Black people explain why it's racist to not want to fuck them, sorted by controversial.

1  2019-01-03 by unrulyfarmhand


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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It's racist to not want AIDS

All in all an entertaining read of idiot logic.

It's ironic that most of trans people murdered in US are black.

It's also interesting how most violence against lgbt is via black people but it's framed as if it's america's issue.

Bro it's just socioeconomic circumstances. Not like having people with radically different views living together would ever result in conflict.

Its over for sickle cellcels!

No one speaks out about how black men are fetishized by porn.