In a thread about child abuse by overfeeding, brave moderator steps up to defend hamplanet parents, only to find the reaction isn't as expected. Goes on to write a brave speech about the horrors of internet moderation.

1  2019-01-02 by fuccboi2012


user reports:
1: LOL they set the sub to private. On a scale of 1-10, they mad.

I'm pretty sure saying "on a scale of 1-10" and then not giving a number is going to set off the autists in this sub, too. Which is, of course, why I'm posting it.

Ur doin gods work

user reports:
1: this is harassment targted at me

Lmao, someone typed this rather than using the default options.

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your a saint snappy

Making your child obese is such an American form of child abuse. Immigrant kids got beat, American kids got meat

truly the radical centrist response to this is to beat your meat.

By your parents no less

My arms are broken and im in a wheelchair/hospital bed post

Ewww reddit references

knowing it's a Reddit reference

Get out

If they got meat it wouldn't be such a nightmare. They get snack cakes, cookies and sodas. It's nuts.

Tbh a surplus of protein is wasted and just stored as fat. Back when I was a fucking idiot getting into weight training I'd gobble up as much protein as possible and wonder why it can't just slowly release over a week.

True, but I don't think these fat kids are getting too much protein.

You'd honestly be surprised, the amount of shite that fat kids eat it's easily possible to get 100g of protein, it's just outweighed by 1000g of carbs.

hamplanet parents

kinda, but not really. protein isn't easily stored as fat as carbs. you'd have to eat a lot of protein, but you'd definitely turn to a fatass if you eat a lot of carbs

Tbh a surplus of protein is wasted and just stored as fat.

Too much protein also causes your hair to fall out.

I don’t think it’s stored as fat, as it mostly gets pissed out and is damaging on your kidneys if you don’t utilize it properly. Usually, the additional carbs get stored as white fat and is tougher to burn than brown fat, that normally develops with lean muscle mass.

Catholic kids get meat too

Nun on Friday though.

No only Catholic kids got meat

better overfed than dead

This is why we need modocide

What I really love is every time you get one of these mod drama productions, there's always the little passive-aggresive mini-counterjerk from Brave Warriors Better Than The Filthy Masses, and the mod always responds like they're fucking Superman talking to the reporters after saving the world. "No need to thank me, citizen. Just doing my part."

Holy hell, Lydocia. I apologize for those in this sub that are arguing with every little thing while making unnecessary hurtful comments. Thanks for your countless hours moderating the sub!


Thanks. It's just a normal aspect of any subreddit, though.


But tbh I kind of have to grudgingly respect the sheer audacity of people who managed to turn "fatphobia" into a thing that people care about.

The likelihood that the mod used an alt to command themselves is 100000000%.

How Lydocia imagines xerself

The armored internet janitor will keep your online browsing safe from health advice, m'lady

Absolute unit. We should suck the fat from Americans and use that as fuel. That way we don't need to get shit from the middle East.🤣🤣🤣🤣

Subreddits would be better without subreddits. You remove the best comments and lock the best posts, you're a useless cunt.

  • what I would have replied with if comments weren't locked.

Just click report and hit other. Seems to work on here when ComedicSans posts all the user reports lol.

Thanks for the tip.

Can you say more about this.

Hit the report button. Choose the first option "This breaks one of r/Drama's rules." Other will be at the bottom and you can fill in your own "report."

If its good... or shit, really depends on the day, /u/ComedicSans will post the user reports lol.

But what do you put for the other reason.

Whatever you want? He wanted to call them useless cunts but the thread was locked. I just told him how to.

Now the whole sub is locked down, damn!

We volunteer as moderators. We don't get paid for this, we do this because we want to bring something good to the community, in this particular case by turning child abuse into a topic that people can openly discuss, raising awareness for what otherwise goes under the radar.

Moderating a subreddit, and especially one that tends to attract a lot of controversial chatter, costs us a lot of time. Again, unpaid time, time out of our own personal free time. To minimise the pointless part of our job (i.e. in this case reading through all the reports, only to find three comments are legitimately breaking Reddit rules and the other 54636543 reports are just people disagreeing, thinking a report is somehow a super downvote), we leave a reminder like this. It usually helps, it takes down the amount of hateful discussions significantly.

That aside, we also don't believe in just hatefully commenting to hurt other people's feelings. We believe in meaningful discussions, raising awareness for an otherwise difficult to discuss topic. So we don't need to focus on the weight of the parents, but instead on the child abuse they are doing in the form of neglect.

Edit: I sometimes don't understand Reddit. Why ask a question if you aren't going to believe the answer? I don't know how to convince you I'm genuine, and frankly I shouldn't. I just know from the inside what the cycle of abuse is like, and if moderating a sub like this can convince one person to call CPS and one child to be helped, then that's good enough for me and a lot more than has been done for many other children. If that makes me naive, so be it. If you are on this sub for the entertainment value and not these same intentions, so be it. Just don't assume you know or understand people's motivations, especially if they are openly communicating on them. I get that there is some general hate towards moderators, but we're just people too.

Mmmm delicious

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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This bot should detect pasta, it's just embarassing itself most of the time.







We volunteer as moderators. We don't get paid for this, we do this because we want to bring something good to the community

t. I'm a cuck and I do it for free.

t. I literally have nothing better to do with all of my time

I became a moderator because I hate myself, am faggot, and have tiny benis. Anyways, feel free to join r/agnostic

I volunteer because I want to help at least one kid in an abusive situation.

lmao imagine unironically thinking that volunteering on a subreddit is in any way helping anyone.

i wish we could ping so i could tell this asshole he's not helping anyone, just his own ego.

hot take, child abuse by overfeeding is worse and has more severe long term consequences than diddling your kid.

Yeah obesity starts early in life. That child has been set up to be a fatty for the rest of his days.

No surprise a pedo like you would think this tbh 🤔

what about fucking a fat kid

I can understand what a moderator of a porn sub would be like, I can understand what the mod of a video game sub would be like or an autistic topic sub, even a chapocel sub... I can not for the life of me understand what the mod of a fucking child abuse sub is like. Fucking why

The mum and dad aren't pictured so we're not going to assume they are fat and unhealthy themselves

Yes, I'm sure the parents are both triathletes who started their kid on the carbo-loading a little early.

It's 2019. We don't call them hamplanets anymore, braphogs is the preferred term hun


WTF reddit

It was basically /r/vaxhappened and /r/insaneparents stuffed in with some /r/trashy for extra fun

Mod confirmed for HEFTY CHONKER

Oh lawd he comin

We volunteer as moderators. We don't get paid for this


Shit like this is made for pings Jesus fuck

Jesus never pinged only pined.

You can't go any lower than internet moderator who does it for free.

They made the sub private lmao.

We shall keep this thread up as proof that fat people can't handle criticism.

Anyone save it? Snappy dropped the ball.

I've never gotten a sub shut down before, oy vey

I was wondering why I stopped seeing posts from there lmao

What I believe is irrelevant. We don’t have the info we need to make an assumption.

The mod isn’t wrong about this. /r/casualchildabuse is just one of several places where people make assumptions about a person (and sometimes generalize to encompass groups of folk) based off screenshots of conversation snippets and comments that usually can’t be verified for authenticity.