Hey guys.

1  2019-01-04 by PINGED_BY_RDRAMA

Just letting you know you have every right to ping me and tell me to kill myself <3


click noice

Having no teeth, Pacific sardine are filter feeders consuming small planktonic copepods and crustaceans. They can grow up to 12 inches long and have been found to live as long as 13 years. Pacific sardines are an integral part of the marine food web providing food for many marine birds, fishes and mammals.

🚨Ban evasion detected🚨

A tuna is just a "body positive" sardine.

We're healthy at any size you biggot! It's got nothing to do with us going extinct, shut up. 😥

Did you know that "eating tuna" is the #3 past-time in GLORIOUS NIPPON, only falling behind "Consuming child pornography" and "Producing child-pornography."

Post hog chud xdddddd

absolute chungus

Don't do it

I'm a virgin

I've always wanted to take away the Virginity of a drama poster.

No don't do it


Show. Me. Your. Bussy.

Quality post tbh