Awful guy rapes 🍆 vegetable 🥔 GC reacts reasonably: 🧬☣Quarantine🧬☣ all men.

1  2019-01-05 by OreoRaguSmoothie


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Wow sentient

Real life Kill Bill plot.

Kill Bill is just a bad American rip off of Lady Snowblood 🙄🙄🙄

No, it's a very good American ripoff of a Japanese movie, just as The Departed is.

This is one of those stories where you really have to wonder about some things.

I mean, i know NotAllMen but there's a dude on top of that pyramid who did this and at the level where you and I are, you crossed paths with a dude like that.

No drama when facts.

This thread has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of bigotry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot bring forth children to inhabit this world with these absolute chodes. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a fentanyl overdose.

There is a reason why, historically speaking, only eunuchs were allowed to work within female only spaces in many parts of the world. I believe in gelding humans.

Why’re u still using the parody alt, OG Ed came back

OG Ed came back

Please don’t.

Title game on point...

It's incredible how reading TERF sites feels exactly like reading Incel forums. Especially on the women-oriented imageboards it feels like you're reading 4chan with the genders swapped

Why do you think people call them femcels ?

Because it's over for them?

Now yer gettin' it!

There was a case in Serbia where a woman tried desperately to run away from her husband, and she wasn't even protected in the shelter. EVERYONE was afraid of him. I think she didn't get a restraining order or it was never utilized because of that. He ultimately murdered her there.

Literally no link to the story in any way, they're just regurgitating stories for no reason.

Same with the awful comments. Taking screenshots to prove your ranting is too much to ask.

lol I got banned for posting this:

Women aren't going around raping patients, but men do this shit every fucking day.

Taking prison rapes in to account, men are raped and nearly the same rate as women, and 78% of male victims that self report being a victim of rape identify their rapist as a woman. Sorry, OP, but women are out there raping people "every fucking day", as you put it.

This but unironically.

I call the cops if I see a solo male holding a child's hand in the street.

Make sure to tell them he has a gun so they shoot him.


I call the cops if I see a solo man, even if there's no child around. Men are rapists and shouldn't be allowed in public.

How do we know it was a guy who raped her? It could’ve been a woman with a penis.

She got a child you retard.

Women can get pregnant you bigot.

Pretty regressive mindset brew. There are women that have dicks and functional cum. It's 2019.

fucked up if true


no way

Wow. YIKES. Are you implying that a women can't have a beautiful veiny penis that ejaculates healthy baby batter, you fascist?

While a woman can have a penis, it's definitely someone who identifies as a man that would feel entitled to violate a vulnerable person like this

Lol GC hates transwomen more than cismen

if my woman was in the hospital and there was some chad nurse or care worker with her i would have same response. Idk why you guys always try to shit on GC when they do make good points a lot

I only posted it because I knew people would like it. I love and agree with my femcel sperg mommies at gc. Can someone link them this comment? I want them to dm me and arrange a milking.

They're definitely into infantilizing/humiliating men so they'd probably breastfeed you.

some of them might think your comment with calling them femcel sperg mommies and requesting to milk them is in poor taste. poor taste like their spoiled milk titties

I think everyone is over reacting. All that needs to be done is to cull the male population down to about 1% and have those individuals isolated from society to protect human beings. When necessary, they can be harvested for their seed and humanly culled at the end of their service life.

The shear amount of money saved from the lack of crime, war, and social issues alone make this a no brainer. This isn't even controversial.

That entire subreddit should be gassed

And of course, men are leaving abhorrent comments and blaming the woman. "She should have been on birth control!" "We don't know the whole story!" "Maybe the guy had a sex addiction or impulse control problems and couldn't help himself?" "I don't see the harm if she doesn't know what happened", and even "This is some peoples fetish!" Many more are the obligatory "NotAllMen!" bullshit.

whaaat? did anyone REALLY make comments like that?

I legit saw comments like that on Facebook

Nobody noticed her uterus growing?


The closest they'll get to pregnancy is stuffing a pillow under their shirt and crying. 😂😂😂

Nor should men have any access to children whatsoever. Hell, I’m straight, and I don’t think women should allow men to attempt to raise the children they were sperm donors for. Creating children is a fucking privilege not a right, and at least 95% of men are completely unworthy.

GC admits they only want Chad men to survive a manocide

I'm of the (unpopular?) opinion that men should not be allowed to have any kind of unsupervised access to vulnerable women.

Agreed, so long as women should not be allowed to have any kind of unsupervised access to vulnerable men (RIP the nursing profession, BTW)

I actually had to set my phone down and cry. I hate this.


And of course, men are leaving abhorrent comments and blaming the woman. "She should have been on birth control!" "We don't know the whole story!" "Maybe the guy had a sex addiction or impulse control problems and couldn't help himself?" "I don't see the harm if she doesn't know what happened", and even "This is some peoples fetish!" Many more are the obligatory "NotAllMen!" bullshit.

Literally no one says this

Agreed 100%. Mandatory vasectomies at puberty. Reversals only allowed if their wife gives permission.

Proof we never should have stopped female genital mutilation. It really is snipped or get snipped in this world.

that post and the incident that caused it are a fuckup wrapped in a snafu wrapped inside a violent triple-facepalm.