Who is the final boss of r/drama?

1  2019-01-03 by Logan_Pauler

If r/drama was a game and it's users were your regular garden variety henchmen, it's power users were mini bosses, and it's mods were bosses, who is the final boss a gamer like me would have to defeat to bring down r/drama ?


Snally is the final boss, and the joke is that you as a player think you could ever beat her.

It's /u/xNotch of course. He has a robot tentacle beast army that helped turn back the Xaurian Invasion in 2017, good luck bringing him down (he is strong to Kosher damage and his tail resists slicing weapons)

Looking at anything through the lens of vidya

Cringe and cringepilled.

The final boss of r/drama is yourself. You win when you overcome the recurring bad habits, poor life choices and self destructive mindset that led to you spending time here.

me too thanks

Too real m8 😰


Feeling attacked rn

Doesn't matter who it is. They will absorb the Faggot Stone, one of the six Drama Stones, @ 33% health and become a giant bussy.

Final boss would be some 10ft tall bussy machine who then got dropped in favour of MasterLawlz stickying himself into the boss battle.

The ghost of Pizzashill. The goal is to change his mind on something. It's an impossible feat.

Every time someone mentions pizzashill i get a little hungry and very horny. Time to lurk his alts til I finish.

Suicide is the final boss. You win my swallowing a bullet, now kiss your sister for me

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