I liked the gay porn on the sidebar but I'm glad the old ones are back.

1  2019-01-02 by CrosbyStillzandSwag

Was getting some strange looks from the people at my local library but fuck them in any case.


I was unable to drama at work. Mods, please keep the actual wieners out of pictures and in eds mouth where they belong.

imagine being productive at work

my boy set his hands on fire today while dicking around with hand sanitizer. shit was lit

Okay, now this is epic. 😎

The only people it's utterly and truly over for are turning off css-cels.

Imagine enabling CSS

Sitting here at work, the only window is way above my head. Look up a few days ago. Work guy staring at me like WTF on a ladder.

I miss that porn, it gave my chud a chub

My wife walked by my desk when the dude train was in the upper right. She gave me a strange look and now she keeps trying to put a finger in my butt.

Tbh I could do without some of the ironical (inb4 'ironical??') gayness you guys seem so fond of.


Reported for not being inclusive enough.

Breeder trash.

in what world is the gay shit ironic.

Do you have adblock?

You can selectively disable elements.

add this to your ublock filter list if you use that.

www.reddit.com##.hover.logout > [href="javascript:void(0)"]

Will remove the logout button as well, but do you really need that?

what part of "i liked the gay porn" do you not understand

Stop looking at porn at the library.

Fantasize about sucking cock at your home, not in public.

No u

Imagine using CSS

How many different ones are there?

I just want cocks in the side bar. Big ones, small ones; I don't care... just care about cocks.

Can we have full frontal nudity to celebrate Easter?

It made browsing in public very awkward.