It's smear o'clock at the DNC when BernieBros are exposed as the real male feminists, kind of, except nothing really happened

1  2019-01-03 by cultish_alibi


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Another former staffer told the paper that she made $2,400 a month but that a younger male staffer whom she was supposed to manage made $5,000 a month. When she raised the issue her salary was adjusted to achieve parity.

oh wow this is egregious

The allegations are surfacing as the Vermont senator weighs a second run for the White House. Some former female staffers say the claims raise questions about whether he is the right candidate to lead the Democrats in the era of #MeToo

Lol they are literally lowkey #MeTooing Bernie for this.

> fucking a white male

literally who did not see this coming

When Biden gets metoo'd for all that creepy kid touching I will be v happy

This is how Bernie can still grope

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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TIL that Pornhub has scientifically determined that I was to sleep with my stepsister.

His comments follow a New York Times report on Wednesday, which described one incident in which a female member of the Latino outreach team said she was told she was supposed to share a bedroom with three men she didn’t know

Wow, now that's problematic, next you're going to tell me they had interracial room assignments too.


One time on a school trip I had to share a bed with a dude. Think I can get some moolah out that?

Unironically, yes

libtards: ree mike pence doesn't like being alone with women

also libtards: this

I always figured Bernie supporters for faggots tbh

How did you figure? Could it be the ChapoTrapHouse sub?

Bernie's campaign sunk from within by his own staffers before he even announced.

I guess we just found another thing old Dubya was disastrously wrong about, when he said:

"Cuck me once shame on me, cuck me twice can't get shamed again."


Man can you imagine the reaction to this if it was Clinton or even better Trumps campaign having this exact same story? Instead of calling it a smear campaign and burying it with downvotes /r/politics would be jerking itself raw right now. That 16 million Bernie spent on Revolution Messaging is still paying for itself.

30 million, not 16.

Yeah, but that's not even counting all the facebanking.

It literally did happen with Clinton's campaign lmao. Unsurprisingly none of the Yass Qwueens of Twitter want to talk about that one.

From 2008. If you really think nothing has changed since then about sexual harassment in politics you might make a good /r/politics moderator.

Implying bill clinton never raped anyone. Why is it that most of the DNC candidates have had rape scandals?

Ask for a blow job, knowing you can legally have them murdered or murder them and thats the implication, isn't creepy at al.

Women generally cannot give meaningful sexual consent to men, similar to how a student cannot give meaningful sexual consent to their teacher, a prisoner to a prison guard, or a child to an adult.

This is because of the power differentials that exist between men and women. Men are generally physically stronger than women, have more societal power, make more money (see: the wage gap), and have a multitude of differences in their mental facilities and capabilities.

The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is "good sex" and "bad sex." Consensual sex is "good," while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of "consent" actually reinforces rape culture. The "consent" model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the "consent" model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.

As of now, the vast majority of women cannot give meaningful sexual consent to men. However, with technological and societal advances, this may or may not change in the future.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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lmao what is a Faith Advisor

Apparently his job was to send Hilary Bible verses every morning and feel up the volunteers. You know, church stuff.

Why would have ever thought that employing progressives would backfire horribly?!? 🤔🤔🤔

Day of the refund when?

Man they're going to really hate what communism says about cohabitation if same sex rooms are a problem.

Reminder that merely looking at a femoid, even for an instant, could land you in jail for life on a rape charge.

Reminder that bussy bois would never do that to you.

wait, did the DNC really call bernie supporters rapists?

By 2040, the GOP will be spending a grand total of $0 on re-electing Trump's bloated blue corpse. Meanwhile, the DNC will be running 39 tranny candidates, disqualifying anyone whose peen isn't feminine enough, and finally spending $6 billion dollars running Hillary's bloated blue corpse. Come Trumpvember, those who haven't suffocated on the carbon dioxide of each other's sustained reees will begin preparing for the next four years of Dead Trump's Seventh Administration by blaming the weaker Democrat candidates for not huffing enough soylent blue, recycling into their unsent ballot bins their unsent ballots, and retrannying Hillary and grafting more native American genes onto her rotten body's DNA.

Uplifting imo

No, because that would be saying the truth and they are trying to steer away from that.

sorry, should have turned off my word replacement addon.

His comments follow a New York Times report on Wednesday, which described one incident in which a female member of the Latino outreach team said she was told she was supposed to share a bedroom with three men she didn’t know

Separate but equal.