TwoX(tra large) users speak out against the greatest oppression of all - normal sized airplane seats

1  2019-01-07 by Feedbackplz


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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To the person who invented the open letter


Buy 👏 two 👏 seats 👏 if 👏 one 👏 isn't 👏 enough!

but..but..flying is expensive

The seats were made smaller to specifically to decrease the prices you fucking retard. fat ass can't fasten the seat belt. I am just a working class amerifat!

Bikes don't need seat belts, Jesus Christ the absolute state of burgers.

Really? Wow, have I really not seen a bike to not know that don't have seatbelts? I'll just take my size 46 ass to the gym

That's some shitty LARPing, if you were an American you wouldn't have been convinced by reason, you'd blame everything on everyone else, be offended that people are trying to explain to you common sense stuff, threaten to sue and then you'd gorge an tub of peanut butter because people made you upset.


eat that bait bb mmmmmm

So is McDonalds 3 times, 6 days a week. God damn fattys.

Uh excuse me, I only eat MCDs for breakfast. They got like a triple sausage, egg, and cheese sammich now.

Uh excuse me, I only eat MCDs for breakfast.

You just had me realise I actually had McD for breakfast today..... which is like the first time in months I actually had fast food. Nevertheless, the shame will now have me contemplating suicide.

We are all amerifatties together

McGriddle for life.

I saw some youtube video the other day of a fat woman showing what she ate to "prove she didn't eat like a pig" - Her breakfast was a venti frappucino and 2 donuts every morning. That's more calories than I eat in a day just for breakfast :|

From the comments:

I’m a size 20-ish, and 5’10” to boot. Flying sucks, but southwest is awesome, you can buy an extra ticket and get it refunded after the flight

This fat sow is scamming the airline.

Southwest doesn't have assigned seats, so I guess she's banking on everyone not wanting to sit next to her (definitely possible)

This really is the world we live in huh

>"normal sized humans" need lap belt extenders

fuck this gay earth

Earth is gay? LITERALLY WTF GUYS??

just because streetshitters worship cows doesn't mean the rest of the planet does

worshipping imaginary deities to feel good about your pathetic existence

it's over for religious-cels

Shut up and kiss me

(Ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)

I wish the 'b' in your username was a 't'.


Excuse me, gays are a lot more fit

Not lesbians

Harsh but fair

Twinks OUT

I don't understand why they don't just ship themselves as freight? Theres plenty of room for them under the plane

6'5" guy who spent 9hrs in coach the other day here: fuckin fatties.

The majority of top posts in twox:

Title: “To the person (x location). Thank you”

Body: long story of pointless details and emotion. Someone does something mundane to help them, which prob didn’t even happen. Involves crying most of the time. A lot of exaggerated writing because they are boring.

It's all that oestrogen, it's fucking with their brains. That's also why their idea of a good time is eating a tub of ice cream and watching Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.

refers a chickflick that no one's mentioned in decades

How fucking old are you?

actually not that old. Also it came out in 2005, feels like yesterday

2005, feels like yesterday

Oldcel confirmed

I'm transage though, I identify as a 13 yo boy

And your 2016 jokes identify as 2019 ones I assume?

You have been reported for your bad joke.

I am not a bot. I am a Volunteer Reddit Moderator. I do not have mod powers but my reports are taken seriously and those who get on my bad side tend to get banned in under 24 hours. I have numerous rules, which you may read in my post history, but 1 is the most important rule of all

• ⁠I am an officer in training, and I expect to be treated the same way I would be with my uniform and badge.

Watch your back and get used to this face kiddo, you'll be seeing a lot of it.


Be careful, you're exactly this sub's type

Majority of users on this sub are like 12.

No wonder /u/Shortcakespecial loves hanging out in here

not enough cute girls here tho

You're right.

A hole's a hole.

not into guys though

A hole's a hole.

sex not for the purpose of creating offsprings is a sin anyway


I mean when 2018 went on for over a decade, it has been forever

I hate to bring gaming into this but you just described r/fo76

They can't go ten minutes without posting an open letter. It's ripe for exploitation.

I wonder how long it'd take to make a bot that could consistently churn out twox posts

Literally why is this the only thing ever posted in 2x? It's the least interesting bullshit ever and is weirdly navel-gazey.

Don’t understand how the ignominy of needing a belt extender isnt enough to make you start to lose weight

I have a bmi of 33 and don't need an extender. I'm dieting like fuck right now. Can't imagine adding 10 or so to that bmi and being like "yep this is normal".

I have a BMI higher than that and I don't need the seat belt extender.


Yeah that bit about "normal sized humans" threw me the fuck off. Even at my peak I was pretty fucking fat and I still never needed a seat belt extender, I sure as hell didnt feel normal sized.

Rooting for you, my guy. Get that BMI under 25

One landwhale said she bought her own extender to spare herself the shame of asking for one. As if buying your own fatty belt wasn't the ultimate shame.

How is this not a wake up call? Lawd, the entitlement.

friend was commiserating one day with me and she said that she is fat. For whatever reason, i replied asking her if she had fingernails. She said of course. I asked, "are you fingernails?" Then she got it.

If over half of her bodyweight were fingernails, then yes, she might be fingernails.

TwoX has solved the mind-body problem and determined we do in fact have souls. So eat whatever you want girl, your soul is petite and beautiful no matter how morbidly obese your body is.

that's some Japanese horror manga shit.

Junji Ito is on it!

I liked the one where the girl got some unidentified liquid on her during a train ride and became all holes. that she finger fucked.

Lmao did she seriously just pull that Z-list comedian shit and act like it was profound?

If over half of her bodyweight were fingernails

Absolutely vile. Delete this

At least it's now confirmed that the majority of the women in there are size 20+

Some gems from the post:

  • Suicidally obese women who take up so much space that their fat spills into other people's seats aren't a problem. Men are.

  • Someone claiming that even "skinny" women on their flight had trouble getting their belts fastened. Is skinny anything under 250 pounds for a 5'5 woman now?

  • Large emotional group hugs encouraging OP to take up as much space as possible. Nope, not anything about how it's incredibly unpleasant to sit next to a gigantic fat person on an airplane. This is a chance for guuuuuuuuurl power!

I have never had an issue getting my seat belt fastened on any airline and I am not a szie 2 either. This woman must weigh like 400 pounds

6ft 240lbs. Never had an issue getting my seatbelt fastened on a plane and I bet I've got more hours in the air than any of these cows.

It's insane that she is trying to guilt people over not wanting to sit next to a morbidly obese person who can't fit in their own seat and will most likely need to encroach on their space.

I think she meant she's over USA size 20.

Oh I know, I was just saying that some of the ladies commenting there made it seem like you need to be a waif to buckle your seatbelt on a plane.


really thin person


Used to be 300lbs at 5'4" tall. A year ago she apparently dropped down to 270lbs but seems like she stopped posting to keto subs so good chance that ended and she's back up again:

300lbs @ 5'4" is crazy... But it's def the airline's fault.

I’m 5’9” and 165. That weight is a fucking ham planet. Depending on the day I look a little chubby but she is just a fucking tub surrounded by skin.

Oh yea, def the airline

Letting another woman's fat rolls rest on your body to own the patriarchy

Always bring cardboard or plasterboard to keep the fat confined

Moments like this is why I love living in Europe and flying in business

Reminds me when i was sitting near the window on a bus and some landwhale came and sat next to me.. Well i should say on top of me.. I was glued to the window for about 5 minutes before she left. Thank god because i'd have prefered to stand even if the bus didn't have any pipes to hold myself.

I can't imagine this being a common thing. Here we're still poor so not many fat people, not to mention mega obese ones. She was probably a tourist.

I can totally see why the guys left. I'd have done so too if i wasn't near the window.

My dress size starts with a 2.

OP is so proud of her curves she has to hide her dress size.

Not like a size 20+ is over 10 iches more than her waist should be

If it ended with that same 2 she wouldn't have a problem.

I don't know why I'm surprised by the number of women in there that are size 18+, but I am. I thought it was a humorous stereotype, but nope, they're all hambeasts.

I'm only surprised by the number of women in any twox thread.

65% of american women are overweight (BMI 25-30.) 41% are obese (BMI over 30.) The average american woman weighs 159lbs and is 5'4". I fear the median numbers would be even worse, as the average is being offset by the small contingent of health-oriented women.

Don't like fat chicks? That's rough, since they're now the vast majority of american women. Disgusting.

literally every post I read were from women who are also fat. Says it all really

It's Reddit. Normal girls don't post here. Only fat ones and psychotics

To think that OP of the post believes normal sized humans are too fat to fit into airplane seats...

I am a size 18/20 woman, so not a small person- but I had to hold back tears when I could barely buckle the seat belt heading back to my place after being home for Christmas.

When I stepped on the scale back home I confirmed I hadn’t gained ANY weight, so it was only the seatbelt that could have changed. It’s such BS.

Either she's too stupid to loosen a seatbelt, or she has an inhumanly large gut.

Fuckin' Randy Bobandy gut.

She's probably not 18/20...

I don't fit into economy seats and that's why I fly business class.

Tell us more about your shit. Is it watery with no solid pieces? Or separate hard lumps, like nuts? Or somewhere in the middle, like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft? What does it smell like? Any hints of what you ate last night?

As the day has wore on I've been again three times. It's got pretty splattery now and it's nowhere near as much fun as it was a few hours ago.

Mine is one big one and a bunch of tiny ones. I think i have a small hole inside my hole that stores poop leftovers. I need to ask a doctor for pictures next time i go.

The only real part about this story was the alone bit.

I've actually held the armrest down when a hambeast tried to lift it so she could fit. There was no way I was going to spend three and a half hours with her fat rolls in my lap.

One of my fave FPS/FPH reposts is the one about the little girl at the stadium who gets a sheet of cardboard from a food vendor to barricade her seat so the fatty can't spread.

I remember that one, I freaking hate people that think it's ok to spill into other people's laps.

That honestly sounds horrific. People can be so big that their body just makes huge lumps of skin that sag like sludge, and spill.

I just can't imagine how you could let yourself get to that point. I mean being a little overweight I get, being double your healthy weight is just disgusting.

Right? At least have a shred of self-discipline.

Dude. I’m not a big guy by any means and I hate flying because it’s so fucking uncomfortable that I won’t do it anymore. It kills my back, my abs. I’m only 5’8” and I’m cramped as fuck constantly. It’s just a miserable experience all around. American airplanes are absolutely garbage. I’ve flown almost all of them and they are the drizzling shits. I feel you.

I'm 6' tall and have long legs and cannot sit still for long periods without the urge to pace. How goddamn fat do you have to be for a flight to be that cramped of an experience?

hurts my abs

What a fucking fat manlet pretending he has abs. I'm 6'1 and sitting next to fatties in flights is absolutely atrocious.

Like 250lbs minimum for that to kick in. Maybe 300lbs since I'm assuming he's not 50.

Size starts with 2

Two digits?

no girl, modern flight isn't made for normal sized humans anymore

That's not normal

Sadly it is. 65% of american women are overweight, 41% are obese.

Yeah but you gotta be hard into morbidly obese to need a seatbelt extender tho. That is the far end of the bell curve.

That's average, not normal. It'll never be normal.

lmao americans lmao

Time to Japan to get their revenge and drop a bomb on them.

Belt extenders, bruises on my thighs from the arm rests, it's not fun. 

They're called arm rests, not thigh rests

That's not what's going on in that post. Fake drama is fake.

That's exactly what's going on in the post. Hilarious drama is hilarious.

I'm a 6'7" guy and never have trouble fitting on planes. These fucks must be fat as fucking shit

They reduce the space to reduce the cost od the ticket, it's why I can often get domestic flights for under $100. Btw if you're not tagging every user there with their admitted size you're missing out.

Certain mods and lame ass power users will hate posts like this for being "TwoX said a thing" but this is actually better than most drama posts by a longshot.