Man gets accused of rape proves it was consensual with a recording but gets in trouble for the recording without consent

1  2019-01-05 by BenaGD


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


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I hope this leads to mayocide


He was accused of recording them without their consent, you retard

Exactly you retard look at the title, but he was first accused of sexual harassment

Show me the part where it says the recording cleared him of anything

"Youth media company Homegrown’s co-founder and head of marketing Varun Patra has been accused of sexual harassment. " thid is legit in the first paragraph of the website. Are you mental?

Yes, he was accused of it. Where's the part that says a recording proved he didn't.

It's legit in the title of the web site man "he responded to the allegation with a recording"

"Varun Patra has responded to an accusation of sexual misconduct and recording the survivor without her knowledge"

Not with a recording, dummy

Yeah it is research the story, it currently trending on Twitter

Just admit you read it wrong. It's ok.

How are you this retarded? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

You're an idiot. It says they had consensual sex but he kept putting his fingers in her ass even though she told him not to. At the end of that session she noticed he had recorded it.

There was never a period where he was just accused of assault, and he never tried to use the recording to prove his innocence. All this hit him at once.

The recording proves he didn't dumbass, that's the accusation

How? Where does it say that anywhere? The guy himself wrote a statement where he admitted to recording the girl and didn't deny he did anything without her consent or even addressed that claim.

It literally him guilty on both counts hahaha

Right after we finished, I saw him stop a recording on his phone… and he admitted to the fact that he had recorded us having sex, without my consent.”

The initial allegation was that he was recording her without consent.

I want to applaud you as a moderator of this community combating these toxic incels on here but casually using the R-word? Oh honey... You were so close.

Don't you dare sully dratamard's good name

One of the women also accused him of putting a finger in her pooper without consent

Common accident. It just happens when i accidentally spit then make julmust

I hate u

Sometimes it taste like Easter must. Dunno why but life is strange

Yep, next time link the article OP, not twatter.