Curried male feminist tech fag accused of sexual assault but there’s a twist: he voice recorded all his sexual encounters

1  2019-01-04 by Strictlybutters


Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fucked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fucking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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raping an Indian chick

It's obvious that that's fake . why would he?

Fake news confirmed. It's common knowledge that pajeets only rape if they're in groups of two or more.

And this point gold diggers are more honest than regular chicks. At least gold diggers are hot and you both know what you are there for.

She should be grateful that he cared about her enough to give her a free prostate examination.

Lol the tweets. Like blood in the water.

Wow, they've actually got people in India who are fluent not just in English (India) but also English (Woke).

It came from a place of fear and uncertainty of how to navigate sex

casual sex does not entail history and an absolute sense of comfort

Sex is a complex interaction when it’s with new individuals

I have spent the months since reflecting on not only my own actions, but also this movement and its deep necessity.

the fear I felt is not comparable to what women have been subjected to for years

I couldn't write that kind of shit if I tried.