Roomba creator responds to reports of ‘poopocalypse’: ‘We see this a lot’

1  2019-01-06 by snallygaster


Eat shit


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Wew lad

There's definitely some kind of simple keyword check, at the very least.

Bussy quote mentioning shit

Not appearing on any post mentioning curry

Theory disproven

best of 2019 contender

Came right out of the new year swinging I see.

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Roombas can't detect poop

Wonder if they sell any of them in India 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yeah, we don't use roombas in our toilet bowls FYI



sounds like a dream job

It’s amazing how many jobs in this field are intensely difficult and laborious for an end result nobody even needs

Why is your dog shitting in your house?

“It’s not my fault the dog isn’t trained, the robot did it!”

Absolutely this, if your dog didn't shit in the house in the first place, this wouldn't be a problem. Don't be a bad pet owner.

Wait is your comment serious or sarcastic?

An animal having Dingle berries that fall down, them having stomach/digestion problems or random cat accident where they miss the litter box edge by a few cm does not make one a bad pet owner.

It's like people forget animals aren't robots and can make mistakes.

Its like people forget that robots don't give a shit.

When your dog gets old there are shit dribbles everywhere, the guys above are probably the kind of people to give away their dog as soon as having them around inconveniences them

Why give a dog away to die painfully over time when you can just take it out back and break its neck?


For sure, animals are biological, they age. It’s not like we will be doing better at the equivalent age.

However, maybe turn off the roomba scheduler and like, do a check of the house before running it manually?

Who the hell can sleep with that running anyway? Must have a huge goddamned house where the bedrooms are far away, I have a roomba and you can hear it everywhere.

I know I was splashing shit all over the house at 16

Ya because dogs can hold it for 14 hours while your away.

Then they need to turn off the roomba

Sick. Lol

Shouldn’t have a dog if it’s going to be alone for that much time every day.

Life is just so black and white.

Too bad my dog doesn't shit inside

it would be funny if a dog took a shit on top of a roomba. and you kept thinking "whats that smell?". lol.

Smearing it on the top of the bottom of the couch lul.

Quality content from The Guardian.

JK Rowling explained this. It's just Wizards dumping turds and making them re-appear in suburban living rooms. Not Rover's Fault.

omittus shittus

no fucking kidding. don't buy one of these if little surprises will make their way to your floor such as puke or shit. Roombas are for people who hate kids and animals.

If your kid pukes on the floor buy a new kid.

I have a roomba, I no pets but kids. My kids don't puke on the floor, what sort of doublewide did you grow up on?

It's over for pet-ownercels.

I for one believe the credentials of neuroscientists and marine biologists who are apparently experiencing this on basically a monthly basis