Users argue how to determine if someone is pure enough for their ethnostate

1  2019-01-03 by Peetrius


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Good take.

True centrism.

Wow, rude. I'll shut you down.

daily reminder that america gives this country 20 billion dollars a year to fortify their own personal version of wakanda, then throw a bitch fit when its own citizens ask for equal pay or social programs in our own inner cities

good shit!

1 in 6 American children go hungry every day.

The other 5 are fat as fuck.

20 billion dollars a year

3.4 billion or 0.077% of the federal budget

oh ok nbd then just slangin' around billions to already-wealthy nations like dollar bills down at the titty bar

It's more of a US defense sector subsidy tbh. I'm not a huge fan of it, but acting like it's breaking the bank is silly.

it's just another appendage of this huge defense budget that does absolutely nothing for the average citizen, besides maybe help them make payments on a dodge challenger and give them a reason to need fent when they get back home

this huge defense budget

Now we're talking real money! ($886 billion)

But we need it for moar dakka and PROTECTING OUR SOLDIERS


Unironically increase the funding and increase DARPA funding.

As long as you're willing to pay more taxes for it

Better idea. Take away goverment funding from sociology grants and give it to DARPA.

So you only want to add $250 mil?

I kind of just wanna take away sociology funding tbh. It doesn't even need to go to DARPA. Just give it as low interest loans to small locally owned bussiness in minority communities. That will do way more good than another dumbass sociology grant.

If a 0.005% budget line item offends STEMcels this much, it's money well spent tbh

Im not really a full utalitarian that thinks STEM is all that matters. It's just that sociology is incredibly bias and more of a breeding ground for left wing propaganda than an actual science. Sociology infamously has terrible replication rates. Its not a science, fuck its barely philosophy. At least when reading Either/Or you know you are reading philosoby. I mean sociologist have way too much influence when compared to their results.

I said give the money to minority neighborhood businesses instead. Fuck if you want a non-stem/non-business use then give the money to fund art films in a non partisan way.


Worth every penny!


I thought you actually wanted to see what i had to say :(

Oh I thought you were shitposting too

I was using this one and just grabbed the first number:

Looking closer, the $616B number in there seems the most representative

It does a lot, you are just too stupid to understand anything more complicated than basic literature.

It does a lot

yeah thank god for that war in afghanistan, who knows where we'd be without it

hurr durr mah war

Bitches like you would be the first to cry if American hegemony was lost and you had to live under Chinese influence. Who is gonna help you if China wants to fuck you, it sure isn't gonna be your pussy leftist sociology teacher. America keeps the world stable and free.

America keeps the world stable and free.

lmao imagine actually believing this. I'm assuming you were in the military?

no wonder you people like Reagan so damn much, y'all apparently just stopped receiving new information and perceiving the world around you after he left office

Im not even a republican much less a Reagan lover you damn cunt. You can't even criticize someone outside of stock phrases.

Say the n word

n word


you damn cunt

sounds like you're not even an american, so in that case: OPINION DISCARDED

lel, leftists love china.

acting like it's breaking the bank is silly.

Trump recently proposed these cuts

National Cancer Institute ($1 billion), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ($575 million), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ($838 million).

Jews ahead of Americans.

But it's just gew bucks....

Trump recently proposed these cuts

Sure, that'll happen 😂😂😂

Imagine thinking the chosen people are less important than ur stupid institute of allergies.

I've been goyed.

Trump recently proposed these cuts

National Cancer Institute ($1 billion), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ($575 million), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ($838 million).

Jews ahead of Americans.

Maybe Americans should elect some outsider not in the pocket of the Big Jew, who would drain the swamp and make America great again 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😭😂😂🤣🤣

Lockheed Martin ahead of Americans

FTFY. Also, duh

I love it when a regular shitpost template for everyone else on the planet brings the brave Hasbara.

Even on the fucking /r/drama

Get out!

never met a gangstalking guy in the wild.

how do you do? attack any police lately?

sucking Lockheed Martin's dick this hard

That's the cost of having even a single country in the Middle East that isn't actively funding terrorists who hate us.

I wonder why no one ever cries about the billions we give to Egypt?? Is reddit run by Egyptian shills?

We're all shills for Big Pyramid.

Pharaoh Soros

We pay Egypt to be nice to Israel.

Also so they don't start taking money from China or Russia.

And we pay Israel to be nice to Egypt.

This might not be "why", but usually, when the US funds some other country through the Foreign Military Financing program, that money has to be used on US defense products and services. With regards to Israel, however, about a quarter of the aid is used on its own industry through what's known as off-shore procurement. Apparently this is being slowly phased out though.

So the wall shouldn't be a problem either then since he only wants 5 billion.

Go ask Mexico

20 billion dollars a year

Do you mean "like $3bn a year to buy last-gen American weapons so that some factory in congressman johnson's district stays open another 5 years"?

Geopolitically speking its money well spent. Its either that or letting the crazy muslims gain strength.

Its not given for free, America is buying soft power. Why do people always fucking miss this...

Try explaining soft power to your average ameritard and watch their eyes glaze over

stfu, stop jewsplaining to my burger brain

Americans would rather have infrastructure than "soft power". Who cares? Spend the money on ourselves. Not bribery to influence distant foreigners who hate us anyway.

Who hates us more tho, da joos, or the mooses?

I love r/Israel, it's the right-wing alternative to r/Judaism and honestly most of my favorite redditors are there (and on /r/MemriTVmemes, which has a big overlap anyway). Anti-Israel memes get posted to r/arabs, r/islam, Chapo etc.. all the time, r/Israel is the only place where I can "joke" about my views on palestinian statehood in the same way.

Don't forget the repurposed /r/jewdank

r/drama birthright trip when??

Only if we all dress up as Israeli disco trash circa 70s NYC

i mean yes

There will be shitposting and dancing in Jerusalem next year!

Thanks, now I'm just having a nostalgia wank.

How did I miss this

It's the only sub where u can read the truth about how every gazan is literally a terrorist

Dude JIDF lmao

Thanks (((Cimarafa))), Very Cool!

Dude JIDF lmao

How inbred one has to be to be admitted?

That's only the Haredim

opens thread

/u/AnnoysTheGoys on full damage control

Image my shock


I'm just trying to protect my NEET allowance okay!?


These guys are arguing that immigrants must assimilate. The irony of Jews making that statement when they refused to do the same in Europe for literal millennia.