Rando blue checkmark claims hundreds of conservacucks were outraged by AOC busting moves, goes full Kanye when proven otherwise

1  2019-01-06 by KalebCS


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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stop snitching u fuck

I don't even know 1% of the "verified" users anymore

I like how none of those tweets are outrage. They're just making fun of her.

Unlike this guy posting 50 million tweets in a row about how mad everyone else is.

Commie mommy is going to lock you up

Hopefully in a chastity cage while a big black man fills her with superior black seed.

The fuck is with the obsession rightoids have with black guys

They know the best bulls.

Commie mommy is very likely not gonna get anything done because she puts the foot in her mouth on a constant basis and seems to be ignorant of even the issues she cares about.

but she says funny things on twitter and if there's anything I learned from 2016, that's what really matters.

You think that's why Trump is President? He would have been, and was, laughed off the stage in earlier cycles. He won because Bush caused the great recession and Obama was pathetically helpless in turning things around afterward. This discredited the establishments of both parties and provided room for the crazies to come forward.

Plus, HRC blew like half her war chest on GOTV operations in states she was guaranteed to win, while Trump sunk his GOTV money into states either of them could have won. That's why she won the popular vote -- she campaigned as if that's all that mattered, when it doesn't matter at all.

Ummm the economy had long recovered from the 2008 recession by 2016.

Don't bother reasoning with him, he posts on cringeanarchy and capshit subs.

He's too far gone, the only solution is mayocide now

Pretty disingenuous take. I grabbed a random article and didn’t read but honestly you shouldn’t even need a link to understand this.


Howso? If it's the usual "white working class economic malaise" stuff, then that really doesn't have much to do with the recession per se.

I like how you proved his point by spouting a hilariously bad economic narrative you learned on Twitter.

All you have to do to with a presidential race is run against Hillary Clinton

Yeah, because looking at the oval office, putting your foot in your mouth never works out in the end.

It's the difference between a well groomed CIA asset and a useful idiot.

Wish she’d put her foot in my mouth instead

A lot of online types have a hard time differentiating between people being angry at them, and simply thinking they're retarded.

It's like Ben Shapiro acting like he's totally not obsessed with AOC while making 20+ tweets about her in the past few days.

300k Instagram likes and two /pol/ pages a day and a couple hundred sugar daddies griping before the video released.

She could pay off the national debt with 30 days of camwhoring, but thus sacrifice for the good of the country is too much to ask.

Yeah but she's hot so I can understand that.

Does that mean you’re now obsessed with Ben Shapiro since you’re posting about him?

does that mean you’re now obsessed with Ben Shapiro


Lmao this subs been obsessed

He's our favorite squeaky-voiced manlet.

Literally according to his logic, yes.

Most of those were about the the huge policy bill she proposed.

"I'm not triggered, they're triggered!"

DDF coping so hard over sexy new mommy

dragon energy!!!

Lmao, the CMV mods have been getting steadily more partisan and ban-happy in the last few months. I've even seen them harassing people into giving lefties deltas over fairly innocuous statements like 'maybe I can kind of see your point, but I don't agree with it'.

CMV is literally "you're right...but here's a few details that still don't prove you wrong" on all the posts that are popular and nothing else.

Here is Ben Shapiro totally not being upset by it. If the Right isn't upset by it, why are they even talking about it?

[links to Shapiro laughing at the claim that conservatives are outraged over her dancing and saying it's manufactured]

These people are genuinely retarded.




At some point you really should just take the L with grace instead of pretending you never played the game


Bald middle age guy that talks like a twelvie youtuber, I bet hes a prominent redditor

Nope, can't be a redditor. His doesn't have the missing arm.

Blue Check Mark - check

Never Trump - check

Pro - Commie - check

"Conservative" - doubt

A blue checked journalist was raging a few months ago why the March for Life wasn't including any "left wing/liberal pro-lifers" as speakers.

When the march organizer asked who, they spouted off a Republican conservative they thought was liberal and then a bunch of Pro-Choice and even Pro-Abortion left wingers.

It had to be explained to them that you need to actually be opposed to abortion to be considered as a speaker, regardless of political affiliation.

It had to be explained to them that you need to actually be opposed to abortion to be considered as a speaker, regardless of political affiliation.

So much for rightoids sticking up for free speech

I want to cummie in commie mommy tbh

But yeah this “conservative outrage” is completely manufactured and didn’t even happen. The media is full retard

Dude they obsess over her 24/7, remember when Ben Shapiro begged her for a debate like a sad puppy and freaked out when she said no? I know I do.

Remember when some guy took a creep shot of her from behind criticizing her dress? I know I do.

Remember when she modeled some fancy clothes that she had to give back and they screamed that she didn't really struggle? I know I do.

There are many other examples of conservatives getting really mad over nothing if it pertains to her.

You might say she triggers them for no reason.

how does any of that have anything to do with the dancing video 'outrage!111!11' being completely manufactured by the media

instead of focusing on actual shit that happens to manufacture a fake story that makes her look young and hot and gets her more attention

Well, there were some people who did get upset by the video for no reason, and it plays right into the narrative that conservatives wrote for themselves, which is that everything she does is bad and they impulsively just need to hate fuck her. It's the straw that broke the camel's back.

I don't mind. In a weird way she's like Trump in that all the attention and butthurt you cuckservatives give her from being so fragile and triggered makes her stronger.

Literally nobody was upset or outraged. It was one anonymous twitter user 5 months ago that posted the video to lightly make fun of her

literally nobody

Oh please you fucks are upset and wet yourselves every time she's in the headlines.

Who is “you”?

Imagine being so retarded you are physically unable to scroll up and see where I call them “conservautists”

You sound triggered. I've made my points and now you're crying because Mr. Big Tough Conservative is acting like the liberal snowflakes he professes to hate.

What are you even talking about? I'm not even a Conservative. I've called them Conservautists and retarded multiple times in this very thread yet you keep calling me a conservative. I just recognize when the media does retarded shit

This was a Twitter beef, dumbass.

Serious posting and calling people dumbasses

calling other people triggered

You sound triggered. I've made my points and now you're crying.

hurr I know what you are but what am I?

that's unironically literally what you are doing

whatever man. i'm the triggered conservautist if that makes you feel better

I do get a chuckle at your expense, yes.

“I’m not the triggered on you are, you fucking stupid dumbass111!!!”

If you say so

Epic centrism 😎

You sound triggered.

When lefties get backed into a corner they resort to misusing right wing buzzwords they don't understand.

I understand it plenty, not my fault the right wing is full of hypocrites.

12 day old account

made a post on a sub to bait trannies

You’re not fooling anyone MDE incel

looking at the age of an account


downvoting because you know you got called out

You’re cancelled sweetie

Nice goalpost moving haha

It’s manufactured outrage to make conservatives look bad

Er, no it’s manufactured outrage to make her look young and hip haha

Epic own

Are you seriously so retarded that you don't understand that an action can have more than one motivating factor

Yes just like how the mainstream media is secretly pulling all the strings to imprison daddy and herd all his supporters and QAnon truthers into a firepit camp 🥵🥵

Conservautists and QTards being equally retarded doesn't have anything to do with this thread or post

Lmao... stupid white nigger. Neck yourself tardo lol.

Sounds like you’re a little obsessed with Ben Shapiro tbh

Who isn't? 😍

t. Manlet

Dude they obsess over her 24/7, remember when Ben Shapiro begged her for a debate like a sad puppy and freaked out when she said no? I know I do.

You mean when she said he was cat-calling her and it was oppressive to be invited to debate their ideas?

No I mean when he tried to throw money at her and waste 2 hours of her time shouting Venezuela at her.

I like how dems have been losing their shit continuously nonstop for 3 years straight over trump, but people making fun of a silly dance video is somehow "outrage".

Trump has given them alot of ammunition. You can't say the same about AOC and her dancing. Stay salty you triggered conservitard

None of this refutes the fact that trump does the same lmfao. To defend trump when he says shit like climate change is a Chinese HoAx and go after AOC for criticizing capatilism is some nice cognitive dissonance. congratulations you are a conservitard

Cope harder pls

Shill for conservatives while acting as if your just some impartial centrist harder scum


Trump has given them alot of ammunition. You can't say the same about AOC

indication of AOC giving people a lot of ammunition


Cope harder pls

conservatives are so butthurt they have to steal the COPE meme, this is hilarious to watch

When someone is trolling you and says cope harder you aren’t supposed to listen.

Chinese hoax Lol still salty over a seven year old tweet.

Yikes a Donald sheep in the flesh. Don't you have a go fund me to donate to? But Mexico gonna pay for it right!?

Lol using ‘sheep’ unironically. I bet $1000 you’re a cumskin.

The wall ain't gonna pay for itself bud. Get to it

The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

About 5%.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

So that would be about 5%.

It's actually a historic low.

For someone with a degree in economics, shouldn't she be aware of this?

Whoa shit, I’ve never watched a video of her speaking before. She came off stupid as shit talking about Israel there. Was just that normal for her?

Jesus Christ that asshole just kept threading. Talk about narcissism.

You have to dig harder to find the pure-grade AOC Derangement Syndrome.

"AOC is LITERALLY STALIN!!!" is the new "Drumpf is literally Hitler".

Just have to to to r/conservative. Those dudes are obsessed with her.

Shes just the palin of the left. Retarded and easily mocked.

I’ll bet she would name a newspaper or magazine that she’s read though.

But could she name a gun she has fired?

"I'M NOT UPSET!! I'M NOT UPSET!!" conservatives screech as they REEEEEE about her for the 10,000th time

Reminder that Old Benny Boy has tweeted about her more than 21 times since Thursday

This is the dumbest “controversy” in years, and everything about AOC just ruins the Democrats’ opportunity to be seen as the adults in the room for the next two years

Didn’t a major republican think google made iPhones? AOC is literally the newest congresswoman the fact that you conservatards think she equates to the entire Democratic Party is hilarious.

On the contrary, I don’t think she equates to the entire party, I think she’s just an unproductive distraction.

Also, lol at calling me a conservatard but I suspect that’s just your r/politics MO for anyone who has a different opinion. Go ahead, call me a Nazi, too.


AOC does trigger cuckservatives super hard.

g-g-guyz we're NOT SEETHING mmmkay?

It's over for damage control-cels

The only thing verified here is his prematurely receded hairline.

lmao the usual guys in here still insisting the outrage is real

Ed is worse than chapofugees