It seems to be a rule :: liberals/progressives who went to school/grew up with no black kids around can come up with the craziest political ideas and make sure things never change

1  2019-01-02 by newcomer_ts


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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explore reperations

What the fuck are reperations going to do? Give every black person a chance to buy a new TV? What the fuck

I watched black bush last night. Man I miss pure political kino like that.


I like how she included that in the "legalize weed" bullet point

WEED FOR THE PEOPLE (also reparations)!

That chick just has eyes that scream out "I go heavy on the teeth", no thnx sweetie

I want to jizz of her teeth tbh, and spread it across them like toothpaste

I had a good day until now. Thanks!

me too thanks

We'll, that enough internet for me today folks! Kill it with fire amirite?!

Don't ever post such a stupid comment again or I'll scrub your bussy raw. Nut up buttercup.

Srs time: half the joke IS making fun of meta reddit tier coments like that

So Sarah Jessica Parker is a no go for you then? not even a swift Sheryl Crow?

I can't stand Sheryl Crow because Richard Thompson is always touring with her as an opener and I want him to do more shows on his own

>cancel puerto rican/student debt

what the fuck is the point of giving people/governments the power to borrow money if you don't hold them responsible for their debts.

Eh, the student loan industry is pretty bad, or at least it was the last time I read up on it. Cancelling the debt entirely sounds like a pipe dream, but helping young people who were fucked over by predatory loan practices at 17/18 years old sounds like a good idea to me.

Crabs in a bucket mentality. People who had to pay off their loans are bitter and jaded, so they want to make sure everyone else has to suffer as much as they did.

I mean, they paid off their loans, why should they pay off your loans, too.

They don't have to? We could pay for it with a small tax increase on the rich or taking a tiny percent from our trillion dollars military budget.

We somehow found the money to bail out billion dollar banks and car companies, I think we could manage.

That's some really wishful thinking to imagine that they won't just pull from the general fund which we all pay into, but otherwise you right.

Or people could take responsibility for the shitty loans they take out.

Uh, you know that those bail outs almost always are just loans, right? The government straight up covering debt afaik only happens if a bank actually straight up fails (and doesn't exist anymore after).

Or people who were smart enough to not take out stupid loans with no plan of paying them off in the first place don’t want to reward and subsidize people’s stupidity through increased taxes to pay for this bullshit.

Your tax money goes to subsidize billion dollar corporations and the military every day. If a tiny fraction of that goes to help some students who got fucked over by predatory student loan companies I think I'll be able to sleep at night.

Your tax money goes to subsidize billion dollar corporations and the military every day.

They do more for the economy then mayo coastal kids getting English/Art degrees.

implying the military does more than sit on their lardasses all day before pressing the drone bomb button

nice one 😂😂😂

Doesnt know its actually sitting in the middle of nowhere guarding water trucks for hours


and the military

Oh no. My tax money is going to one of the key purposes of government.

Imagine having student loans instead of living in your means and working thru college 🥴🥴🥴

Hot take. Most white collar jobs shouldn't need a degree. After graduation you realize you use almost nothing of what you learned.

Iirc employers use it more as a signal for your commitment to work.

That's just a bullshit excuse people use that doesn't even make sense. There are better ways to prove your worth than spending 4 years and like 20k on a degree you aren't gonna really use.

People who went to uni have about 3x the lifetime earnings of people who didn't.

Yeah but not because college gave you the skills to earn that. Rather because well paying are gated behind college degree yet on a practical level said degree doesn't actually teach you the skills for those jobs. The usual responses are just canned "college teaches you how to work on something long term/it lets you network". Which are really just empty meme responses that try to justify what is an expensive experience like college that does not actually provide back the utility it requires.

It teaches you discipline, broadens your awareness of the world and teaches you how to interact with people at a higher level than construction workers. The price tag is too high for sure, but college is not a waste of time unless you're some natural autistic savant.

But those are just meme responses. Working retail can teach you discipline. Working at at retail at the fancy part of town can teach you to socialize with people of a higher status. None of those require of college degree or require 4 years + tuition. College has its place but the large majority of white collar jobs dont actually require it on a practical level. You don't need a bachelor to work on basic spreadsheets all day.

Working retail doesn't teach you how to think analytically, and the people you're surrounded by aren't exactly the cream of the crop, even in "high-end" retail. If you want to go that route, I'd suggest working at a casino.

Imagine thinking networking is a meme.

Networking is not a meme but if the networking is the actual benefit from college then there are better ways to network than spending 20k on tuition. Networking was supposed to be a side benefit, not the main benefit. College is supposed to be about education before everything else.

honestly the best indictment of our higher education system actually came from prager u

Spending 200K on a 4-year sleep-away camp show commitment?

A degree is just a cert saying you passed a 95 or maybe 110 IQ Test

Because it's racist to make Puerto Rico honor it's debts or something

We gave massive banks and GM free handouts, why not students? The government can create money out of thin air, always has. Need a war in Iraq? Whoops, just tripped over 10 trillion dollars! Sorry no money for transportation but or college systems tho XXDDD

Holy fuck reddit, the response.

I'm choosing to believe it's fake.

Just needs a lil more “dude weed lmao drug war” and “guns are scary”, then its pasta al dente

Both the banks and GM had to pay back those 'free handouts'.

Not a job guarantee. Universal basic income. Many of us work at home for no pay, but our work counts just as much as a job with a paycheck.

I have to mow the lawn in the hot hot sun. 😥

uhh there’s a lot of ableist neo-marginalization going on here sweaty. I meant the emotional labor of tweeting.

love that first response

just go shoot brown kids in turkm'oilstan for 4 years, then your college will be free!

do they not consider this to be a handout? you kiss the big daddy dick and then you get the big daddy check. shameful tbh

Biggest welfare program around.

big facts

at least if you work at the dmv, you help people do something the fundamentally need. at least if you work for USPS, you bring me my gam-gam's letter from the nursing home. shit even prisoners stamp our fucking license plates.

what does the american military, in the year of our lord and savior 2019, do to help anyone besides oil companies or arms manufacturers?

Cool it with the anti semitism there pal


Pls no bully my defense portfolio

oil companies

That's a perfectly good reason for most Americans probably.

Compare the number of Americans angry at Saudi Arabia chopping up that journalist to the number of Americans who would be angry if oil went up $3 dollars a gallon, and you have a quick explanation for our Middle East foreign policy

Well the oil boom in Texas and other places means we are way less dependent on other countries for oil than even 15 years ago. Even though Obama tried to slow it down.

Kill Muslims.

I mean they're not wrong

If you willingly chose to go into massive debt for your English degree you can willingly choose to serve your country (shoot sand niggers) and get a free ride through college!

theoretically one might have the type of moral compass in which they would say to themselves, upon being made aware of this deal, "it is wrong to shoot sand monkeys just so that I don't have to spend 7 years paying off the debt it require to become a cpa"

although I might be expecting too much out of dumb poor people

Or they could avoid both and go straight into trade school and make decent money.

Imagine thinking millennials want anything other than cushy desk jobs where they can goof off all day

also not a terrible idea

I don't know man. I'd shoot you for a Klondike bar.

luv u 2 bb

Lol you can get a cpa with 5 years at any public college. LSU for example is around 10k per year in state plus a cpa will almost guarantee you a 45-70k job coming out of college. (The 70k is real some guy I know went to LSU got his cpa and master of accountancy in 5 years and is making 70k doing structured finance for a big 4 in Houston)The people getting cpas aren’t the ones constantly whining about muh student loans unless they went to some small private school and paid 50k a year and didn’t take advantage of their education like Tulane or some shit.

that's fair

sub cpa for some other kind of degree and I still stand by my point

God I love Boomer logic.

"Haha AoC is just promising unrealistic things that will never happen! Unlike Daddy, who definitely is building that wall and making Mexico pay for it, he promised me!"

Don't forget Boomers grew up on a dynasty of welfare from FDR's New Deal to LBJ's Great Society, but as soon as someone else wants their gimmes, they go crazy

"KEEP YOUR GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE" will always be my favorite and most fitting Boomer protest sign.

You are a fraud! Who are you working for?? #Qanon

EXCLUSIVE: PHOTOS of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or "Sandy" as She Was Known at Her Elite High School...

The Qtards have returned.

I'm ok with eliminating student debt with the following caveats.

  1. No federal funds for art schools

  2. No federal funds for Social Science schools

  3. No federal funds for "for profit" schools.

Add on to schools must cut administrative budgets by 75%

Amen and all extra curricular must be self supporting and not use the school's endowments.

My school has 2 different diversity centers. One is in charge of cultural affairs and hosts the clubs and all that shit. The other is literally just a building named after a dead corrupt president and it does nothing but host a few events a semester. We have an art gallery that is full of shitty (usually not even original) art.

Said corrupt president also forgive $50 million in overspending by different programs. Majority of which was for athletics and a 10 million dollar golf course and clubhouse

We also spent $61 million dollars on a useless building that literally only athletes and coaches use, as if that would make our football team any better.

There’s just so much fucking waste being done with my money. I just want to get a degree, marry a cute girl, work in a shitty cubicle for 40 years, smoke a lot of weed and have an ok life. But nah I gotta take on a fuckton of debt first so frat chads have another excuse to get shitfaced and rape people.

I'd be ok with this as well.

I'd take this on a case by case basis, student unions sometimes provide a good value to the students (if you are talking about a student activity center) and student governments can help to ease tensions between students and the faculty.

Why must the best ideas be mixed with the worst?

I would be ok with something like permanent income-based repayment (possibly already exists?) and the debt automatically cancels after 20 years, maybe with some other carrots.

The problem with student debt is when the deferment/forbearance period ends after five or so years and then kids are paying large amounts every month relative to their income. So if some kid fucks up or has shit luck or whatever they're stuck forever paying off their loans and can't contribute much to the economy and other aspects of society otherwise. You shouldn't have to pay for your mistakes forever.

Make em pay some small amount of their income monthly and if they can't pay it off after 20 years, it goes away. At least that way people get a chance in their 40s to put together some cash for retirement, can contribute more to the economy, and are less likely to end up dependent on the government in old age. Most people aren't going to go 'well, I'll just sit this out until I'm 40-something'.

The lenders can figure out some kind of formula to determine what loans are worthwhile within that framework. I sort of see it as a compromise on 'no bankruptcy for student loans'.

Or don’t let people take out loans without collateral.

I think most significant loans require co-signers, which is basically collateral.

From my understanding, most college graduates do fine and are able to repay their loans in a reasonable time frame. The problem, so I've been led to believe, is kids who take out big loans, drop or fail out of college, and then are stuck in perpetual debt because they are basically high school graduates with $50k in debt at age 21. Regardless of the situation, I think it's better to get people, college graduates or not, back into their local economy and community significantly before they're at retirement age.

Hopefully an automatic 20 year (or whatever) debt-forgiveness program would lead to fewer and/or smaller and/or more targeted loans being given out, which would treat the problem of high tuition resulting from a glut of loan availability. A blanket loan-forgiveness such as what AOC seems to be proposing just treats the symptoms, not the problems. But non-dischargeable loans saddling a significant proportion of americans who will never be able to repay them is a problem.