/r/BasicIncome Mod battles against the Gamers

1  2019-01-03 by hotelwhowhat


Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


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Why's he poor and arguing with incels?

Hes a game director who got attention for his new game. Then he let it slip that the game was critical of feminism and socialism so all the twitter SJWs piled on him. He really should just work on the game and let it speak for itself.

Then he let it slip that the game was critical of feminism and socialism

Video games as social commentary 🤮🤮🤮

Videogames as social commentary has been a thing for a long time (Suda's Fire Pro Wrestling, Kojima's Metal Gear Solid, etc)

Yes, most kids stories have moral lessons.

Imagine thinking the MGS series had some kind of cohesive message...cel.

I played halfway through mgs5 and I still had no idea wtf was happening.

Game is unfortunately somewhat unfinished in the story department due to behind the scenes drama during production.

Yeah ik what happened with Kojima and the merry band of corporate execs @ Konami which is a shame because it’s a lot of fun.

My friend told me that I need to play all the MGS games to fully comprehend the story tho lmao

You wouldn't understand it any better after 5 than after 2.

And it stops making any sense at 2.

the plot is easy.

Japanese dude snorted cocaine, then made a plot about war.

The End.

You missed all the important questions, like why do we love, who are those we must protect, why must I fight, and how can I endure the pain of existence?

Then again I guess you did say he was japanese.

What a thrill

it's over for cohesive messagecels

I can't wait for Death Stranding to come out and fail miserably

this, but unironically

I hate that the SJW shitfest is the reason why this game might take forever. But the whole riot they made over it piqued my interest.

I'm not sure why feminists still care about gaming. Isn't GG dead now? Bioware is almost dead anyway (I doubt they will play dragon age) and they won BFV.

I also like the guy for introducing me to Lorn. Good music. He mostly is quiet but every now and then someone stumbled upon this 2 year old news and starts tweeting at him.

The best part in all of this is the guy proudly putting the fact hes a mod on reddit in his twitter bio.

I like how Bioware literally killed a bunch of hype for dragon age 4 by just saying the game is going to be political and have a bunch of “diversity”.

Because that’s obviously what their main fan base wanted tbh

I love the dragon age series, I'm not going to preorder it but its gonna have to be worse than Andromeda to turn me away. The game award trailer was good, it got me so excited.

But if you didn't buy the Trespasser DLC then you wouldn't have even understood the initial announcement trailer. They're already looking to cater to its more hardcore fanbase.

I'm not sure how its going to be anymore political or diverse - they already reconned the Qunari so they could have a transgender elf or something. Inquisition was basically a lead up to the turmoil in Tevinter. Mageism or something retarded like that maybe. I wouldn't mind since it was leading up to that unless they go out of left field and somehow bring immigration into it

cater to its more hardcore fan base

Fat hypersensitive people?

nah the hype wasn't killed because of the political shit.

The hype died the second their narrative director said Dragon Age was "always about family and belonging."

Because nothing says family or belonging than leaving them behind to be slaughtered, or being religiously persecuted.

The most touching moment was probably walking in on a serial killer to see he's already sewn your mother's face onto a dime-store Frankenstein.

If they want diversity, I've got the plan. Literally every character is randomly generated. Sex, gender, orientation, skin colour. All of it, completely random. It'll be the most diverse game ever made.

Bioware games have been filled to the brim with diversity since forever. They just need to shut the fuck up about it and no one will care.

No one cared then you could romance a dude as a dude in Jade empire and no one cared then you could fuck literally anyone in Ass effect.

That’s how I felt about it tbh.

These games have tons of diversity in character backstories and personalities but I feel like they’re trying to cater to the “woke” demographic more than anything else.

The narrative for Dread wolf is apparently already fucked because the narrative director for it thinks the Dragon Age series was always about family and shit lmfao

He really should just work on the game and let it speak for itself.

Judging by merit in 2019 lmao

His game looks interesting but the dude just needs to get off twitter. He is just giving the SJWs more fodder.

It does look awful pretty.

Wait, are founding members of companies supposed to be an oppressed class now too?

All these twitter spats boil down to people soft-threatening to kill themselves if their opponents don’t conform. Imagine if this permeates into 2020 election debates😍

tf is a complex heterotopia?