Pocahontas donates to foreigners in order to save Americans

1  2019-01-03 by Sea_Safe


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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HIAS is the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees.


I'm donating my salary to @HIASrefugees

HIAS is the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees

Of all the charities she could pick, she picked this one. The conspiracies are writing themselves.

Well I, for one, am surprised that a wealthy white women is completely out of touch with everything.



Nuh-uh, check again sweety.

Ackshully she's 0.09765625% (1/1024) of pure PoC.

"the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individualā€™s pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."

In years, that would be anytime from 150 to 250 years ago, perhaps as far back as 1700

šŸ‘ WOMAN šŸ‘ OF šŸ‘ COLOR šŸ‘

Don't be racist, she's only 1023/1024th white.

A women? One whole women?

pretty sure that would be v v illegal

I'm liking runner-up Mommy more and more

Iā€™m a simple voter. I see a candidate committing crimes, I vote for them

In 1975, the State Department asked HIAS to aid in resettling 3,600 Vietnam refugees.[4] Since that time, the organization continues to provide support for refugees of all nationalities, religions, and ethnic origins.

Globalists win again

Iā€™ve done more to support the local Vietnamese population through my conosseuring of pho restaurants than this organization has

You're supposed to leave a tip, you cheap fuck.

Stop kikeshaming (((us)))

Thai > Korean > Vietnamese

Ive done more for the vet by supporting my step brother buttfucking his twink viet boyfriend than this organization has

How many did you resettle idiot after the communist revolution? Oh yeah you wouldn't been a little shit and been like "Whoah lots of countries between here and Vietnam for you to settle in go fuck yourself we are legally only taking in Canadians say hi to the vietkong for me!" Don't give me this shit rightist animal.

Oh hey I had a watermark themed account too, very neat novelty!

There's no conspiracy for dumbass.

I for one believe Israel should get your tax dollars and your sons lives.

Don't they already get that?

She could atleast have decided to pay some of their salaries or something.

So youā€™re saying she should have divided up her $174,000/year salary between 2 or 3 furloughed government employees?

at the very least there could be a mutual assistance program for the workers affected where money could be given to families struggling with food or bills. the military does it for the lower ranks when there's a pay shortage

Nice that the same charity the synagogue shooter mentioned pisses you off. How does it feel to be a future school shooter?

Russians get out reeeeeeee

Lol whatever think tank is running for these guys should honestly commit seppuku.

All those black TSA workers I bet sure are happy about money being donated to Mexicans.

Right, this is "I keep a packet of hot sauce in my purse" levels of deafness.

Bottle, not packet. Sheā€™s retarded.

I still canā€™t believe she said that. They called Trump a racist for eating a taco salad.

How is it racist to carry around hot sauce?

It's racist to try to pander to black Americans by trying to do something that you see as being integral to their culture, in order to be "just like them". She is so fucking ignorant, like "Oh cracka pleeeze, I always be's keepin' me a bottle uh hawsawce on me, ya feel me fam?"

Like, get the fuck out of here, and go back to playing that mobile game they made about you, 1/2048

It's racist to try to pander to black Americans by trying to do something that you see as being integral to their culture, in order to be "just like them".

How do you know that she doesn't just really like hot sauce?

Because she's an injun born to white parents in New England

She probably thinks ketchup is spicy

So you think white people can't like spicy stuff? That's racist, you know that?

lmao shut up mayo

This is why Trump will win in 2020, because liberals like you hate the majority of the population (white people). Enjoy it, libshit.

I know you are but what am I

But is it wrong?

I don't think it, I know it

Fuck off, you can't be racist to cumskins because they are subhuman.

Because she doesn't. She was just trying to cash in on Beyonce's popularity.


Because she doesn't

How do you know?

I 100% don't think cultural appropriation is a thing. But, if I was a guest speaking to some Mexicans and just said some dumb bullshit like "oh yeah, I've always got a taco in my purse" to try to latch on to something I think is culturally relevant to the people I'm speaking to, it's (in my opinion) racist, since I think that's the only thing they're capable of talking to me about.

to try to latch on to something I think is culturally relevant to the people I'm speaking to




Yeah, I guess she has been preparing all these years pretending to put hot sauce on everything just for this moment so she can pander to basketball Americans.

it's (in my opinion) racist

People like you think everything is racist.

People like you think everything is racist.

You 10000000% have no idea about me then. I think most things are harmless ignorance if they seem racist. But I think pandering to a race to make them think you're on their side is racist. Because that isn't accidental. That is willful.

It's basically culinary blackface but you seem determined to pick at nits.

culinary blackface

We're reaching woke levels that shouldn't even be possible.

Yeah I'm not calling it cultural appropadope. I'm saying she's a 70 year old white woman pretending to like "black things" to get elected. Not sure why you're staning so hard when it's obvious to literally everyone.




Yeah, I guess she has been preparing all these years pretending to put hot sauce on everything just for that moment where she could pander to basketball Americans.

Wow. Welp. Okay.

I bet she had a whole team of people that brainstormed and came up with that.

"Ok guys Clinton's got an interview with hip hop radio next week, how can we make her look relateable?"

"Hmmm well what do blacks like?"

"Fried chicken, alcohol, sex, and hip hop, sir"

"Yikes we can't do any of those"

"Wait what's something you put on chicken wings? How about hot sauce?"

"Write that down! Write that down! This could get hispanics too!"

You're wrong though because African Americans loved that shit despite it being racist and stupid and paternal.

Calls them African Americans

Sure, buddy

Basketball Americans *

African Americans loved that shit

no they did not

They hated it enough to vote 90:10 for her.

literally all the hosts on the show where she said that visibly flinched at that comment, and the first response was "...seriously?"

The black demographic is not nearly as easy for a WASPy Boomer to pander to as you're making it out to be.

They all let her get away with it. Even charlamagne.

I cant wait to hear Muhammad when he learns about all the money the jews got because Ivanka doesnt want to get ass fucked by her father and end the shutdown yet

Regardless of how you feel about the refugee stuff you gotta be aware of this tweet looks. Doesnt she have some pr/media person.

No and that's a good thing

I mean it's a blessing and a curse, blessing is she feels way more authentic than a cyborg like Hillary, curse is tweets like this or having a press conference to announce she was right because she is 1/1064th native american.

i think itā€™s gonna be beto

some guy no one had heard of till three months ago would actually be perfect

Trump would just not show up to the debates and just send Ted Cruz in his place

Ted Cruz is fleeing the country in 6 months though

What do you think is more likely, Trump showing up wearing a Ted Cruz mask or Ted showing up wearing a Trump mask?

There is a zodiac killer joke in here somewhere

2020 Debate trump rips off his face to reveal ted Cruz wearing a Zodiac Shirt

How could you not vote for that


I can see the headlines now: ā€œTrump Refuses to Show Up to Debate with Man Youā€™ve Never Heard of.ā€


Except Beto DESTROTED Cruz in the debates. Beto only lost because of gerrymandering.

oh honey

Thissssssss. Just bring in someone clean who doesn't have a long history of fucking up and being wrong about stuff, like Obama was in 2008.

doesn't have a long history of fucking up

Bobby Francis couldn't beat the Zodiac Killer and you want to throw him at Trump?

All I know about him is that he made Texas competitive for Democrats in a state-wide election. Which is exactly what we need, somebody who appears successful and doesn't have baggage.

you want to throw him at Trump?

Daddy is about ready to go into the Memory Care Wing of the White House already. The only thing Democrats need to do is not fucking shoot themselves in the foot like they have in every non-Obama election since 1996.

Daddy is about ready to go into the Memory Care Wing of the White House already.

"It's over for Trump this time for sure," Version 657, Patent Pending

The only thing Democrats need to do is not fucking shoot themselves in the foot

This is like expecting the Earth to stop spinning around the Sun.

"Daddy is gonna build the wall this time or fulfill at least one of his grandiose campaign promises!" Version 669, Patent Pending

Isn't the wall like the last thing left on the list of promises? He's done a bunch of other stuff. If he gets Schumer and Pelosi to blink and give him funding this week it would be hilarious.

the last thing left on the list of promises

marsey_the_cat_are_you_fucking_kidding_me.jpg which unfortunately isn't a real thing

It's a good thing it's not real because cats are stupid. Post dinosaurs, IMO.

cats are stupid

I'm ending this conversation now because you've dragged it into really emotionally charged territory and I can't keep my composure anymore. Good job. You deserve a medal. šŸ˜¾šŸ˜¾šŸ˜¾


He's done a bunch of other stuff.

like what lmao

The tax plan, I suppose.

Plus he got rid of the ACA individual mandate. Which I think is stupid, but he didn't promise to do it.

Winning NAFTA, winning in North Korea, winning tax breaks, winning trade wars, winning wars in Syria, winning everywhere at home and abroad. The prototypes have been trialled, the plans have been drawn, all that's left is building the wall.

I'm pretty sure the level of delusion in this post is thicc

Oh pleasse, care to point out a single delusion?

winning tax breaks

this one is inaccurate

winning trade wars

this one is inaccurate

winning everywhere at home and abroad

this one is inaccurate

I'll give him credit for syria but let's face:

  • the economy is hitting the shitter

  • the taxes didn't help anyone who wasnt already comfortably wealthy and happy

  • there's no wall and two years in, we're not even close to getting one

  • there's no travel ban, the swamp is swampier than ever, and our government is spending millions a year investigating out own smooth-brained president

things are not going well my dude

The economy is stronger than it has been for over a decade with no signs of a turnaround. The tax breaks helped the poorest the most and the wealthiest the least. You're only a funding method away from having a wall. What the hell are you on about with travel bans I don't know. Please tell me where you get your information so I can avoid it like the plague.

He's done a bunch of other stuff.

Literally what ?

This entire shit is about the economy. At best it can be claimed to be thanks to the senate, which is the one to make the laws, even if most likely it has nothing to do with either (we are after all not living under communism, the economy is not controlled by the state).

I want to know what trump himself did. What he changed.

There's plenty of stuff in there about Executive Orders, it's not my fault you can't read something longer than a two paragraph SRD post.

Is that a long form version of reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ?

Are you saying there's a short form version?

lmao, good one. But seriously, what did he do ?

  • Withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). (The same TPP that 80% or more of Reddit despised until Trump killed it.)
  • Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22 deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first year in office.
  • Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and community and regional banks.
  • Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings.
  • Rolled back Obamaā€™s burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule.
  • Used the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations more times than in history.
  • Conducted 82 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations in 2017 alone.
  • Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete construction.
  • Opened up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration.
  • Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017.
  • Cancelled Obamaā€™s anti-coal Clean Power Plan and proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as a replacement.
  • Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040.
  • Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States.
  • Issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • Withdrew from Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.
  • Imposed strong sanctions on Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro and his inner circle.
  • Executive order preventing those in the U.S. from carrying out certain transactions with the Venezuelan regime, including prohibiting the purchase of the regimeā€™s debt.
  • New Cuba policy that enhanced compliance with U.S. law and held the Cuban regime accountable for political oppression and human rights abuses.
  • Changed the rules of engagement, empowering commanders to take the fight to ISIS.

And it looks like The Wallā„¢ is already started:

  • Secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the March 2018 omnibus bill.
  • Construction of a 14-mile section of border wall began near San Diego.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040.

lmao paris was non binding.

In general, this is a big lot of shit, but which part was trump's ? For exemple those :

Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings.

Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017.

Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States.

That's economical stuff. Nothing to do with him.

I asked you what /he/ did.

Those are things he did, or things that resulted from what he did. The $8 Billion in regulatory cost savings is a result of his EO to have executive branch agencies remove two rules for every new rule they implement. Coal exports are up, at least in part, because Trump cancelled Obama's "Clean Power Plan." Increased foreign demand is also a factor, but how many times did Trump's predecessor tell us no one was using coal any more? The EU increasing imports of natural gas are a direct result of Trump's diplomacy. You asked, I answered, and now you want to nitpick. You're wrong, and that's OK. It doesn't make you a bad person.

The EU increasing imports of natural gas are a direct result of Trump's diplomacy.

It's the only one I know really well because I actually worked for this. yurop wanted more natural gaz from the US for a long time, it's just that the harbours weren't ready until very recently.

It's stupid as fuck to claim this as a victory for trump just because he happened to be there when it finally happened.

This is exactly why I asked you what trump did, because he didn't do this. I am probably more responsible for this and I was just an intern at the times.

He made you salty as fuck, which is good for Dramacoin. Trump 2020, IMO.

I am pro drama coin. Of course I am pro daddy (well, if mommy could run again, I would hope for her to win just to make the DDF and chapotards reee with one voice).

But I am still wondering what exactly he did.

If that's truly the case, I don't want to be the person that takes away any of the mystery that makes life worth living. Spending your days pondering the obvious should enrich your life and make you a better person.

All I know about him is that he made Texas competitive for Democrats in a state-wide election.

oh honey, he's not going to be the pick because he didn't share his war chest with Democrats who actually had a chance of winning.

doesn't have baggage

Except for that drunk driving hit-and-run.

Wait really? I never paid attention to Beto, does he have any Chappaquiddick's up his sleeve?

He was in a drunk driving accident in his 20s where he ran away from the scene on foot in hopes of not getting busted. IIRC, no one was seriously hurt, but that's pretty ethically dubious (a/k/a "Kennedy-esque") behavior.

But Kavanaugh showed us that drinking in your 20s is nbd

Literally no one cares

Beto didn't make Texas competitive for Democrats, decades of unchecked immigration and tons of money from out of state did.

well yeah, itā€™s not like he has to beat Trump in Texas

i think itā€™s gonna be beto

The democrats are going to pick the absolute worst possible candidate they can, so maybe. Meanwhile, Milquetoast Mitt Romney is talking shit to Trump in the pages of WaPo, indicating he's thinking of trying to primary Trump, not realizing that nothing could be better for Trump than having some squishy moderate to slap around just to get his supporters fired up before the general election. The political establishment in this country seems hellbent on fucking themselves into two terms (or two scoops, whichever you prefer) of Trump.

I can smell your food

I'm not a Hindu or a Paki, so no, you can't.

As a non-burger, just from the online buzz around the 2012 election I'd have thought Romney was a hair to the left of Franco.

People were absolutely hysterical about Romney. That kind of thing is probably why Trumpers were so easily able to filter everything anyone said about him out

tbf I think we all learned a lot about Russia was up to since then. When he made that statement I was certainly confused, but I think itā€™s fair to say heā€™s been fully vindicated on that one.

Really? What exactly do you think they are up to?

Is that a joke, or are you retarded? Google ā€œRussia+fucking with the rest of the worldā€ and see if anything rings a bell.

There's a shitton of hysteria and very little actual fact. Why are you buying into this paranoia?

yeah that's what it is lol. of course.

So what's your strongest case? What irrefutable evil is Russia up to?

Russians have the mayo thirst for dominance paired with the cunning of the orientals. They cannot ever safely be trusted.

True that, slavs gonna slav

"Haha, yep we were wrong guys. That's an oopsie from me! Haha"

I donā€™t know who youā€™re impersonating there. It took a lot of guts to say what he said then, given that most of the public wouldnā€™t have known what he was talking about.

I was impersonating the all knowing and Oh so smug media which made fun of Romney for saying that

Yeah that was pretty bad, it wasnā€™t just the media either, Obama mocked him for it too.

I missed who you were impersonating because I donā€™t think the media ever really apologized to him for that, not even a half-assed one.

nah thereā€™s no way Trump could beat anyone without baggage

he couldnā€™t even take Ben Carson one-on-one

If by some freak accident the Dems nominated someone non-awful, Bloomberg will run as an independent to spoil them, because the elites find trump preferable to someone like Bernie.

The political establishment in this country seems hellbent on fucking themselves into two terms (or two scoops, whichever you prefer) of Trump.

Or this is there plan to get him two terms.

i would vote for almost anyone who tried to primary trump, but at the same time the only dem i would vote over trump is jim webb, sad really.

Didn't beto kill someone drunk driving or something? That kinda shit kept ted Kennedy from trying for the white house so idk bout beto.

got arrested for DUI but charges were dropped.

He tried lol. Tried to primary Carter.

Bush had a DUI

Laura Bush killed a guy

Ojeda for President.


blessing is she feels way more authentic than a cyborg like Hillary

Yes, but the unfortunate thing for her and her supporters is that she's authentically retarded, which is fortunate for those of us who invest in Dramacoin.

Just imagine how boring the world would be if every politician and celebrity had and listend to a competent pr person.

I'm sure she has a PR person, they're just incompetent like whoever at the DNC decided that a establishment politician from New England should be a top presidential candidate in this political climate. šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦

Establishment politicians from New England are the people who control the DNC, and it doesn't matter to them whether a candidate is electable because it's not like voters have any choice.

It's not just New England, it's also the leaders of party machines - cities like Chicago and NY and states like NJ. They control a ton of wealth and influence and are mainly concerned with how they & their interests will benefit, which in practice means attacking anyone to the left of them that might be a threat. Hence the irrational loathing of politicians like Bernie or anyone who might offer substantive change.

& the DNC heavily recruits campaign managers & staff from these areas - either to help campaign for the people they like or eat their own if they don't. I know two former Warren staffers and they are nearly identical douchey polisci/econ nerdlibs. I'm sure the people she's talking to are teaching her to be edgy by tweeting often to show she's #resisting. They probably don't give a shit if she wins tbh, but pushing her as an early frontrunner to siphon away Bernie's support, & let her crash and burn later, is not a bad straegy in their minds.

Anyways i'm disgusted w myself for his effortpost and it doesn't matter anyways, Trump will rule again by calling someone a low-energy bitch and letting California burn during elections, nbd.

Hence the irrational loathing of politicians like Bernie

The guy who won't even run as a Democrat? Wonder why they didn't want him to win.

Turns out a bunch of old boomers whose paycheck comes from the DNC arent exactly going to make waves and cut off their gravy train.

hating bernie and his batshit retarded policies is 100% rational, even if he was undermined by an incredibly corrupt political regime.

and it doesn't matter to them whether a candidate is electable because it's not like voters have any choice.

the real reason Trump won, right here.

They're sorta hamstrung though because they're not allowing any white men to run in the next election. Basically when you eliminate 36% of the population at the outset (and let's be honest, it's an even greater percentage of politicians who are even qualified to be President) you're sort of scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for someone who is electable.

The biggest shame that the Democratic Party won't own up to is that despite all their fake wokeness the best they can do is offer up people like Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren.

they're not allowing any white men to run in the next election

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

I guess Bernie isn't white today.

well he is jewish which according to mayostanis isnt white.

It's a coin toss.

No matter how progressive you are you cannot shake your internalized, problematic, (((zionist))) beliefs

Nobody hates Bernie more than me, but don't pretend that the party didn't stack the deck against him.

He's not exactly a loyal party member - he only joined in 2015 and he quit in 2016. I don't blame them.

Yeah, I agree with that 50000%. But even if he was a real Democrat he would have gotten the same treatment. The people running the party were really convinced that Hillary could just go out there and say "vote for me because I'm a woman" and it would be a foolproof strategy. As if this was the 4th Star Trek show and it was about time for a female captain and that's that.

Democrat strategists being out of touch retards is nothing new. They find a way to consistently under- and over-estimate the average American voter, all at the same time.

As if this was the 4th Star Trek show and it was about time for a female captain and that's that.

The difference is that janeway was actually likeable and doesnt look like someone who absorbs energy from children that wandered into her gingerbread house.

He's not exactly a loyal party member

Are we talking about Democrats or the CPSU?

I dunno he did a pretty good job becoming Hillary's whipping boy once it was absolutely certain he couldn't win the nomination.

Though I'm sure DNC leadership is loving the flood of retarded millennials with meme politics he got to run for office.

> Discussing American politics with people who couldn't even point out Maine on a map

why tho

Are jews white again?

prolly gonna be beto or biden

Warren legit does hate Wall Street, though. In terms of policies, she's almost Bernie wearing an old lady suit. She's not just a Clinton corporate type.

But basically she's doing the same thing bougie Dems all do which is that when they talk about the poor what they mean is sub-saharan Africans. That's what this dumb ass tweet screams.

I guess. It probably is a stupid tweet, but that's because twitter is retarded. At any rate, refugees in the US today are not anonymous "sub-saharan Africans". I'm sure some PR flack thought this would be a good way to highlight Trump-being-mean-to-refugees vs Warren-being-nice-to-refugees.

Yeah, but like most dems, she sees the primary victims of wall street as being third-worlders, and not her actual countrymen.

Dems don't want to govern for their people, they want to play saviors of humanity.


The biggest problem with her is that she has way too much personal baggage. If the DNC runs somebody who can be humiliated by Trump and is perceived to be a 'SJW' (whether or not it is even true), then that person is going to lose. That's what it comes down to at this point; actual policy doesn't matter.

Aside from the stupid Pocahontas thing, most of her "personal baggage" is just having gussy with an electorate that prefers bussy. The GOP will attack any Dem candidate as a spooky SJW radical (see also: Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama).

But I mostly agree the Dems should just run a generic handsome middle-aged white guy and win easily. A bunch of people like that Beto guy, but any standard suit should get the job done.

they can't be possibly this incompetent

and the thing Warren is barely even a DNC establishment, she wants to do woke CTH shit like putting workers in charge of corporations, she is just this bad at optics i am hard time believing she ever won anything

It's like they want 6 more years of Daddy

They love being the underdog is all.

You can't whine if you're in charge..

What you think Daddy does on Twitter when he goes to the shitter every night


They'll just do what they did with Obama, where after immediately losing Congress because of fucking around for two years they'll pretend this means they're completely out of power and everything's back to being the Republicans' fault.

Man, most fucking workers can barely do their own jobs. Who thinks its a good idea for them to be in charge when they can barely flip burgers?

isnā€™t Warren supposed to be Bernie-lite?

I mean donā€™t get me wrong, sheā€™s still a shitty candidate, that DNA test cinched it. But itā€™s not like weā€™re talking Pelosi here

establishment politician


The 08 obama campaign staff was too successful, all the talent was poached by the marketing firms at Apple, Amazon, and other tech companies. The staff left for the dems are born losers.

also they got lucky enough to pick up some fanart from a graffitist

Wait are you serious? That makes a horrifying amount of sense.

David Plouffe was the campaign manager, former VP at Uber but now a startegic adviser on communications and policy for the company. Also works for Chan Zuckerberg Initiative which is Zuck's personal LLC he does his investing, political activities, and charity through.

Valerie Jarret was the presidential BFF, on the board of directors for Lyft and 2U which is educational tech.

Throw some of these names into google, nearly everyone wound up in the private sector with a fat paycheck.

Compared to Hillary 2016:

Without a chief strategist in the mold of Penn or David Axelrod, the campaign was run by a committee of strong-willed aides, struggling to assert themselves in the same space. Longtime consultant Mandy Grunwald and Palmieri grappled at points over message control as Palmieri worked her way into the inner circle. Mook and strategistĀ Joel Benenson barely spoke to each other for the month of April, battling over their roles.


It's gonna be fun to see just how awful the Democrats can get leading up to 2020. If they have like ten candidates in the primary with this shallow pool of talent then we're going to see some inspired retardation.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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That makes sense. If I ever became emperor of the world, I'd hire Obama's PR team, the dudes were masters at their craft.

I mean look at the calibre of candidates in 08. Then look at 16. There's more than marketing there.

Let's be honest here, it only worked because of the Crash and because people didn't know Obama. A lot of people only voted for him in 2008. His 2012 numbers were shit, he's literally the only person to be reelected President with a smaller margin than his initial victory. They voted for a hopeful FDR and got Bill Clinton with a shit-eating grin.

The only 'genius' in that marketing victory was coming in at the right time with the same kind of empty slogan every politician uses so that people can project their own desires onto it. If the crash hadn't happened, HRC would have been elected in 2008.

that's an insult to bill clinton, obama grossly expanded executive power, which i didn't think was possible after how much bush did that, plus a lot of his more nefarious policies (HUD policies immediately come to mind) got little to no media coverage, in 2016 i was honestly ok with a clinton presidency after trump got nominated, because in my mind she wasn't nearly as radical as obama in terms of what she would actually do when all rhetoric is put aside. I was kind of hoping with all the acutally suicidal reeeeeing of dems after 2016, they would look at the executive and say, hey maybe they shouldn't have this much power, i was sadly wrong though.

American Indians wouldn't care that much about Americans. Those are the people who decimated them with viruses brought from Europe.

Those were spaniards

It's specially retarded. Shit like this will knock her out if the primaries.

Actually no you have to explain to us normies what triggered you.

After Trump, does anyone?

She's virtue signaling to primary voters, who are a mixture of college students, rich people and the children of illegals.

Wow, this is like Rain Man-level autism. Warren/Trump 2020 is gonna be a tweetfest from drama heaven.

pls no

I have to wonder, people who think this way, exactly what is it about the 1980-2016 period that you all think went so wonderfully? The stagnant wages? The disappearing jobs? The skyrocketing cost of health care and education? Homes becoming unaffordable thanks to speculative investment? Having two financial crises in one decade? The endless wars that didn't do jack shit to make anyone safer or the American people better off?

The people who were running the show fucked things up. That's why Trump got elected. That's actually why Obama got elected instead of Clinton. And that's why Warren or Sanders are most likely to be the nominee come 2020. The 'centrists' turned out to be banker tools who made most people's lives worse, repeatedly, for decades.

Wow, this is like Rain Man-level autism.

why did this kill me. i've never even seen rainman šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Because I love to make you laugh bb šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

I wonder what Robert bowers is thinking rn

regardless of how you feel about Warren's policies or her personalities, she is just straight up bad politician - she barely won Massachusetts againts a republican in the senate run in 2012, let me repeat that, she barely won Massachusetts (!), that's like losing Kentucky if you are a republican, she didn't even face some kiddie molestation scandal which is typically associated with this type of emberassing underperformance

she also massively underperformed in 2018, she has shit ratings in her own home state and nationally she's even worse

arguably anyone else has a better chance againts Trump than Warren, Trump would have to take entitlements from boomers, doom the economy or some shit like that in order to lose to Warren

Massachussets? Holy shit.

I agree with everything you said, but right now her, Biden and Sanders are the only three dems polling ahead of Trump when asked direct head-to-head questions. The rest of them get killed. I mean it's super early and no one has campaigned but that's how it is right now.

Biden and Sanders are the only three dems polling ahead of Trump when asked direct head-to-head questions

The fucking opposition research on Bernie and Fauxcahontas will crush them the first few weeks of the general election. That leaves Biden, who is like Trump in that no matter what sort of goofy stupid shit he says or does people continue to love the guy. I haven't voted for a democrat in over 20 years and I'd be OK with Biden if he picked someone like Jim Webb for his running mate.

Two white men? That's a yikeroni and cheese.

Oh, yeah, I forgot we're talking about democrats. Having Commissioner Gordon run up to the top of police headquarters to turn on the Virtue Signal is more important to them than picking winning candidates.

Creepy uncle biden will be #meeToo so hard

I doubt it will be easy to #metoo Biden. Shit they had Trump with that "grab 'em by the pussy" tape and even anti-Trump people went "meh, whatever."

That wasn't a true metoo. Remember the part where he said "and they let you do it"? I believe they call that consent.

Maybe the pageant changing room thing would be a better comparison but I don't know much about that.

I hate to inform you of this, but when you're rubbing your grubby hands over some poor confused woman and she doesn't scream for help, that's not the same thing as consenting.

What do your evening activities have to do with the President of the United States of America banging young babes who love him for his wealth and power?

Look, I know it's difficult for some people to maintain a consistent principled stance on any subject if it involves Daddy but you are writing questionably misogynistic (why is this woman confused? Do you think she lacks the mental capacity to understand? And why must you bring up her socioeconomic status?) fanfic.

Perhaps he asked them nice and politely if he can grab their pussy, they said yes, and therefore they "let him do it". I'm going to have to run with that old fascist "mantra of innocent until proven guilty" on this one I'm afraid.

ā€œJust kiss. I donā€™t even wait. And when youā€™re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.ā€

ā€œIĀ moved onĀ herĀ like a bitch, but I couldnā€™t get there. And she was married.ā€

You're not very smart, are you? Do you think that "poor, confused" actually means "mentally handicapped and impoverished" or are you just trying to be contrarian for comedic purposes?

He literally said, in the statement in question, that he doesn't wait or ask. He just does something, and women "let him do it". Which is my point. A woman "letting him do it" is not the same thing as consent.

It's like you didn't even know what I was referencing in the first place.

Nah, Republicans didn't care about Trump's grabbing. Democrats will have to care and that'd sink him. They've gotten good at astro turfing Dems with their own issues on social media.

Damn, all they have of Biden is hours of footage of him groping children.

Nah democels value nothing more than chastity of foids. One MeToo again Biden and he is out.

lol youā€™re pretty retarded

What were you expecting when you came to /r/Drama? Did you think this was going to be a debate between William F Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal?

iā€™ve been here for like a decade dog

Man, Jim Webb would make it tempting. His greatest enemy was that guy he killed.

Or the son who swore vengeance on his father's killer.

I bet Jim Webb could pwn that n00b, too.

The fucking opposition research on Bernie and Fauxcahontas will crush them the first few weeks of the general election.

after the election of Donald Trump Scandals absolutely ruin a Presidential candidates' ability to win election.

Scandals not sticking to Trump is like his retarded super power. It's hilarious to watch other people try and fail to replicate that though. People think Trump changed the game, but if he did it was only for himself.

Democrats trying to re-create the Teflon Don phenomenon is quickly becoming the most exhausting part of this election season.

arguably anyone else has a better chance againts Trump than Warren

Hillary Clinton

Lmao her campaign is doa

Americans are scum who don't deserve to be saved.

What's with your doge account?

The accepted prpnunciation is 'Hokeypontas'.

No relation.

I always enjoyed Fauxcahontas.


Yeah well, this is pretty much a description of me and how I vote.

It's like a years long game of tic tac toe.

man of course itā€™s some random ass charity

them /r/politics headlines were just like ā€œWarren Donates Her Salary Because of Funding Freezeā€ and i just sighed and hoped for the best

random ass charity

Does "HIAS likes to bring in invaders that kill our people" ring a bell?

no not really

I would like a bit of tribal wisdom to understand this logic.

Hey guys, there are orphans starving in the Middle East because they are victims of a war America helps perpetuate!

That is why I will be giving my money to an expensive hooker named Krystal.

That is honestly how the tweet reads.

Honestly I would have respected her more.

Am I the only person that thinks calling her pocahontas is racist?

No. Do you think that will stop the idiots in this sub?

Cry harder faggot

Do you think Warren pushing this when she has zero connection to any indigenous people is racist?


she never really pushed it. Fentanylians act like she made it central to her identity.

I don't think it's racist unless they say that's what makes her so dumb.

That being said, it's a stupid thing for people to latch onto. The lady tried to impress someone at her first big job and it's literally all the opioid-americans can think of to latch onto. Crazy un-imaginative.

Trump should retweet this

How does this thing tie her own laces without shitting herself? Roadkill has more functioning brain cells that this clown.

Cool Iā€™m one of those 7000. I hated Liz already for her whiny Lexington librarian nature but she keeps digging that hole.

Man this charismaless robot is going to get whipped by daddy.

HIAS is the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees. We stand for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and freedom. Join us!

She's donating to (((them)))

1/2/2019: 1/4096 Cherokee bitch makes way for the White House.

1/3/2019: First female president defeated by sexists on twitters who hate refugees.

So...instead of donating to her countrymen, she donates to a bunch of illegals?


Fuck Americans, every refugee is worth 10,000 amerifats

do we need to deport you back to /r/politics again?