1  2019-01-03 by -Morgenstern-


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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I'm going to take a guess and assume the second from the right (the one looking at his phone) is the most pro-idpol of the lot.

I bet you whatever you want that they transition before the year's out.

I alreasy thought it was an butch lesbian

Fat ✔️


Unkept Beard✔️


Yep it's Chapo time 😎

Mayo ✔✔✔✔✔

Well now that's just a given

That's correct haha

He meant unkempt

looks like a group of chuds to me

They seem to have no objection to wearing goods from brands such as Adidas and vans, despite being commies. This explains the hypocrisy of /r/CTH


he actually did tho

Not really tho

does the malysian child who made their track suits own the factory they work in?



This really isn’t the ‘gotcha’ you think it is.

Comparing not owning an iPhone to indentured servitude and being malnourished (farmer) shows how much living in a capitalist society has spoiled this people.

There are more ethical alternatives, but they are more expensive or less cool. So, too much of a sacrifice.

Comparing not owning an iPhone

That’s not the point being made lol

They’re not mad that they dont own an iPhone dummy

You are very intelligent


The opinions of Bongs must be discarded


We must find a solution for the Bong question

I found a lot of solutions to that problem back in college.

Literally every single person who ever posted this image is a fucking retard.

Ouch 😭😭

The truth hurts, chuddo


That’s just embarrassing

Yes it is. Check yourself before you rek yourself mongoloid

Shut up retard

u mad

Let's have a heart to heart about your mental illnesses. Your posting indicates that you are a deeply troubled young man and I am here to help.

Explain how the comic is wrong, autism man.

Comparing not owning an iPhone to not wanting indentured servitude and being malnourished (farmer) shows how much living in a capitalist society has spoiled this people. There are more ethical alternatives, but they are more expensive or less cool. So, too much of a sacrifice. Better not put actions behind their words.

lmao did a political webcomic comic really go over your head? That wasn't the point at all.

Gamers were right: we live in a society. And there is no escape. A feudal peasant "benefits" from living in a feudal society by having clothes, housing, tools, made "by feudalism". You can still complain about feudal political-economy.

I know commies love their "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" but you can still choose products that are produced more ethically than iPhone or Adidas sweaty.

It isn't the point of the comic but it should be the point people make to point out that commies are lazy fucks unwilling to take any personal responsibility for their purchases.

There are alternatives that are more in line with their ideas. So yes, choosing the morally dubious option and then complaining about it is ridiculous.

That comic isn't really as 'gotcha' as you think it is you fucking dumbass

Kill yourself lol

Nice comeback dude!

That’s the point retard

whatever you say sport

lmao the chapocel is upset!!

watch out! when they lash out they rape people!

Hahaha. "Just because I own slaves doesnt mean I'm not a progressive fighting against slavery!!"


How angry will you when Beto trounces Bernie in the primaries?

Not nearly as angry as you when Beto loses to Trump 😎

"I'm so progressive that I'll be happy if Trump wins, then America will finally ve ready to othertheow capitalism!"

Your poor poor stepfather.

You sound angry

All commies need to kill themselves

Lotta centrists getting triggered by a webcomic in here.

unironically believing any r/drama poster is not actually a bussyblasted chapotard or magatard in disguise

this but sincerely

I've never believed for a second

lmao are you fucking retarded? Owning an iphone is a choice, one that was made in the midst of literally hundreds of other alternatives. Are you gonna compare that to someone just... living?

Leftoids really need to be exterminated hard.

but if i don't have the latest iPhone i will literally die

>using the Ben Garrison of the Left to back up your argument

>In Current Year+4

Those first 2 aren't stupid at all. If you object to capitalism so much, you shouldn't have a fucking iPhone. Shit is like the pinnacle of capitalism.

Posted via Daddy's iPhone.

Hahaha daddy’s iPhone 😂😂😂

You chose to buy an Iphone, retard

Ok and

“Hey i’m gonna benefit from capitalism entirely of my own choice while promoting communism which wouldn’t allow me to have such luxuries”

”You’re not allowed to criticise the economic system that literally decides whether you live or die if you have benefited from it, even slightly”

Criticism is entirely separate from supporting an entirely different economic system. I’m critical of capitalism but you would never see me call myself a commie

Same here

Criticism is entirely separate from supporting an entirely different economic system

Not can criticise capitalism but as soon as you suggest an alternative your argument is void because you own an iPhone? Not buying it.

I think you’re really overestimating the amount of people who call themselves commies, or promote communism...

lol you're still a faggot who complains about capitalism while purchasing items made in sweatshops by children in third world countries.


we get it, you don't like commie hypocrisy to be pointed out and have no argument otherwise. you could just not reply instead of being a fag.

sure it is it means youre a massive hypocrite and probably arent genuine

Holy fuck you got massacred on this shitty post of yours lol

This is you: 🥴

Chapo have literally no other options than to spend their million bucks a year on making themselves look like an Adidas billboard, lmao

If Adidas is good enough for Fidel Castro...

Well Adidas was the official sponsor of the Castros

How so?

Also chugging beer on stage, have some professionalism. We don’t want another midterm meltdown...

Ah yes, of course, you cannot criticize capitalism if you consume anything made under capitalism. Wow, checkmate all "anticapitalists"!

Buying goods from mega corporations instead of co-ops to own the capitalists

Boomer tier logic, TBH

Why does everyone misspell chode?

I'd let felix give me top but not in a gay way

knowing the names of these low-IQ cartoon porn enthusiasts

Chapotard OUT OUT OUT

pls no homophobia sir

Is he the one of the far left?

Because otherwise I question you.

I mean, I'm questioning you no matter what, no one there is actually hot, but at least the guy on the far left is the closest to normal-looking and acceptably attractive.

yeah he's the one on the left

him and jon bois did a youtube series for SB nation a couple weeks back called, "fighting in the age of loneliness" about mixed martial arts. I really enjoyed it, and I'm not someone who really cares about mma

The most attractive Chapos

So this is the face of the revolution

And it's 20 chins.

More chins than the Shanghai phone book.

The first step in revolting is to look revolting

The first step in seizing the means of production is to cease the means of reproduction.

So we have nothing to worry about when it comes to commies

Well clearly they're people who have no means of reproduction.

They’re all wearing adidas tracksuits.

Russians all wear Adidas tracksuits.

Chapotrapotreehouse confirmed Russian trolls.

They’re also inferior cheap Adidas tracksuits and not the pro Adidas Originals superstar tracksuits tho

This guy runs or was sponsored in college

Also imagine not wearing adidas gear with CHAD Saucony shoes. Smh.

If left naked long enough, Russians / Italians / Armenians will alter their skin genetically into a tracksuit to protect against the elements.

Ugh Just fucking look at them. 🤢😡🤢😡🤢🤮🤮🤮

These people are making like million bucks a year. I'm jelly.

for people that talk about grifters so much ...

They make over $100k per month contributing fuck all to society. They redistribute the wealth— to pay for their luxuries. They are the definition of bourgeoise and I legitimately hope that they are just taking advantage of their retarded audience, because they are living the American dream and exploiting capitalism purely out of self-interest. For them to actually believe what they say would be a bunch of greedy retards, but if it's all a farce, it's just beautiful.

taking money from socialists isn't exploitative, it's what they want

Honestly not surprised if they do this

i dont think theyre that smart theres just a lot of dumber kids with parents money

They redistribute the wealth— to pay for their luxuries and to acquire more capital. They are the definition of bourgeoise and I legitimately hope that they are just taking advantage of their retarded audience

You described all commie governments to a T

Pretty much. Everyone who wants to be a commie sees themselves as a pampered organizer or some shit

Ridding edgy reddit commies of what little money they've accrued is actually a great service to society.

Props where it's due. That's one of the most passable looking trannies I've seen yet.

Well this little tranny had an abortion.

Which one are you talking about?

The one with the beard face vagina.

that cutie on the far left

I mean it's quite obvious really, isn't it.

From left to right we have:

  1. The Male Feminist
  2. Sweaty
  3. SAD! 😬
  4. FtM FtW aka The Trannie
  5. Face

Huh, I figured that was just a really fucking dorky guy and that the one in the middle was either trans or a brit cause her teeth look kinda gnarly.

i thought the woman in the middle was also a tranny

I don't know what that person is, i just know they're definitly not passable.

Second from left and far right look like stereotypical "socialists". Reminder that when someone says that they "bash the fash" or "kill/scalp Nazis", this is what they look like.

Honestly the Chapo hosts aren't so bad themselves. It's their fans that suck. Second from the left got hammered in one or their livestreams and babbled incoherently, and the chick pissed off the dsa idpol idiots more than any of us can ever dream to.


To give them credit, they're a lot less fat and ugly than I expected

Well 2 are basically monster mask-Americans. The other 3 are baby boys

Def less fat than i thought but as ugly as i expected. Only the twink seems to have a normal average face, rest are weird asf

could makeup help or is this a lost cause

She seems on the thin side. Yet has double chins. Probably not.

One. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars. A Month.

That's a lot of Daddy's money

But they share it equally among the repressed proletariat and the homeless, I’m sure.

Honestly the Chapo hosts aren't so bad themselves. It's their fans that suck. Second from the left got hammered in one or their livestreams and babbled incoherently, and the chick pissed off the dsa idpol idiots more than any of us can ever dream to.

chick pissed off the dsa idpol idiots

Link pls

Too lazy to go through the whole thing but she flat out trolled some of them at one point


That's the one!

Amber is absolutely Anti-idpol mommy and would get on better on drama than any other sub.

no its very definitely the hosts too, look at them

All look less ridiculous than Sam Hyde on a good day

lmao he tries to though these guys just look like that close up of sam hydes face normally

I’m sure fucking trannies and underage girls is also part of the act

Yeah but Sam Hyde is actually funny.

Mediocre at best, over hyped by people who agree with him politically imo

They victim-blamed South Korea for getting invaded and having hundreds of thousands of its people killed. That's about one hair away from holocaust-denial levels of retarded edginess.

I am SHOCKED that these are the people who dont want to compete in social hierarchies for some reason 🤔

Oh God! I have literally seen Incels more attractive at r/Incelselfies. Is a little workout everyday too bourgeoisie in current year?

fucking subscribed

thank u bby

The thing about incels is that they don't usually look as bad as they think. They kinda look average. :/

I have never met a kissless virgin in real life who didn't have a personality issue that was blocking them from having sex.

There are tons of physically disgusting men having sex with women all over the planet.

How the fuck is someone 15 and an incel, holy shit zoomers need a war to get drafted in.

Jesus Christ, this looks like a local reddit meetup.

Exact why meerups are a not even once situation. Gross.

I once promoted my local cinema night on reddit. Big mistake. Aspies everywhere. Some genetically inferior dude and girl started literally licking each others gave in the audience. Looked like aliens who had verbally been described what kissing was supposed to look like.

Not really, they look normal for typical milenials but I bet the vast majority of their fans are disgusting

How much you weigh, bro?

Let's talk about it

It's crazy, that girl looks exactly like I pictured her in my head.


Me on the ☭ Far Left ☭

are they ironically wearing tracksuits or

Yeah, they're carrying on with a bit started on their sibling podcast, Cumtown.

imagine knowing this

Cumtown is even worse lol

Even Wing Chun fighters are more alpha than these soyboys are.

Double-chinned low-T neckbeards will literally never do anything written down in any history book.

Do they really look in the mirror and see revolutionaries?

Fucking delusional twats lol

unironically saying ‘low-T’


Literal booty blasted Chapotard desperately coping all over this thread

Booty blasted 😂😂😂😂😂


In this case it is 100% accurate

heres some guys that in all likelihood look identical to you taking a testosterone test for buzzfeed and finding out they have less than a hundred year old man is supposed to have on average

they have nearly half of what theyre supposed to lmao, just like chapo posters

That's a good thing. High testosterone just makes you a violent retard.

having dangerously low testosterone isnt healthy or good for anything lmao wtf

great if you love osteoporosis like an old woman i guess

I watched a LARP video back when no one knew what it was and there was footage of a guy who tried to run out of the woods and managed to trip and face plant on his fake sword.

I'm more scared of that guy then these chuds.

The one in the middle looks like she has down syndrome

Remember, these are the "people" asking for hog pics

Agendaposting with no drama in sight

Radical centrism is enjoying all kinds of posts equally.

white """""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""

Why are they dressed like gopniks

Simultaneously fetishising Russia while claiming Russia wasn't a real communist country - it's probably beyond your chud comprehension

Why are those fags obsessed with an 80s b horror movie

Yikes a lot to unpack here

Nice snoozepost OP

> 90 comments of pure autism

> snoozepost

Pick one.

**C O P E**







Oh so you're the autismo OP was talking about


Thinking your opinion matters in America's own subreddit


Being from a literal meme country


Your entire family swam here and left you foreveralone


Tfw everyone in your country would rather live in a room with 20 other people working manual labor ever day instead of living in Mexico

Implying anyone wants to go to the USA here

It's not 2006 anyomre grandpa

I always heard Mexicans were stupid, but goddamn

Pull your cabesa out of your ass, Juan.

American calling anyone stupid


comes from a country where children go to school to learn how to roll chimichangas and wack sidewalk weeds

entire country of Mexico moves to America

Mexitard wonders why everyone in America is stupid now


With all those beans rattling around in your noggin, I'm not surprised you're a big gay and also retarded

Chapo the podcast isn't actually that bad its just not very funny and way too reddity. That being said you still are a giant faggot if you listen to them.

> Obnoxious laughter

It’s one of those podcast where no matter how shitty the joke or gag is the rest of host laugh uncontrollably?

last podcast on the left


I could only do last podcast on the left once because of that.

Basically every ringer pod can be included in that as well

It's a shame because they're actually well researched/written and would be really good if not for the irritating as fuck relentless forced laughter.

Serial killer and cult episodes that they actually research were fun, and I found them because of these but when you look at what they regularly do, half of it's retarded magic shit and sp00ky aliens.

I watched their Ben Garrison video and it was pretty predictable. The only relatively good leftie podcast is Cumtown.

Cumtown is fantastic yea

Cumtown is leftist? I’m surprised given the language they use

It might be a show by lefties but it's not for lefties the way Chapo is.

Adam and Stavros definitely lean left. Pretty sure Nick is a radical centrist but who really knows?

which one is the retard who never stops laughing at everything the one funny guy says

That's Stavvy boy. Nick is the funny one. Adam is the bug.

I knew stavros would be a fat cunt just by hearing his voice, fatsos have a certain type of voice

And not by the extremely Greek name? Have you ever met someone named stavros who wasn’t overweight

Podcast recommendations?

Just get real friends and do something actually interesting.

Gardencast is pretty good. It's just some guys talking about an Olive Garden commercial.

Just listen to white noise, it'll be more productive and you'll lose less brain cells


THe Dick Show is great. Bit right leaning but definite luls

Bill Burs podcast aint bad either. Not political focusing, but definitelu policitially incorrect

Podcasts are for hipsters and woke millennials. You'd be better off forming your opinions off of Zyklon Ben's cartoons.

Theyre too confusing. I'm never sure what everything is supposed to be.


Sleepycast is fantastic.

Superbestfriendcast was good if you like vidya and need something to listen to since over the last couple of years they started being about 3 hours long on average. It's super topical though so it probably isn't worth listening to it unless it's current since otherwise you'll be listening them speculate about a game that has since come out. It's ended atm since they broke up but Pat and Woolie (the good ones) are bringing it back under a different name.

If you want some super normiecore shit with a nerdy twist, Hello Internet is pretty nice.

Why do the mods here sticky their comments as if people give a shit what they have to say?

Tourist! OUT OUT OUT 👉🏿 👉🏿 👉🏿

That being said you still are a giant faggot if you listen to them.

this is true of basically any podcast.

This hurts but its true

he doesn't listen to Your Mom's House

Crypto-chapocel in denial

I'm literally banned from there

I do find the readings of terrible conservative action novels to be quite funny though

The podcast is alright. The sub is utter trash though.

IIRC, even one of the hosts had said sometime back that the sub was beyond any redemption or something like that.

Yea exactly

IIRC, even one of the hosts had said sometime back that the sub was beyond any redemption or something like that.

Do you have a link to that?

Lemme search for it. IIRC, the host's name was Virgil or something.

Seema like he has deleted the tweet. There was a post on Chapo about it a few months ago.

You mod drama the fuck uck you on about trying to judge people.

Is that Raj's white cousin?

Look at their fucking shoes! They aren’t real Slavs! Cultural appropriation!

They look like the kids I threw in garbage cans in high school

God they’d be gulaged so quickly

And that’s a good thing

Seriously what is with commies and tracksuits?

If you could only punch one of them, who would it be?

I’m leaning towards fatso, but it would also be fun to watch soyboy collapse like a sack of bricks.

If Ed wasn't benned, he would be cope yawning all over this thread.

Needs more squatting

Where is the 4th guys chin?

They sure look awfully white and straight and male to me.

I would say "no wonder Chapo doesn't like idpol", but then I realized that the sub has completely changed tacks on that, so I will amend myself to this: no wonder Chapo is self-hating!

is that a woman ? Because i now know why its called Chapo trap house.

Russian car thief, neckbeard male rapist, cute Asian trap, most likely to offer to power-level you, guy whose dream is to open a craft beer bar.

This is the cutting edge of leftist thought?

She’s not Asian, she just has a downie face

Oh that's a girl?

my god they look like those hyperovercharecterized /pol/ wojacks (idk if that's the right term, im not meme fluent) irl


Why is Felix the only one that's remotely fuckable? And even then I'd have him blowing me, would get anywhere near his estrogen-dick

I've rarely seen a worse selection of footwear TBQH.

virgil, confirmed biggest sjw and faggot in the bunch

how the fuck you gonna draw in a hundred grand a month and still look like a homeless person lol

Wow. Looks like an eastern European table tennis team from right after we lifted the iron curtain.

Literally everyone on that stage looks like they have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

So much agenda posting on here today - did t_d get let out early or something?

I don't know why people so desperately try to ad-hominem people they politically disagree with. All of them except for Amber look like average everyday people. And Amber doesn't look bad, she just... I don't know what the fuck is going on with her. Fills out that tracksuit nice though.

Proof that we need Mayocide NOW

Imagine getting up everyday and having those bangs

Why are they all white?

Nothing says "anti-capitalist" like a corporate sponsor.

Brought to you by Adidas.

Congrats OP, you got this subreddit VERY FUCKING ANGERY over a picture of some podcasters.

Imagine being this hung up on a shitty podcast that you keep making posts about them.