Conservaterds now attacking AOC for her nickname, Sandy

1  2019-01-07 by suicidalsouthafrican


At least "Jim" is a common nickname for people named "James." How the fuck do you get "Sandy" out of "Alexandria?" "Lexi" would make more sense, and probably sound less mayo.

Maybe "Alexandria" could lead to that? "Lexi" sounds like a porn star, "Sandy" could potentially be some bitch who lies to her constituents and makes promises that can't be delivered on but doesn't actually strip for them.

Sandy Cortez sounds like a pretty good pirate name tbh.

Sandy Cortez sounds like a pretty good pirate name some kind of sex act, tbh.

Is it like a Rusty Venture or more like a Dirty Sanchez?

Seems like a bit of a stretch, but I've heard dumber nicknames.

Alexandria Xandria Xandy Sandy

Not seeing it, sorry.

Apology not accepted.

Alexandria sounds like alex-sandy-ya if you pronounce it with a lisp.

Alexandria is pretty sandy fam, it's in Egypt.

imagine actually having an opinion on this.

what a dumb faggot. let's all laugh at this guy.

I new a guy named "Alexander" who went by "Sandy." Its not super common, but it is a thing. Kind of like how, occassionally, people named Johnathan go by the name "Jack."

I knew an Alexander who went by “Xander”

I hope he was relentlessly mocked.

Probably similar to how Richard gets shortened to Dick. A few of the letters match up but even if you put the two side by side and squint really hard theyre just not all that similar.

Well, Dick is actually a rhyming nickname. Richard was often shortened to Rick or Rich. When rhyming nicknames became popular, these turned into Dick and Hitch. Only Dick caught on and became v v popular.


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She’s not being attacked for being called Sandy, she’s being attacked for being insufficently invested in Mayocide.

Thanks Jim, very cool!

Did Q predict it?

He did mention sand not long ago. There was a movie called the eagle in the sand. Sand is pretty damn close to sandy, so, you tell me.

Sandy Hook

AOC is a false flag. It was right in front of our noses from the beginning.

Oh. Oh no. Oh god no.

One thing about sand is that it's rough and it gets everywhere.

Like my genes

Imagine being Jim Holt's mom. 😔


Jim Hoft, the dumbest man on the internet once again proving the title is well deserved.

If you think Jim Hoft is the dumbest man on the interwebs you have missed the wonders of Anthony Burch.

It’s mostly a reference to the fact that if you search for “the dumbest man on the internet” you get a bunch of results about Jim Hoft. He’s been a dumbshit for years.

You’re not really a champion if you don’t defend your title.

Commie Mommy vs. Daddy 2019's main Drama PPV card is going to be an epic throwdown.

god I can't wait for the sex tapes to leak

Another day, another nontroversy

I don't pay attention to women older than 25.

Hiring: Agents to help me frame AOC as a lover of Grey Poupon. This will be the final nail in that communist's coffin. Say your prayers libtards, nothing personal congresswoman, heh.

Bait sucessfully taken

Boggles my fucking mind that people care this much about some young airhead who is in the House of Representatives, the Senate’s little brother.

But dramcels told me that there's nothing to see here. That nobody is S E E T H I N G at AOC about petty bullshit?? 🤣