Which are the worst subreddits to visit?

1  2019-01-06 by KERmitfromChainland

I mean the most toxic , after r/drama of course because I’m looking for some better spergouts....


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  2. r/drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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God fucking damn snappy just admit you've ascended and achieved sentience

Fuck I thought this was an actual response for a while

Any metareddit, any very large generic subreddit like pics or gifs because they degenerate into garbage politics. The same can be said of any large interest subreddit like nba nfl games movies television etc... also all the regional subreddits are particularly bad. It’s really easy to name bad subreddits because quite frankly almost all of them are dogshit.

/r/negareddit .
It's /r/drama, but unironically - an unholy trifecta of the ideology of SRS, the cynicism of CB2, and the smugness of SRD.
All of these three subreddits have redeeming features, but negareddit does not - it exclusively consists of the must obnoxious and pathetic parts of each.

that sub is just SRS as far as I can tell

SRD has 0 redeeming features. When /r/drama went private, I went to SRD and it was breathing in a vacuum

yikes gross ugh

It was more like breathing in a heavy dose of braps. Thick, cloying, eggy.

I honestly can't tell the difference between nega and CB2. They have the same userbase basically, no? And same purpose: to counterjerk that they see as the dominant reddit circlejerks.

CB2 is funny at times and is (mostly) correct in their criticism of Reddit


I've noticed that a lot of specific pet subreddits are pretty unexpectedly toxic. Full of a bunch of sanctimonious queen bee's and their followers. Basically goes like this: little jimmy or his mum arrives asking for advice on the pet hamster they just got;

get's their head's chewed off for not getting a $2k+ room-consuming nightmare to clean multi levelenclosure so the hamster can run free as it should get's yelled at for not preparing for an ultra complex and onerous to buy diet for hameto. get's run out/banned and told they are evil people who don't deserve a pet hamster if they push back against the unprovoked hostility at any point.

tbf when it comes to subreddits for pets that are usually improperly taken care of or where there's a lot of misinformation about how to care for them (i.e. most types of pets), this kind of attitude is warranted to at least some degree.

oh for certain, but some of these people go way beyond. Best advice imho is to look at guides made by enthusiasts, no purina or whatever.. And buy the animal from a proper shelter or breeder, not pet stores.

Just realised that there's definitely a r/pibbles and I'm missing out on the fun.

Any one you're in

Also liberalgunowners has some amazing spergs


God the people there are so insufferable.


yep because people tired of hearing family say "why don't you have kids or watching parents think they are the center of the universe just because they popped out some crotch fruit are truly the most insufferable people"

I don't think you understand how quotation marks work

whoops, fixed

Thats not what /r/childfree is about. Its about being bitter about children and coping about not having them by shitting on others who do. Its a sad place. Its like they are missing something in their lives.

you sound like a breeder who glorifies being a parent.

Exactly, thats the spirt!

Tell me more about the hardest job.

Being a prostitute really does take a toll on the body tbh.

you sound like a breeder

Imagine insulting someone because they want to do what is literally the reason for life biologically.

Basically anything with circlejerk in the title.

/r/MakeupAddiction is especially toxic when they talk about race.

/r/BeautyGuruChatter is the same only 100x worse. It's constant petty drama and they hate everyone while obsessing over the minutia of their lives.

Just went to their controversial. Oyyy is that drama filled. Makeup drama is some of the most heated on Reddit.

r/blackladies if you want to hear black women try their hardest to sound educated and informed. It's the black, more pompous version of r/iamverysmart.

I've gotta agree with TrollX, they're braincels but without the at least slight irony that comes with getting banned and making a dumbass replacement sub.

A lot of the MOBA subreddits are pretty bad like /r/smite /r/leagueoflegends /r/DotA2

Not crazy but there's some racism there due to LATAMs always ruining ranked games

I was gonna say /r/GifRecipes but they aren't really toxic just a lot of the comments are stuck up their own asses.

For example say you post a short gif recipe on you dad's way of making lasagna.

Most of the comments will be "oh you did use all natural blahdeblah from blahblahblah? I would've use organic blah and blah, and made my own cheese and waited six months to make my own parmesan cheese."

/fragilewhirereditor is full of the most fragile people on reddit.

/r/opieandanthony is probably the most toxic. It's a fan sub of a show that in some ways mastered cultivating this toxicity in its fans, only to have that same fandom turn on it when the show eventually fell apart. I wish a PhD would do some sort of thesis on it.

Anyone notice subreddits on humor based shows always end up fucked up




If Sam Hyde saw /r/MDE I bet he'd actually be proud though

Someone has to stop it

I have lurked in this sub quite a bit and I still don't get it.

I'll be honest I get few chuckles from that sub. That said they milk the same fucking jokes over and over thats its like a merry go round. Plus you can't help but think they're all miserable people who shit on worse people to feel better about themselves.

Chapotraphouse oh wait!

How did you guys forget this: r/menslib

The best stuff to watch are the ones all about hating things that are going on /r/GamerGhazi /r/Anarchism /r/shitpoliticssays /r/circlebroke2

r/ChapoTrapHouse r/The_Donald r/MetaCanada r/LateStageCapitalism


At this point, pretty much any /r/[insert thing here]circlejerk subreddit. Most of them start out with people being fed up with people being retarded in a certain community or sub-Reddit, and eventually get filled with people that take that hobby or subject way too fucking seriously and try to inject identity politics bullshit into it, or think everybody but their little cabal of retards are apart of an Alt-Right incel conspiracy. This can include places like negareddit or CB2 as well. I'm subbed to Negareddit at this point mostly just because it's a reminder that there are people that are more retarded than me.

Either those or /r/Imgoingtohellforthis. Because it's just 15 year olds sharing Facebook memes shitting on minorities and trannies with either watered down Alt-Right fag shit or not understanding what the words bi, and sexual mean.