Paper of the Day: Toilet Paper

1  2019-01-03 by A4QualityPaper



Literally dabbed as I upvoted this

This but unironically.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. This Post -,,*

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I prefer your earlier work, paperman.

I'm more than a paper man. I created r/dramaButWithPinging and made u/dratamard2 a legend. R.I.P


Commie-cels BTFO

When will socialets learn?!

Studies show that education outcomes are abysmal when people are hungry, so never.

implying that reddit commies aren’t a bunch of soyboys living in an upper middle class household with plentiful access to food, Clean water, electricity, warmth, shelter, A/C, and the latest electronics

Sorry sweaty, but that isn't TRUE Socialism™ (◠‿◠✿)

That's because countries that can't afford to feed the kids in their schools probably aren't putting enough money into their schools period.

What I'm getting at is that we need to have a 100% taxrate, put it all into public education, then make it mandatory for your whole life as a simultaneous feeding/indoctrination program.

Some people wipe but I'd rather dAB

folks,, we gottem

Thank you. I subverted the xposting r/Drama cliche like no one else. I think I'm one of those autistic geniuses 👨🏼‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓


chapocels on suicide watch

but then again they always are, it's why they don't own guns after all

The revolution will be won with tranny supersoldiers, not guns

The revolution will be won with smugness and asking for hog. Your guns will be worthless against such force

But what if you show hog?

They'll cry and try to ban you


We are talking meatspace right?

Yes of course. They can't shoot you because they would have shot themselves already, so I guess they can only cry

Legit question: Will they actually ban you for posting it?

They'll remove it I think

This shit cracks me up so much.

A bunch of tankies calling for violent revolution but are too suicidal to own fucking guns.

L o'fucking L.

Anyone has a link to that shit?

ahahah this is pathetic.

I support handing out free hi points to Chapotards

This but unironically.

Hipoints and hollowpoints to bash the dash and blow out their brains once mom evicts them from their room for being bratty 20 something manchildren.

Imagine wanting to revolt but your group cannot have firearms because you'll kill yourself

The higher ups would have to make a hidden barrel at the back of the gun to have any chance of any of their soldiers getting off at least one shot not aimed at themselves

Implying they would have any engineers lmfao.

They all want to be fucking army costume designers or flower farmers or gulag wardens.

Shit, I forgot about they were all Hugo Chavez Boss wannabes

But seriously where is that picture? I can't find it

Haha, I can't find it either bud, but I am sure the FBI guy who watches me jerk off will help me out

They literally hate people in STEM over there, before I got banned they made fun of me for it

So they're just gonna humanities the ruling class into submission

Guns are outdated, just cyber warfare the government. DDOS Rump, break the nuke button, let China conquer the landmass and then fuck them up too.

I fight socialists by playing games and saying the n word

Holy shit chopos are all fucking head cases that deserve to be put down for their own sakes.

That was probably one of my fav drama posts of all time.

I've seen this before. Wasn't able to find it. Thank you so much for helping us research the revolutionary sadbrains.

Not to mention the fact that they've alienated every portion of the population that would be semi-competent with a firearm

Alienated? No, nobody who didn't care followed/s any of this. There's still room for internet commies to realize their mistake and that's what makes it fun,

Muh sadbrainz :(

It would take the entire subreddit to combine their collective strength to life a gun

He played the long game, that damn genius!

Means a lot coming from you. Always appreciate the support bro. You've been here since the beginning 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

Fucking woke as fuck.

It's all over.

solid execution.

This post makes me want to fellate the engorged member of a sexually mature bald eagle.

Nicely done!

😴 😴 😴

Not being Ed and 😴 😴 😴 posting 😴 😴 😴

i go the extra mile and print out ed posts to use as my primary bussy cleaning material

Got um

I feel personally attacked

Edgy post, I think it gave me a...

Paper cut 😎

Somewhere in a mansion in Vermont and old man is wagging his finger so hard he has achieved lift off.

And he's coming for YOU.

(If you're a physically smaller woman. If you're a man and taller than him he's running away)

Bernie, the serial rapist

Brought to you by the NYT and DNC

The DNC controlled Bernie's college feminist campaign staff?

Berniebros truly are every bit as retarded and delusional as Qtard boomers.

Seriously. DNC is the progressives Deep State

Literally every politician has the same buncha male feminists working for them, they’re just not getting reported on

Imagine actually believing that

sorry for the 🤮seriousposting🤮 but who’re you supporting for 2020?

I'm voting for Jesus.

Anyone but Bernie, or if he somehiwnhas the common sense to kill himself beforehand, anyone but whomever he endorses.

Even native Hillary 2.0?

Where were you when leftism was eradicated forever

Not born yet

Say what you want, communism changed the world, and for the better. And this book right there was fundamental to this.

Imagine serious posting on an A4QuaulityPaper post. What is your life? 😂 😂 😂 😂

>Imagine not autistically serious posting about the benefit of communism.

😂 😂 😂

You're really not funny

Communism is a no fun zone 😡 😡 😡

Reminder to upvote the lol cow.

>Implying I am a lolcow for saying the truth.



Death is a preferable alternative to communism

Death is a preferable alternative to literally any economic system, so that doesn't mean much

Why the fuck are you commenting rather than being dead right now then?

implying i exist

You have a lot to learn, kiddo.

Say what you want, communism changed the world, and for the better.

It's true, nothing has killed more communists.

>Being happy about dead people fighting for the good of all of us.

Why are you the way you are ? 😢

What hurt him? Yikes, chief.

Fuck, beat me by 3 minutes

Don't worry, the real reply hasn't been tried yet.

npcs lmao

Say what you want, communism changed the world, and for the better.

A-fucking-men. No other ideology killed as manny commies as fucking communism. AND THAT IS A GOOD THING

Why do you hate people fighting for you ?

Too obvious.

Good thing you capitalized the last part, couldn't have understood the message otherwise

The only good thing to come from communism was Kalashnikov and dead commies

Book paper doesn’t feel good on my ass tho? 🤔

Feels nice as fuel for my backyard fire tho!

Well, some Soviet people actually used Das Kapital as toilet paper.

A book which could be summed up with one word: surplus.

Which is funny, because none of his supporters produce any.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Communism will win!

i might be a capitalist 🇺🇸 but if i see a fine 😰💦 ass 🍑 communist girl 🙈 my bloodline 💉about to be a breadline🍞

The death by starvation olympics!!!!!

Dick-Tay-torship of the Proletariat

My ideal form of government ❤️❤️❤️

Inshallah, brother! ☪️

Death is a preferable alternative to communism

This but unironically ☭

Me too thanks.

If marx were alive he would post on /r/Drama

Can someone explain why OP posted a photo of his mom with this title? Do they no get along or something?

But it wasn't real Communism bro.

holy living fuck that paid off beautifully

Communists are worse than Christians

That's because literally every non-Christian is worse than Christians you infidel

Imagine thinking labor actually has any value beyond its opportunity costs and availability of laborers


The ol long con

Only Marx I read is Groucho.

Bet you haven't even started reading it yet

Capitalist bootlicking won't make them give you a livable wage, white boy

Wow what a weak troll account. The real dratamard2 wud be rolling in his grave