PARENTING/SEXISM/WORK DRAMA IN /R/AMITHEASSHOLE!! Should a hard-working father get home and have to do chores after his foid becomes a full-time mommy? Are men lazy parents? Is mommyhood the hardest job? It's assholes all the way down! 👶🏻👶🏻🤪

1  2019-01-03 by -12x-


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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What an asshole. Day after day, every morning, his wife has to wake up, send the kids to school, bear watching soap operas for four fucking hours, vacuum a single room in the house, and cook dinner. Men just don't understand how hard womyn have it.

He’s an asshole, no doubt. Typical how he demands that she sacrice her quality time just so he can work several extra hours each day. As a trans woman, I’m gratified that I’m no long a member of the asshole gender and am now intrinsically superior to cis men in every way. I’m not saying all cis men are scummy assholes, just you and every other man in North America/Europe. Thank the goddess I’m a woman.

Youre a transgendered woman who calls herself an "actual man"; i gotta ask are you based or just baiting?

Cause i know its probably a bait, but i still wanna believe


it's bait


Enjoy reproducing, faggot!

bear watching soap operas

You say this ironically but have you seen the shit they play on day time television? I'd rather off myself than watch The View

Whoopi (((Goldberg)))

Every. Single. Time.

And everyone keeps stroking the ego of these women and agrees "you go girl, you are doing the harrrrrrrdest job in the wurld" while there are women all over the world who have to work full time and take care of children and household

This isn't drama, this is spousal choice advice.

This is very simple. If you wanted a kid and you're now complaining about having the take care of it, you're a fucking asshole. Period. All the people in that thread whining about how little time they get to themselves as a stay at home because supposedly their kids never sleep or whatever stupid excuse, every last one of them is a piece of shit.

"oh no but I have to grocery shop as well"

Use instacart you dumbass.

Don't forget, they have to THINK about what they're going to buy when they go shopping. That's emotional labor!!!!!!!!!

Emotional labour is the biggest fucking cop out bullshit I have ever heard. Anyone who claims it is real needs therapy.

Femoids in current year

The fact that you can deliver groceries to your door still astounds me to this year.

It seems so obvious. We used to do it with milk.

Straight up, if you think going grocery shopping is this enormous burden to bear then you might be a nigger.

/r/AmItheAsshole is the new /r/relationshits. It's a place for bitter losers to project their own unhappiness on a surrogate target. The mommy martyr brigade must have moved over there along with all of the other miscreants.

I mean, if you worked 10 hours a day you wouldn't want to come home to your wife (who was home all day, not working) expecting you to do the dishes, laundry and mop the floor because she thinks it's'fair' she doesn't do any of these and watches her shows instead.

i'm not a childfree poster or anything, but this is why i don't want kids, because i know i'd fucking hate it, and i'd rather just not have all that work and responsibility etc.

See, you're honest about it. And you did it in one run-on sentence. You didn't need to spend half your fucking existence justifying it. It isn't for everybody.

Divorce. It’s cleaner, easier and better for the environment.

Too late, he fucked up by not filing immediately after she told him she was going to quit her job.

The courts will evaluate his child support and alimony payments based on his new income and that they agreed for her to be a SAHM.

Do you think the wife would be making these demands if she thought he had a better alternative?

Either way he’s gonna pay best do it stress free. Too much hassle imo for an evening meal and occasional fuck.

Imagine falling for the "modern SAHM" scam

Fucking this. Women in the 50's were abusing barbituates because of how fucking bored and unfulfilled they were, and they had much more work to do then homemakers do today. Like fine, if you're homesteading or looking after a special needs child then that's one thing, but if parenting a couple of kids, running a vacuum a couple times a week, and throwing canned shit into a crock pot actually required someone's full devotion then humans would have become extinct before they even started wearing clothing.

I think this is one of those situations where people are strongly exaggerating how much effort it takes so that they can continue to live comfortably, sort of like what spreadsheet-wizards do to prevent HR from discovering that they browse reddit all day

I like snally on a soapbox.

I'm sorry but this shit just drives me up a wall. 90% of the SAHPs I know are neurotic as shit, and the 30% of those who aren't lazy as hell seem to have a warped idea of what hard work is or create the work for themselves with their (usually suffocating and damaging to the children) neuroticism. Just the other day I mentioned to a homemaker how stressful/busy my past month has been trying to pull off a work miracle, and she commiserated as if she could relate because she went to some sort of day-long volunteer thing and I just wanted to sigh. The woman's a saint who can get through extremely large stresses well, but she has no sense of perspective when it comes to putting in day-to-day work.

It sucks too because I was surrounded by them growing up and it took me until college (with one brief exception but she died :() to find a strong female role model. Not only is she a brilliant academic, but she had a kid while doing her PhD, acted as the primary caregiver, and brought him to the lab with her. I asked her what it was like to be a working parent and she dismissively said it was easy. I mean, I don't expect every SAHP to be as tough as she is, but being as tough as the women of yore would be nice. I mean, have you seen how much work event went into preserving eggs? 🐔

Please do this more often snally, this stuff is great

It's men's fault for abandoning religion. Religious women still value family, but men left religion (because fuck having to wait until marriage for sex, right?) and dragged most women out with them.

Now they're surprised those women want to be free spirited child free eternal children instead of spending a large part of their life raising the next batch of worshippers like God intended.

It has nothing to do with religion. Religious women are often the ones who want to be a career homemaker. There's nothing to make homemaking any harder now unless you decide to be one of those weird evangelical freaks who lives in the middle of nowhere and rejects all modern amenities. Or have a special needs child. Or homeschool your kid, but the weird ''''''''''traditionalist'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' types seem to do the bare minimum mandated by law. The ''''''traditionalist''''''''''''' men that seem to be popping up more and more lately are actively seeking out women who don't want to pull their weight for the family. If you look at the social media account of ''''''traditionalist''''''''''''''''''' women then you'll find that they're piss poor at keeping a home too. The food that they post on twitter looks both bland and poorly-cooked, only appealing to people like that one guy who came here once who said that he doesn't use spices because real white people only eat bland food.

So you’re saying there’s hope for me if I look for a conservative boyfriend? Not only would they accept my bare minimum work ethic they would praise it?

Just sent you a PM plz respond

I'm sure you can find someone who's just as good a catch as you are!


like that one guy who came here once who said that he doesn't use spices because real white people only eat bland food.

You can't say that without providing a link

he doesn't use spices because real white people only eat bland food

That really happened historically, it's like The Sneetches but with spices instead of stars.

Originally only upper class Europeans could afford spices from India so spiced food was a sign of prestige. Then Europeans colonized India and stole their spices so effectively that even poor Europeans could afford spiced food. The upper class needed a new way to stand out so they started the reverse trend of "WELL ACKSHUALLY a good steak should taste like pure beef, you're ruining it by putting on all those spices."

Dude bussy lmao.

Christ cucks deserve to be on the cross themselves

Oh wait, you're serious?

Dude bussy lmao!

I'm sorry but this shit just drives me up a wall. 90% of the SAHPs I know are neurotic as shit, and the 30% of those who aren't lazy as hell seem to have a warped idea of what hard work is or create the work for themselves with their (usually suffocating and damaging to the children) neuroticism.

Don't talk about my mother like that! Seriously though, you're spot on with this.

Serious Post Here: Im legit having some serious apprehensions about my Wife's life goal to become a SAHP when she finishes pooping out our kids. In a few years ill be able to support us both on my salary and she is counting down the days. Which, im all for her staying home with the kids. But her self motivation to care for the household is lackluster to medicore at best and i fear will degrade further. Ive had the discussion like the AITA posting and i always get the same reaction he got, basically "Yah right, like im gonna do all the work in the house! I got to watch the kids!". Where do these western women get the idea that staying home all day and letting the kids run around is the same as commuting to work, producing profitable labor for 40-60 hours a week, then commuting home only to be greeted with a bunch of "chores" to do since mommy was so busy all day? Shit, ill still have to take care of the landscaping of our property which takes a few hours a week. Like, where the fuck do they get this sense of entitlement? How bout you go to work bitch and try to make $130k a year and ill watch the kids! Oh no? That wont work? Explain to me why that wont work.. ill wait.

If you're having kids in current year then you deserve every ounce of scorn you get for whatever reason it's delivered to you.

y tho

You literally just invented people who are going to be a drain on your resources and offer nothing in return and will eventually have to watch Elon Musk fly off to Mars with all the other billionaires while we bludgeon each other to death over who gets to eat the cheese off a pizza box lid in a dumpster.

So even if you get scorn for the wrong reasons, from moms who get flustered ordering new curtains, you still deserve it.

drain on your resources

What if this actually brings meaning into my life?

nothing in return

Raising a child brings nothing in return? How bitter at life are you?

while we bludgeon each other to death over who gets to eat the cheese off a pizza box lid in a dumpster

Well, thats why im creating my own militia before that happens. Who is going to watch my back other than my wife and kids? I already have their rifles and plate carriers picked out for them.

So even if you get scorn for the wrong reasons, from moms who get flustered ordering new curtains, you still deserve it.

Shit, i get scorn just for being alive already, aint nothing gonna stop that.

News flash: there's no planet B, we cannot survive on Mars even with life support, and low gravity is extremely harmful regardless.

low gravity is extremely harmful regardless

No more saggy tits though.

that's what you get for being a cuck and marrying and breeding. if you HAVE to do those things, you shouldn't have done it with a western woman anyway.


what spreadsheet wizards do to prevent hr from discovering

Care to expand on this?

Be young-ish and know basic shit about computers and the internet, work in an office of geriatrics who should have retired 10 years ago doing "data entry", automate said data entry and pretend to be working the rest of the time.

Fuck me I want that job.

This is pretty much what I do but with “analytics”. I spend maybe 2 hours a day actually working. My company is just filled with old people that don’t feel like learning anything about it

Exactly. I was unemployed for 3 months and my kids were one step out the door to college. Know what I did after the inital "bucket list"? I fucking cleaned, went to the gym, and put in 10 full days game time in Fallout 4 GOTY. And made food. Staying at home all day is boring as shit, and I dont have any sweet milfs or cougars in my neighborhood to talk my way into banging.

Hey, I do work in between shitposts. It's not my fault Rob is on a call right now so I can't possibly do another tasks until he slings me those .env.local variables he forgot about with latest push. And fuck me it's almost lunch time so I'm certainly not starting something new.

That’s why when doctors say you must love this career, they aren’t kidding, you must adore this career more than anything. Do you think it is the hardest job in the world still? I don’t. What is the hardest job in the world then? Being a mother.


I am happy to say my mother has created an independent young woman who is ready to take on a medical career at full force and take care of her family



Maria Valdez is a contributor for HuffPost. She is a graduate from the University of Arizona with her Bachelors of Science in Family Studies and Human Development.



She only said she's ready. She never said about actually doing anything!

Imagine going to the UA

I'm stuck in this shitty city, I can't help it :(

I dunno going to the moon was pretty hard.

What is the hardest job in the world then? Being a mother.

I dont think they know what job means

I cannot wait for AI waifus.

Don't be surprised when they act exactly the same.

That's what factory reset is for

They can't have kids. That's already a plus.

You can put linux and have them act however you wish.

Any "job" you can do at home in your pajamas isn't a difficult one

Thank you Bill, very cool!

The name's Tatum

What up Nazi sub-human garbage, eat shit

Bro why were you posting at 4 am go to sleep fam you need energy to be productive at your jo...


These mothers are bending over putting DVDs in the DVD player. I don't know how they do it

Lift with your legs

Coding is super easy

Stop telling people our secrets.

Coding is easy, dealing with the corporate bullshit and dealing with customers is the hard part.

Incels should read this and reaffirm their choices.

I gave up my extremely easy jobs in fish boat work and coal mining to do what was necessary for society to continue, I became a stay at home mother. Rather than toil endlessly in inhospitable weather, now I'm forced to wake up at the crack of dawn taking care of Aiden, Kyledaren, and Samual Sungus. Do you know how hard it is keeping up with the latest Facebook diets and Essentual Oils??

This subject triggers me more than any other on the Internet. I can handle the blind entitlement and self-righteousness combined with the belittlement of actual work. What pushes me over the edge is that these people are enabled and socially validated by mainstream society. It would be one thing if deep down they knew and everyone else knew they're leeches but I don't think they actually know.

TLDR, I made this account to tell them to keep them self safe

You made an account to voice this super brave opinion and then instantly deleted it?

Lol what a faggot

I've lost count of how many times i've said "thank God i'm going to marry an Arab Muslim woman over a western secular woman" while browsing relationship threads regarding western women. God, my rural grandmother took care of 9 children (three of which weren't even her own) for 40+ years, she woke up at 4 am consistently everyday so that she prepares everything fresh (including the bread, the natural milk that she made, and the chicken that she slaughtered) and she never complained once.

the natural milk that she made


hot tbh.

Are these people retarded? I feel like this is a big troll. Surely no one is this retarded?

I don't really understand. Is the comment upvoted by delusional women? Or like, whiteknight men? Or just retarded redditors with no real-life experience? Normally I'd just call it a troll/bait/shitpost but it got gilded and like 2.5k upvotes WTF.

that particular sub has a ton of women in it

Kind of makes sense considering its literally a sub for discussing petty shit.

it's a drama powerhouse though so i love it

This is such an obvious MGTOW troll.

Maybe but the people upvoting and commenting seem real.

Oh, no doubt there's a slew of sweaty SAHMs in there saying their piece, but that whole OP is such obvious bait for them that I can guarantee some neckbeard is on the other side pulling the goalie furiously.

Yeah, I can see that being true.

i lvoe how stay at home moms are commenting on that saying they have to be on at all times. while they are posting to reddit and are constant posters.

This is a funny comment but youre also a faggot so im kinda conflicted :/

There is nothing more embarrassing than a stay at home dad

Holy shit these people are retarded. No, watching tv while making sure your kids aren’t fucking around isn’t the “hardest job in the world”.

Looking after your own kids is literally the same as 80 hours of back breaking manual labor ackshully

How big of a house do these full-time mommies have? I see multiples of them claiming that there's 3 hours per day just for cleaning.

Fucking liars. When I lived alone, I cleaned for about 10 minutes per day 7 days a week and everyone who came over complimented me on the cleanliness of the place. Dusting/vacuuming a room takes literally five minutes and scrubbing a bathroom takes ten unless you live in a palace.

I’m going to say it - for all the shit single parents get, stay at home parents who still have a partner are a hundred times worse.

If you’re stay at home with a 6 month old and a 2 year old, it’s piss easy to clean the place when they nap, or once they’ve gone to bed.

Who are these lazy cunts?

Who else is gonna do these hard tasks? *Dishwashing - put dishes in a machine and wait *Laundry - put clothes in a machine and wait *Cooking - put food in a pot and wait *Vacuum - for 15 whole minutes *Childcare - basically change the video on the iPad every 5 mins

Wow so tiring! Worse than 8 hour shifts!

Jesus, what lordly mansion do they live in where the upkeep after sending the kids to school/daycare apparently takes up a solid 24 hours of the day.

I've seen trollx types say they should have to do equal amounts of housework or less despite not working because they don't have "the spoons" whatever the fuck that means

Parents are so irredeemably whiney. Put the kid in a pen with something shiny that they cant choke on for an hour and you should be able to clean a whole days worth of mess. Let alone during naps.

I'm not a SAHM but I was unemployed for a while and did everything at home while my partner was at work. Once I was done with the laundry, the cooking, the meal plan, the cleaning and the shopping, I had no time for anything else. Let alone kids.

If you're single, you have to do all of this shit by yourself ON TOP OF A FUCKING JOB! And this got upvotes! Maybe redditors are just more pathetic than I thought, but I'm baffled that anyone can support something so blatantly fucking stupid.