The definitely non-neckbeards of r/justneckbeardthings lynch an r/Drama user. Could it be over for Dramacels?

1  2019-01-03 by LmaoSourcePls


This, but unironically.


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Its a neckbeard eat neckbeard world

Itโ€™d be great to do an island game show where a group of r/neckbeardthings users has to figure out and vote off the true neck beard among them (while the audience knows no one is truly โ€œitโ€ and they all essentially qualify).

Wait a sec I just realized all I have to do is watch the rational skeptic community on YouTube to see this happen

Video games and neckbeardism are mutually exclusive things. I go to the gym 5 days a week and can deadlift 280, squat 260, and bench press 300 lbs. You can find my blog on steemit to see my progress up to 6 months ago, when I got to busy to keep writing lol

How does this guy not topple over in the slightest breeze.

Bragging about benching more than you squat or pull... Weird flex

I thought he was just lying and I called him out on it. No one but a dude in a wheelchair can bench more than he can deadlift.

How many alts do you have? I have read "I prefer cute East Asian girls" so many fucking times. Stay safe, loli pedo.

260 is such a pathetic squat too.

It's not insanely uncommon in people that are starting out. I've seen guys that can curl way more than they bench for instance, which is crazy. I've also seen guys make great progress with upper body but really struggle with squats because the form itself is so hard for them (usually fat, have at least minor back problems, or have flexibility issues).

Honestly different body configurations can make different lifts harder too. If, like me, you've got peasant genes and you've got short legs but super long arms (the "picking of boxes" body) developing your bench vs. other lifts can be harder than it is for other people.

IHonestly different body compositions can make

How fat do you have to be where squatting is a problem? Don't you usually get strong squat-friendly legs if you're fat? Not that I'd know or anything

Contrary to popular belief fat doesn't grant strength or power. The idea of fat people being powerful probably mostly comes from the muscle that's underneath their fat, which wasn't granted by them being fat.

I meant that their legs should be muscular from supporting that weight.

Ohh. Yeah you have a good point actually, I didn't think about it that way.

Its not about strength, they have trouble maintaining form while getting down low and maintaining their balance.

Severe case of manlet

My grandmother could lift 280 off the deck one time jesus christ

the average normie can't 1rm 280 give me a break. one plate maybe sure, but not much more than that. they don't even have the grip strength

Let my grandma grab ahold of your johnson. I dare you

why are /fit/tards so obsessed with lying on the internet? like go do your hobby that you're supposedly really good at.

yeah this is a bald faced lie lmao

When did it start for us?

Never +

Soon my brother. Day of the bussy-post when?

even hapas found their way in by reverse neckbearding in honor of mayo women

broke: Asian women like white men

woke: Asian men deserve white women

they get really aggressive when you say something not in support of bland mayo chicks ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2gb of high res thai preschoolers. Maybe more.

you selling or something?

It's more likely the distance of pacific that is too long for you to traverse, not the age.

preschoolers is clear pedo territory, that's way too young for me.

Just say the magic word, then. You are a ____ Go ahead.

guy who likes cute, skinny girls and isn't a big fan of curves?

doesn't even make sense, the body type variety in old teens is about the same as in adults.

Did you know itโ€™s possible to find someone like that who isnโ€™t a fucking child?

Turn yourself in before you rape someone or vote libertarian please

well I'm not interested in kids so yeah I do know that, obviously.

14 year olds are kids

not interested in those either

Aren't you the guy that's grooming his preeteen cousin ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

nah my youngest cousin is 13 but I rarely see her

No time to molest her? Or is she too old for you now?

I wouldn't molest any kids, related or not. Also I only see them like once a year.

So you're more of a "it's not molestation if we love each other" type of guy.

It's a good thing your cousins grew up before you could get to them. We know you'd never touch someone as old as 13

no I'm saying I'm not interested in pursuing any kids at all, related or not.

Big doubt.

as I previously said I'm not, not even a hebephile probably.

even if I was which I am not there's a difference between just findind someone attractive and acting on it.

even if I was

You are

which I am not

You are

there's a difference between just findind someone attractive and acting on it.

There isn't

thought crimes aren't crimes, my guy.

Wrong. All pedos and anime watchers need to be put down prove me wrong

Morality and criminality aren't the same, either. Just because it's not illegal to be attracted to kids, young teens, animals, vehicles, celestial bodies, what have you, doesn't mean it's good or right to be attracted to them.

It's wrong, and you know it's wrong. You even used the words thought crimes because you knew that acting on your attraction would be 100% illegal.

It was your own words:

14 is legal where I live, not that I want to pursue a girl that age, but I'm just generally acknowledging that women peak in their early teens.

So don't pretend you're preference is for older teens, don't pretend you're not attracted to minors, and don't pretend for a second that the mental gymnastics you're doing is deceiving anyone but yourself. We see you for what you are.

Real talk. You're not well. There's something that causes your primary attraction to be unhealthy. It's OK - that in itself doesn't make you a bad person. But the more you rationalize it, the more you deny it, and the more you choose to defend your unhealthy attraction, the more you prove yourself to be a bad person.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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I don't think it's immoral to be attracted to someone even if acting on it wouldn't be moral. It's not like you're actually doing anything wrong like playing video games professionally or something.

because you knew that acting on your attraction would be 100% illegal.

14 year old girls are legal though where I live so it wouldn't be illegal at all. I still choose not to though.

We see you for what you are.

I was just speaking generally. Of course there are a lot of attractive adult women.

and the more you choose to defend your unhealthy attraction, the more you prove yourself to be a bad person.

I'm not even interested in pursuing girls who are too young so I don't think I'm a bad person at all. People who prey on 15/16 yo girls who are well developed claiming it's natural because she "Looks older" and such are worse.

I don't think it's immoral to be attracted to someone even if acting on it wouldn't be moral. It's not like you're actually doing anything wrong like playing video games professionally or something.

Rationalizing. Also, in what universe is making a living playing games worse than having an unhealthy attraction to children?

14 year old girls are legal though where I live so it wouldn't be illegal at all. I still choose not to though.

More rationalizing. You're trying to tell yourself you're a good guy for not trying to sleep with 14 year olds.

I was just speaking generally. Of course there are a lot of attractive adult women.

Still rationalizing. It's OK because you find some adult women attractive. First, that you have to specify your attraction to "adult" women is scary. Why? Because it reinforces the idea that your primary attraction is to young teens. You honestly believe, generally speaking that women are at their peak attractiveness when they are 14. 14 year old aren't women. They're girls. They're goddamned kids. It is in no way healthy or acceptable to be an adult and have a preference for something other than other adults.

I'm not even interested in pursuing girls who are too young so I don't think I'm a bad person at all. People who prey on 15/16 yo girls who are well developed claiming it's natural because she "Looks older" and such are worse.

And even more. You're literally defending the notion of being attracted to less developed girls by saying it could actually be worse. Both are wrong. Full stop, and preying on children is wrong no matter the age. There is no better or worse here.

You need help man. This isn't an insult, this is someone looking out for you.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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I mean you haven't even said at all why just thoughts or something would be immoral.

You're trying to tell yourself you're a good guy for not trying to sleep with 14 year olds.

I'd say I am a good person for not doing so. Young girls are often easily influenceable and such but I don't think these kinds of relationships are healthy for young girls and inherently predatory. However there are a lot of men who will pursue girls even that young because they'd just be okay with anyone but have an easier time grooming young girls.

You honestly believe, generally speaking that women are at their peak attractiveness when they are 14.

Well it depends from person to person and also on race a bit ... not saying my opinion is a popular one that is shared by most guys or anything

preying on children is wrong no matter the age

I agree with you though, pursuing girls who are too young isn't okay.

You need help man.

nah, even if you feel that way and go to a therapist or whatever they just ask you whether you'd ever consider acting on it and if you don't then there's that.

I do try exposure therapy though where I watch a lot of harem anime with lots of big tittied women and I hope this will eventually make me appreciate the milfy bodytypes more.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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How long has it been since you diddled a child?

hasn't happened, won't happen

What this year? Surely by the end of the week

I would only ever diddle adult women

Is your definition of adult 0-12 years old?

nah, also that's pedo territory

But that's your territory


as I previously said I'm not, not even a hebephile probably.

Oh, boy, it's that child face fetishist, who annually visits Thai suburbs to collect photographs for his folder for 'child looking but legal models'.

deadlift 280

squat 260

bench press 300 lbs.

Anyone who would actually say those numbers without realised how retarded they sound are clearly absolute begginers.

Yuck, that OP is a pedo๐Ÿคฎ

I love how easily offended all the women on the subs for bullying ugly men are. Going through life with so little self awareness must be heaven.

Women think men want a chubby version of Chloe Grace Moretz?

It's over for Yamete-cels.