Acclaimed lolcow bad mouths centrism and unironically supports safe spaces in emotional rant. Tons of circlejerking and whining follows

1  2019-01-02 by PoopShowPass


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Lmao he's actually a Hindu. Talk about taking your minority fetish to another level.

He really a pooh? Ill see your minority fetish and raise you a diaper fetish.

I think he’s actually Indian with that name

Hes admitted to being a boomer white man in the past.

Why is pinging banned again?


I thought pinging is okay if the user consents? Just hop on over there and ask if he consents to pinging. Or should I do it for you?

  1. I'm banned
  2. No way would they consent lmao, those guys freaked out every time they got pinged

I don’t have a ban message from there, but I can’t seem to reply to their comments?

Ya him and his female counterpart belleariel used to compare pinging to sexual assault unironically.

> I can’t think of any right-wing subs that actually allow alternate viewpoints.

> someone proceeds post one

> gets deleted for "promoting pro trump subs"


What sub was it?

There’s /r/AskTrumpSupporters, which isn’t awful about bans, but its rules are great at discouraging non-supporters from pointing out outright falsehoods that so-called “nimble navigators” perpetrate

This was the comment. Like he’s literally saying it’s a Trump circlejerk, just that they don’t ban as much, but that’s not good enough I guess.

Lol they absolutely ban anyone who doesn't suck daddies dick

not true fucking retard. why must all libtards lie? not only are you trying to rewrite history but you now lie on this very subreddit.

Wow I was on your side until you got seriously mad over this

this culture war has mad eme bitter and i am a shell of my former self. I do this shit so you do not have to tho

Your service is appreciated

/>Be daddy dick sucker

Get mad when other people are more honest than daddy Everyone must let us lie with impunity Everyone else must be more honest than God Why does everyone make fun of us?

still no proof they delete comments that dont break sub rules. how do you sleep at night? how do you selep with all that cope?

I sleep behind a wall that Mexico paid for

that wall is coming motherfucker

Lol after getting cucked by the dems, daddies new cope is to say that the wall was already there this whole time. Youre gonna be celebrating Obama's border in a few weeks. Daddie loves the big Barrack dick in his mouth.

i want everyone to see how this sorry excuse for a "man" has yet to provide proof of the original claim of that sub banning or deleting comments. pathetic. absolutely pathetic. libtards are pathetic.

Are you saying that telling lies makes one a sorry excuse for a man?

Hmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔

Do you have a link to the time line meme and where we are? Of course drumpf wont get the wall. Ive literally read five articles on r/politics about this very topic.

The sub is pretty much he opposite. Majority of comments supporting daddy there are automatically hidden due to downvotes.

Oh man, wouldn't want to fuck up that valuable discussions being had on r/fuckthealtright ...