I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.
even that sub is full of absurd communists, it just seems sensible because they spend all their time making fun of communists far dumber than themselves.
You know an obese commie goth running across the desert, waving a stick about yelling “bubble bubble toil and trouble!” might just distract ISIS along enough for them to be taken out by some Kurds.
To be fair a good number of their people didn’t exactly go out of their way to join with how they “recruit” people, so they have at least some people who aren’t nutjobs. I should also mention my phone’s auto suggest wanted to type “people who aren’t gay” which is obviously not true
That's basically how ISIS gets rid of all their rejects and retards. They have desperate shortages of doctors and mechanics but a huge glut of loser incels that wanna get a yazidi slave bride or at least muslim heaven laid. While all the experts and professionals get sent to do actual work, ISIS separates all the losers and asks them if they want to be a 'martyr', then it's usually frontal attacks against entrenched enemies or a one way road trip in a toyota filled with old soviet mortar rounds rigged to a nokia.
Should I go to Rojava by myself and face them there?
Lmao. Yeah man just book a flight to Iraqi Kurdistan, bribe the Peshmerga to smuggle you past the Turkish, Russian, and Irainian eyes on the border, walk through the desert, find a random kurd who's never heard of you because they're Democratic confederalist, all in time to watch them cut a deal with the Syrian government and go back to farming.
Secondly, after a suicidal episode, I wrote them something like "I'm going to kill myself but I prefer martyrdom so are you taking me in or not?" out of desperation.
You know, I don't even think this is bait or a troll. It has to have dawned on these people with fringe, impractical political beliefs that their ranks are filled with so many outwardly disturbed people like this.
Chapo Trap House is literally split on the leftist possession of guns because 80% of gun deaths are from suicidal people who own guns or something like that, and they all know they're depressed useless creatures.
Oh I remember. I remember especially them saying that they should take up archery to own the MAGAcels because they're less likely to off themselves with a bow and "it gives +2 to stealth".
None is gunna consider a fat mentally unstable basement dweller a martyr Maybe a background extra if you are lucky or a slap stick death like you blowing yourself up thinking a grenade is a tamagotchi or some shit
1 SnapshillBot 2019-01-04
I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 ubermanwolf 2019-01-04
Even his fellow anarkiddies aren't having any of it. Holy shit, is Anarchism the most tolerable leftoid subreddit now?
1 Osterion 2019-01-04
It's a funny place
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-01-04
I love casual racism now!
1 Van-Diemen 2019-01-04
The only leftist subreddit that isn't a constant, unmitigated embarrassment is /r/stupidpol
1 cheers_grills 2019-01-04
1 cptnhaddock 2019-01-04
They’re zio-facist
1 SNCommand 2019-01-04
They probably still have eggs on their faces after glorifying Macros
After he started jailing dissidents all they have left is cuck minister Trudeau
1 gilmore606 2019-01-04
even that sub is full of absurd communists, it just seems sensible because they spend all their time making fun of communists far dumber than themselves.
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-01-04
No, they were praising some communist totalitarian/holodomor recently but i cant remember.
1 Neon_needles 2019-01-04
With the flair Anarcho-witch
This is why the left will never succeed.
1 modsarefags225690 2019-01-04
Rejecting people with mental illness is bad praxis
1 xthek 2019-01-04
Next you'll be telling me that they don't allow pilots to be blind
1 Por_que_Jair_ganhou 2019-01-04
1 THOT-AUDITOR 2019-01-04
Novelty accounts are already bad.
Novelty account knockoffs are worse.
Novelty account knockoffs for *hurk* Brazilians are the worst.
1 80BAIT08 2019-01-04
You know an obese commie goth running across the desert, waving a stick about yelling “bubble bubble toil and trouble!” might just distract ISIS along enough for them to be taken out by some Kurds.
1 Dramaste 2019-01-04
This seriously made me laugh. It has to be a troll.
1 Dramaste 2019-01-04
1 Ultrashitposter 2019-01-04
Tell that to ISIS lmao
1 xthek 2019-01-04
Suicidal idiots can be effective for terror attacks but you don't want all your soldiers to be people with no sense of self-preservation.
1 yoavsnake 2019-01-04
choose one
1 xthek 2019-01-04
To be fair a good number of their people didn’t exactly go out of their way to join with how they “recruit” people, so they have at least some people who aren’t nutjobs. I should also mention my phone’s auto suggest wanted to type “people who aren’t gay” which is obviously not true
1 MostRadicalCentrist 2019-01-04
That's basically how ISIS gets rid of all their rejects and retards. They have desperate shortages of doctors and mechanics but a huge glut of loser incels that wanna get a yazidi slave bride or at least muslim heaven laid. While all the experts and professionals get sent to do actual work, ISIS separates all the losers and asks them if they want to be a 'martyr', then it's usually frontal attacks against entrenched enemies or a one way road trip in a toyota filled with old soviet mortar rounds rigged to a nokia.
So perfect place for OP.
1 LittleBittyBigJohn 2019-01-04
Lmao. Yeah man just book a flight to Iraqi Kurdistan, bribe the Peshmerga to smuggle you past the Turkish, Russian, and Irainian eyes on the border, walk through the desert, find a random kurd who's never heard of you because they're Democratic confederalist, all in time to watch them cut a deal with the Syrian government and go back to farming.
I want this to be bait so bad i know its real.
1 EarlCampbellsMeat 2019-01-04
even abu hajaar would body this sissy
1 -Steve_French- 2019-01-04
Never speak I'll of the Hajaar
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-01-04
You know, I don't even think this is bait or a troll. It has to have dawned on these people with fringe, impractical political beliefs that their ranks are filled with so many outwardly disturbed people like this.
1 ubermanwolf 2019-01-04
Chapo Trap House is literally split on the leftist possession of guns because 80% of gun deaths are from suicidal people who own guns or something like that, and they all know they're depressed useless creatures.
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-01-04
Oh I remember. I remember especially them saying that they should take up archery to own the MAGAcels because they're less likely to off themselves with a bow and "it gives +2 to stealth".
1 Velxon 2019-01-04
Gotta go medieval style to own the capitalists
1 unstable_asteroid 2019-01-04
CaPiTaLiSM iS nEo-FeUdaLiSm.
1 Lithovore 2019-01-04
they're proud of that fact.
they think harboring all the crazies gives them brownie points.
in reality it just exposes their demented cult as a... demented cult.
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-01-04
I'm 100% sad that we'll never get to sit in on the CIA meeting where they go over this email exchange.
1 blyatman12345 2019-01-04
Imagine joining the CIA, thinking you'll get to do some Jason Bourne shit and then get stuck reading emails from Reddit anarchists
They must have a high suicide rate
1 zergling_Lester 2019-01-04
I just realized that CIA agents probably want to ping very badly even more often that us, but are not allowed to too.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-01-04
Ping, but with a rifle.
1 Medibee 2019-01-04
Ping, but an M1 Garand.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-01-04
Just bringing them some freedom.
1 KarlMannheim 2019-01-04
Meh anarchist should be declared batshit crazy unless they are under 18.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-01-04
I don't think age absolves them of this at all.
1 evannever 2019-01-04
This guy should definitely just show up in Kurdistan.
1 ubermanwolf 2019-01-04
Hey, yeah... I was that guy e-mailing about being suicidal so that just wanted to just martyr himself?
1 EdLesliesBarber 2019-01-04
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2019-01-04
He seriously stated he wants to join a left wing militia?
Okay kid, but seriously, the FBI is gonna get a kick out of this.
1 some-dumb-fuck 2019-01-04
The best part is all the /r/anarchism users telling him to clean his room.