then, within a few days of appearing in stores, autistic gamers will have disassembled the code and figured out the meta (definition 2) and there will be howtos and walkthroughs on youtube explaining exactly what you have to say and do in order to get sex in the most efficient way possible.

It's exactly like how, no matter how much of a soul-crushing grind a video game might be, gamers will have documented the exact steps and calculated the exact reward per hour that you can expect.

...and that prospect will, I guarantee you, piss off every single feminist on Earth. They literally already have memes about this very idea. "We are not deterministic!" they will screech, if they knew what that term meant. They absolutely do not want "neckbeards" getting the idea that doing certain things or acting in certain ways results in sex.

Which brings us to option (2), the responses could be randomized. The idea here is, sometimes you say and do all the right things, but the bot still just isn't in the mood, and you just have to respect that. But the problem (for women) is that we'll know what the percentage change is. Maybe it's 50%. So like, half the time, the robot tells you it's got a headache. And maybe the robot is expensive; maybe it costs $10,000.

So I can pay $10k to have sex 50% of the time, or I can buy two of them, pay $20k and have sex 75% of the time, or three for $30k and 88% of the time, or four for 94% of the time you see the problem here? Regardless of how expensive it is, or how unreasonable the random chance is, I can still know all of this information before I buy it, which means I can make an informed purchase decision.

...which you can never do with a real woman. Real women aren't random. The truth is, real women are deterministic and you're not good enough for them; if you were, you'd already be getting sex and wouldn't need "training."

The truth is, you couldn't possibly sell anyone a robot that acts like a real woman, because you'd literally be selling a product which, you'd have to admit (or people would quickly figure out) is not going to have sex with you no matter what you do, because you're a loser. That's the way the real world works, and it's such a fabulously bad deal for men, that not enough the most pathetic of betas (aka this guy) would accept it if they could read it in black and white computer code.

And that's also a truth that real women, even the angry feminist women, don't want to face.

Play me out LongPostBot!!

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Oh I didn't think they would work at all, just as a concept. Though I've been told by women that some men still can't find the clit, so they could improve that.

Real women aren't random.

I beg to differ.

I partially agree with you. If you consider training like a 3D version of Leisure Suit Larry for trying to get laid, it would have all the problems you described.


It could be very useful for teaching sexual positions and techniques. I envision it similar to an advanced flight simulator. Start with the basics and gradually work through complex scenarios with a fair amount of random movements mixed in. You would not want it to be as deterministic as playing a game like Super Mario Bros where you know the exact time or part of the game play where you need to do something. You want the user to adapt like encountering random turbulence or a stray bird while flying in a simulator.


You could also take advantage of autistic gamers are by having achievements unlocked. If you unlock certain achievements, you could open up different models. Start with a 150 lbs basic bitch and move on to the geriatric midget or the land whale and get all the achievements or your top rating.


This could allow them to try out the techniques in random youtube videos without having to annoy an actual foid.


> So I can pay $10k to have sex 50% of the time, or I can buy two of them, pay $20k and have sex 75% of the time, or three for $30k and 88% of the time, or four for 94% of the time you see the problem here?


What's the problem? If you have a main chick, 2 side chicks, and a down low bro, you could use the same odds at getting laid a certain day.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I like how nobody on this thread mentions the booking female sex toy industry.


.... Reports for Target harrasment

Eh, there's a lot of men in the fake baby subculture as well

No,there aren't.

ITT: Incels sucking each others sphincters.

The rise of sex-bots could be one of the greatest sources of social transformation in the next few years. Foids will have to adapt to a world that doesn't need them for sex anymore. If sex-bots are banned, there could be legit incel uprising (which wouldn't amount to much anyway) against the explicit bias towards women in society. This is why Islam will win. Shubhanallah

Also, imagine being as retarded as /u/rkaylee

The absolute state of foids. They never can see their own hypocrisy.

That being said, dudes with sex dolls are pretty weird... I guess they aren’t harming anyone so why should they or anyone give a fuck


it would be tragic if their toys making this headway to be more realistic just makes them even stupider about real women's anatomy.

The more realistic, the less real women are needed anyway surely.

That thread gave my laptop an STD.

An stdc++?

A rare scenario of a circlejerk sub circlejerking a circlejerk sub

Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

imagine being so dumb to use the same several debunked argument of anti video game boomers: first video games, today the real world. I am just as close to play some Europa Universalis in real life like these incels to touch a real femoid

God i can't fucking wait until this really catches on.

Imagine being a woman and having 90% of your value just yanked out from under you.

Beautiful sight to behold.

I find it hilarious to compare these retards constantly trying to be speshul and bullshit with remarkably adult attitude we have here at drama. gay gets called gay and we doesnt shot back with some nasty retort then he is a total fwaggot. and yet we are fall more pleasant subredit than those landwhale humping dicksuckingkochcocksuckervampires.(sounded better in german).

TL:DR I like you guys. TL:DR 2 THATS GAY INCOMING.

Protecting the usage of sex dolls is encouraging the abuse of women and children. My body is not disposable and I will not stand for it.

It's literally not though

I imagine there lots of things she won't stand for. That is technically exercise

99% of people off the Internet who aren't complete losers don't give a shit about sexbots either way. Guys who are capable of getting women aren't going to en masse forgo that just to fuck inanimate objects. Women who aren't destined to be forever alone aren't going to fear that they're going to lose out on men to a robot. This shit gets way infinitely more attention in stupid Internet catfights than IRL.

Fragile Mayo women.

Anything is good, what helps men to avoid comitment to roasties and thots