r/pics is mad that since the shutdown, Daddy isn't cleaning up people's trash. No parental supervision in America anymore! SAD!

1  2019-01-03 by Feedbackplz


womp womp


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Clean your room, DC

Anarchists eternally btfo

Taxes are supposed to go to daddy's trash force. Seems okay to be pissed bout it

Yeah, those Democrats are being real arseholes aren't they.

Pretty sure they already offered 25 billion for the wall back in 2017 and Daddy turned it down, so methinks he want a spectacle, not a wall. Gotta keep the Fentanylians riled up somehow!

Let's take a look and se who refused who: https://www.colorlines.com/articles/top-democrat-retracts-25-billion-offer-trump-border-wall-funding

Yeah, the Democrats are to blame once again. Keep trying.

I thought daddy was a deal-maker. He had 4 days to accept the $25 billion offer before it was retracted. Now he's just begging for 5 billion.

Art of the deal!

This is more of an indictment of asshole US citizens than it is of anything to do with the government.

In countries where people have higher civic conscientiousness, like Denmark,

it's over for nondanishcels

Yeah imagine trying to compare Americans unfavorably to anyone except a small group of northern Europeans.

You think that’s bad, you should see the garbage in the White House!!
