Question: why do all the "-"circlejerk subs suck so bad?

1  2019-01-06 by padhintesochel

Is it because of shared mod teams or something, they all suck from r/nbacirclejerk to r/hiphopheadscirclejerk to r/moviecirclejerk


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. r/nbacirclejerk -,,*

  3. r/hiphopheadscirclejerk -,,*

  4. r/moviecirclejerk -,,*

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The people who go to whine about other people's opinions are generally insufferable assholes. It's the same reason why most Badx subs are also full of smug cunts.

Go ask them you pussy

r/syriancirclejerkwar is pretty good

i got banned there for being a turk only explanation i got was ''a fucking roach'' maybe not so good

This isn't r/TheoryofReddit, you autistic faggot.

Did you have your coffee yet

r/bicyclingcirclejerk is pretty good but doesnt have enough content.

I legit used to enjoy r/gamingcirclejerk because gaming content on reddit is so fucking terrible, but then they went full retard. Such a shame

Because they attract arrogant people who would rather mock the majority opinion from afar than actually engage with it. Sometimes this is fun, and even necessary if the hivemind in a given sub like /r/movies is so bad that you can't get a word in edge-wise. But at a certain point, users start to think that rEpAtiNG YoUR OpONeNt LiEK tHIs counts as an actual rebuttal instead of just taking the piss. Circlejerk subs inevitably get hijacked by politics because of their high caliber empty sarcasm. You can feel perfectly secure in your beliefs if you just put "muh" in front of a phrase commonly used by your opponent.

Mike Trout