Chapotard cuts off MAGAcel son for praying to Daddy. Cucks and Magatards duke it out over whether MAGAbaby should still get suck off his parents' teet.

1  2019-01-06 by just_the_tip_mrpink


This, but unironically.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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This shit is 100% fake but the cucks and Daddy boys are both flinging shit at each other.

This is why I'm a RADICAL CENTRIST.

it's not fake i knwo the op. i fucking hate all you fucking idiots that say "this is fake durrr". just shut up retard. you are adding nothing to the discussion and just trying to make yourself seem "internet savvy".

Okay but it is fake tho



I know this guy. He likes to say he knows the op of the thread he says he knows the op from but actually doesnt at all. He likes to lie about this sort of thing because he thinks the internet is a fun place where you can be any character you like. But you cant. Our usernames may be fake, but the man behind them isnt. THe eyes are windows to the soul as they say

Which post from the thread did you quote this from

Reminds me of the incel parent post


Sort r/self by top all time

“it wasn’t Christmas last week” ??? I know?

Straight up outed themselves with tumblr speak, lmao

seems so easy to make up one of these stories

still dont get why though

To trigger the libs!!!!!

it doesnt really trigger them though they believe it and start getting all self righteous about it

So you admit it’s fake? Case closed

It's over for t_d-cels

This but unironically.

Looks like that magacel will have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps (assuming that the OP is real, which is doubtful but possible).


Lol so desperate to push your narrative that you are willing to believe something this obviously fake.


It was like two words before, dude. I know reading is hard for magacels but but you could at least try to not be a stereotype.

but possible

just no.

Still can't read, huh? Here, let me help.

you know, you sure are focused a lot my reading ability for someone who claimed something obviously fake might be possible

I mean, yeah, santa clause might be real and socialism might work if it's """real socialism""" but those of us in the real world don't waste time with useless speculation

Man, you're really upset about this, aren't you? Did you just find out that Santa isn't real and that's why you're so butthurt about a word? I'm sorry your parents lied to you but it gets better with time. I promise.

really upset


I had a suspicion the whole "You can't read" bit was just projection, thanks for confirming.

I'm not the one tripping over a possible, my dude.

Sounds like he's a fan of James 'DINDU NUFFIN' Field

who isnt

They got into an argument and Mike called him a 'NPC fag'. I was shocked.

Beautiful trollpasta from OP. 8/10

Who brings their college bf/gf to Christmas dinner anyway? Plus no way a mom speaks such fluent /pol/

Unfortunately my brother did.

Kill him and sell his kidneys.


"Should I murder my conservative children? I snooped thru his phone and it seems like he's drifting towards socialism, we are a staunchly tankie-cell family"

This website sometimes gets a nonbinary man down


This is why left wingers are unhinged, nearly every child of conservative parents comes home from college a socialist and the parents never cut them off.

Keep your fantasies to yourself

Literally how hard is it to get a job and survive on your own?

Its hard to work and save money for public school. I barely did it and it took 5 grueling years.

I can't believe people still believe these. All just shit ripoffs of the incel son larp.

These baits just keep getting worse and worse

There's no way that's real

This is faker than my sex life..

It is impossible to enjoy something so fake

Cursed fate😫😫😫

Imagine making that post title in 2015. How confused people would be.

Why do white people treat family relationships like a bussinees deal?

For real.

The reward for cutting the grass, doing your laundry, and cleaning your room in other homes is not getting your ass beaten.

because they have money

It's fake but the drama is real.

NTA. You have provided a comfortable and sheltered existence for him and he wants to pretend he’s oppressed. After a few months he can experience capitalism in all its glory.


Everyone’s dancing around the political issue. It is political. You’re going to have to address him at that level.

As a parent I would be concerned about the radicalization he’s undergoing, but on principle if you’re going to be conservative, if you’re going to spout individualism and freedom through earning your keep; I’d feel obligated to teach him that the hardest way possible.

Pay nothing. He has to pay everything. If he can’t. Do NOT let him return home. He can pull himself up. He needs the humbling experience of being under the poverty line for however long it takes for him to save himself.

He’ll try to compensate and agree to the original deal. Deny it. You do NOT get to abuse your family and then use them.

You MUST be firm as it is unfair to your responsible children, your household, and quite frankly the loved ones and guests your family wishes to bring home.

He preaches apathy, apply it to him, he’ll either grow up and learn or he’ll be like the rest of those losers and some sadness will overcome the family for a short period of time.

Imagine caring this much about the political leaning of someone instead of caring about the fact that the trumptard literally can't interact with normal people without losing his tendies.

I was kicked out at 19. Fuck these faggots that all had it made. Makes me really bitter. All my parents gave me was food and meager clothing till 19. Fucking bullshit. Entitled fucking fucks.

All this imaginary mike would have to do is just roll along with the punches but didnt.

And this is why this mike story is fake and gay.