Masstagger OP declares that Chapo brocialists are Not Good, demands that they be tagged for their “GamerGate-tier” hostility towards Cherokee Mommy

1  2019-01-03 by dootwthesickness_II


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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Quality bait.

People wouldn’t be swallowing it otherwise

Gurgle gurgle, bby. 😫

You’d be surprised at what works

No one even checks the guys name its in all caps😂

No one's submitted stupidpol yet. Guaranteed dramacoin returns.

Is drama tagged?

Does Ed crap on the side of the road?

Yea I just read that post, drama gets tagged cause of MDEgenerates?

Nah we’d have gotten tagged regardless, for the same reason cumtown got tagged.

Just like thebanout2k18 was really just about Shane's hateboner for drama, so is masstagger

Jesus, that Banout thing feels like it was years ago. A month on r/drama is like a year irl. It's like Narnia or some shit

don't worry once we survive this one I've got us covered

Umm... Why am I not a mod there?


I just thought it would be thematically appropriate.

I agree wholeheartedly.

They’ve tried

Anyway, literally everyone on /r/stupidpol is already tagged for either here or /r/cumtown as it is.

I don't get that place. It's just nerds who only care about the economic part of Communism, which is the worst part tbh.

Nah, in practice economic communism tends to just be state capitalism with extra steps. I’d take that over the weird cult shit their social policies always seem to turn into.

with extra steps.


And let's be honest, stupidpol's starting to get leftyMDE pretty quick.


I dunno what this would even mean though. JQ?


That and a case of boomerism

What does that make us?

Retarded as always





But hating Israel is good tho.


Jewish question

Thank you!

I dunno what this would even mean though. JQ?

Literally nazis.

The number of 'beefsteaks' was estimated to be large in some cities, especially in northern Germany, where the influence of Gregor Strasser and Strasserism was significant.[42] The head of the Gestapo from 1933 to 1934, Rudolf Diels, reported that "70 percent" of the new SA recruits in the city of Berlin had been communists.[43] Other historians contend that the SA and SS were awash with Marxists and socialist revolutionaries, where "The utopians and those who speak of a Marxist republic have the highest membership in the SA and SS (77.6 and 63 percent respectively)."[44]

Partisanship always corrupts.

omg we'll feast

Chapocels truly are as retarded as TD posters but significantly less self aware.

This is ironically a great example of TDtards lack of self awareness

"At least I'm not as retarded as that retard"- a retard.

significantly less self aware



wait, bernie is a joo?


Just the kind who wont admit atheist and is hostile to religion

that comment chain is like a downward spirl of retardation

u posted this twice

She's not a leftist. She's barely even progressive. It has nothing to do with her sex, it's her politics:

Imagine how retarded you have to be not to know Democrat's view of Warren

how dumb do you have to be to think Sanders Pre-2016 is more popular than her now

TrollX is already worshipping Pocahontas and is declaring anyone who criticizes her as a misogynist.


bUt iT's hEr tUrN!

Just wait till clinton runs. Then their geads will explode

Oh shit, I just imagined. Hillary is going to be VP not president. She will be Warren's VP.

bUt ITs heR TuRn

When Warren dies in office, yes.

Even Hilldawg isn't that ruthless, is she? A Clinton body count member being the sitting President would be bold even for them.

Two WASPy white women heading the ticket seems tone deaf even for Democrats after the media blamed 2016 on problematic white women.

Chelsea? It’s her turn

How much respect would you say the blacks give you on a daily basis for helping them? I'm thinking about becoming a chapotraphouser and this is a deal breaker for me

He knows you don't have to mail in a registration form and pay dues, right?

I believe that they do things the way they did it in pre-Norman England, and accept payment in swine.

We dont want their help

Runner-up Mommy and Reparation Mommy are butting heads. Why must parents fight

And the smears against Bernie have already started. Lesbian domestic violence is bad enough, why brung grandpa into it?

Awww they're eating each other again.

Imagine being such a gigantic walking vagina that you actually use asstagger.

Calling Chapotards brocialists is like calling Adolf Hitler a Zionist.


Imagine being so pathetic that you need to tag people to win an argument with a smug attitude.

Reminder that if you have to use masstagger in order to browse reddit without having constant mental breakdowns over shitposts, you are a massive 'cow.
