It's over for single-cels. Protololcow comes out as PLURAL

1  2019-01-07 by Andarial2016


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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schizophrenic tranny

That's an 80% chance of suicide right there. Can't say i'll miss him, lmao!

Also supports the theory that all these transtrenders just have DID

Obviously we are all talking out of our ass with no credible sources, and definitely not any kind of expert in the field, but i would bet my house that the number of trans and genderfluid people have disporpotionately high rate of actual real d.i.d., vs the general population.

You act like actual psychologists are any kind of expert. Narcissist deluded self into thinking they are something to get attention, attention wanes so they make up something even dumber for more attention.

Exactly. It kinda scares me how much people trust everything psychologists and sociologists say. Everyone and their mother considers these fields a joke, barely above art and English majors.

But you take any old study from any old fuck, no matter how uncontrolled or how bad the methodology, and so long as it goes along with "your side", you can preach it as gospel.

I remember my psych roommate couldn't even comprehend the concept of feedback effects.

"So like, does people's behavior change based on if they studied psychology?"


That's painful to read. You'd think that question answers itself.

Everyone and their mother that went to school considers these fields a joke that slackers and burnouts go into, barely above art and English majors.

PsyD programs are extremely competitive to get into, and practice is grounded in clinical research that is roughly equal to or better than most medical research in terms of reliability. The vast majority of research psych is almost entirely based on experimental research that's more reliable than most medical research. The only reason that people don't take it seriously is because they don't understand the field and base their understanding of it off of talking to psych BA students in their shitty state college.

PsyD is not Psych, Snally. You know this as well as I do. I can almost guarantee PsyDs aren't on reddit crying about representation. They're probably busy doing actual work.

Do you even know what a professional psychologist is or does?

Considering I've been going to them for 8 years on and off and it's done fuck all... nothing.

Well, you were probably going to a PsyD and don't seem to know what a research psychologist is

No, you're right. I don't trust the whole fucking lot of them to begin with, so of course I don't give a shit about the nuance of their field.

Same as any field, really. There are geologists who really care about construct validity and those who are employed by lobbying firms to churn out trash studies.

That's what I assumed anyway. Some people who are impartial, some people who are partisan hacks.

Totally, sad thing is these days only way to know for sure the diff. is to learn about research design and appropriately weigh the significance of different studies. Even the partisan hacks or people aiming for a headline grab can tell you something, even if it's not what they claim it's telling you.

I don't trust the whole fucking lot of them to begin with, so of course I don't give a shit about the nuance of their field.

At least half of current psych research has nothing to do with clinical psych. Are you saying that you don't trust any research with human subjects that isn't non mental-health medical research?

and there are those who use it to forward their nonsense.


I'm not sure what's getting lost in translation here.

Clinical psych idiots are the ones I'm talking about a general feeling of despise for.


Wait, literally? There's any company who has in house 'studies' who do all sorts of shit like that, for one. Then of course anyone who is way too politically driven, who will start using bullshit to sound smart. I mean literally Vice's whole deal is taking some random 'study' they found and blasting it as gospel.

You can still practice with a more traditional doctorate (Clinical Psych being the classic) and that's assuming those psychotherapists were actually specifically psychologists which I would doubt.

You can still practice with a more traditional doctorate (Clinical Psych being the classic)

True, though I would trust them even more than a PsyD in a lot of cases.

and that's assuming those psychotherapists were actually specifically psychologists which I would doubt.

iirc the term 'psychotherapist' is protected in most states, but the term 'therapist' or 'counselor' isn't, and in some cases you don't even need a related degree to take clients. I think they have to call themselves 'life coaches' tho.

I don't really know the intricacies of clinical psych, but hand-waving the entire field as bullshit because of failing to make progress with counseling is ridiculous. It's like dismissing all medical research because you went to some shitty doctors

Imagine going to doctors and medical professionals and not performing blood rituals instead lol

Imagine only performing blood rituals and ignoring the other 3 humours in [current year]

For protected terms, it's a real cluster fuck. In most states 'counselor' is a protected term (since most licensing bodies have some sort of LPC) with a few exceptions (e.g. in PA you can't call yourself 'licensed' but you can just say you are a counselor). Psychotherapist usually isn't protected, although in a few jurisdictions the practice itself is protected (meaning you can't practice unlicensed).

Few exceptions: Life Coaches, the scummiest con-artists in the game, short behind them are Pastoral Counselors who usually don't need to be licensed unless they are trying to advertise their services for profit (which most do, not like very many directories - lookin' at you Psych Today - give a shit).

But yeah, clinical is very diff. from Counseling psych, which is diff from Marriage and Family, which is diff from Social Work. Like the difference between an FBI agent and a beat cop.

A psychologist or a psychotherapist? One is highly specialized and very expensive and the other is either someone with a grad degree (e.g. Master of Counseling, Master of Marriage and Family Therapy, or if you're in the south, Master of Divinity) or if you are in a particularly backward state, just any asshole who wants to call themselves that.

Like any profession, a ton of them are worthless, some are competent, and a rare few are great.

I'm unsure. I don't bother checking their credentials, I'm just assigned to them. Socialized medicine is greatly overhyped. The VA is trash.

what is did?

Dissociative personality disorder. Multiple personalities. Last time I checked, psychologists arent even sure if it's a real disease or not.

Thanks fam.

Share your succubus erotica


That's gold.

Futa on male?

No, just regular all female succubus on male. Cream refers to breastmilk iirc.

Oh :(

It has only been a 'thing' since the movie 'Sybil' came out in the 70s. Ever since than, it has been synonymous with attention seeking psychosis.

It also gained a particular surge in the trans community around 2012 on Tumblr. If you were trans on Tumblr, you'd either have to be otherkin or a 'plural system.' it ended up being a golden age of cringy drama where trans men and trans women would have Tony Stark, Harry Potter, and their own OC living inside their head, posting what it's like to be both a super hero and a very bored twenty something with nothing better to do.

I'm so glad it's reimmerging after all these years. Proto just revealed her hand that everything is just a cry for attention and look forward for future shit shows to come.

Diddled infant disorder

Trannies reproduce via infant diddling

IDK if this is why you made the joke or if it's just a coincidence but DID is actually thought to be caused by extreme childhood trauma.

Didnt MK ultra get some good results too? Like their only ''mind control'' shit that worked.

Actually, you're just reading the plot for 'Sybil,' the origin of DID.

Nah it's actually a childhood trauma thing. Thought to be a kind of extreme version of dissociative symptoms from PTSD.

If you read up on the history of it, it only started showing up after Sybil. It's made up and not real.

Subject of debate. It's in the DSM so, officially at least, it's real.

I still want to see your dick

I'll make you a deal. Make a shitpost that isn't a boring, uninspired waste of the four seconds I take reading it, and I will send you penis.

There is a reason so many gay people are communists, cant starve if you keep on eating dick

Hmm, marginally better but that's not saying a lot. You're moving in the right direction tho. Keep at it.

A fake disease that only occurs in people who have seen movies or read books about it, and happen to visit certain doctors who encourage/coach them to display the symptoms.

I'm more partial to the theory that they just have diagnosed anxiety and depression but the internet told them those feelings were 'disphoria'

  1. DID is like a 1 in a million diagnosis and still hotly contested as to whether it is even a distinct disorder.

  2. I get more of a Borderline vibe from most of that, with the lack of a clear sense of self and prone to wildly inappropriate behavior/attention-seeking being the most obvious ties.

One important distinction to make is whether the behavior is normalized or not - if it's not abnormal behavior for one's particular culture or group, it's not necessarily pathological. If you are socialized in places or with people where something is the norm, following suit is just a part of our innate desire to fit in.



Referencing Edward B. T.'s famous statistical work on sexuality and suicide risk.

I'm calling the cops. Real cops. Reddit cops.

Nobody will.

alexis and Proto are completely different conscious entities in our shared mind. Over the past month-ish, we've been working hard to understand our plural self, and now it's time to share that understanding with everyone.

OMG you have been struggling with this for a month? It must get so lonely on that long hard road--oh wait, you say you have company!

Speedrunning and deranged trannies: name a more iconic duo

two separate beings housed in the same mind

As a retired psychology practitioner, I can confirm that this is a legitimate and well documented condition. It comes in two forms, the scientific names of which are as follows:

  1. Mild cases where the duality is expressed in online conversations and never in face to face discussions. The scientific term for this is "being a retarded faggot".

  2. Sever cases where you expect people to actually take you seriously in face to face discussions. The scientific term is "bat-shit crazy".

I'm sure the DSM-6 will remove all of this verbiage in its next wokeness revision.

theyโ€™ll also expand the video game mental illness to include board and card games

You should found a practice of tough love and make it a reality show.


it's over for spelling cels

Tfw severe mental illness is met with "wow how neat and brave"


as it should be. people need to be more accepting, smh.

Pedo acceptance will never be a thing. Castrate all pedos

you sound like a closet pedo tbh.

as I previously said I'm not, not even a hebephile probably.

see, I'm probably not even a hebephile.


Heebie jeebies are pedos.

maybe but I'm probably not even one

Let me just tell you so you can know for sure

You're a pedo

how would you know?

I know you're attracted to children, so I concluded that you are a pedophile

I'm not tho

I'm not tho

That's where you're wrong

you seem to know me better than I do

I'm just being real about what you are. You can lie to yourself all you want but I won't because I care about you

liking small, cute East-Asian women isn't pedo though.

It's not that that makes you a pedo, it's your attraction to children

but I'm not attracted to kids therefore I'm not a pedo

You're lying again

why do you think so?

I'm probably not a heebie jeebie

Are you not attracted to children or are you probably not attracted to children

Idk, I don't spend a lot of time in the presence of young teen girls, you know like a pedo would.

"I don't know if I'm attracted to children"

Please get castrated

no, then how will me and my future cute East Asian wife have kids?

More children for you to bang? They can't say no if you're their dad I guess

gross, starting to think you might be a pedo. please seek help

I can definitively say that I'm not attracted to children, something you can't do

please stay away from us East Asian women. Thanks.

no, I won't

i'm gonna pepper spray you when you approach me

rude, at least most East Asian women aren't as ghastly as you are

I'm attracted to children

"-Steve_French-, 2019"

No u

Pls stop coming on to me Steve, I'm only 12

I'm going to cum on all gamers

How did u know I was a gamerchad?

The ones that rise up always are. I could practically hear the n word in your comments

I'm attracted to children

/u/Jas0nJewnova, 2019

I have the mind of a child so it's okay

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post hog

Get out

Pedophilephobe? Must want to fuck pedophiles smh

Fuck them with castration chemicals ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’‰

Sounds pretty hawt tbh, mind if I join you? We could make a ghostbusters remake but we chemically castrate pedophiles instead.

Now that's the Ghostbusters remake we needed

And wanted tbh


Wow a tranny is even crazier than originally thought.

Imagine being so demented that someone tells you that they are 2 people inside 1 person, and you're so "woke" that you actually take them seriously instead of laughing on the inside. The enablers are worse than the lunatics. Fucking burn both groups at auschwitz.

They know. It's keeping up appearances.

I laugh on the outside, people like this are in dire need of regular doses of ridicule.


pretty sure the right term is mentally ill.

Coopting woman's struggles wasn't enough, gotta colonize literal mental disorders for oppression points

Just in time to make AGDQ a complete shitshow again.

These two knuckleheads are fighting the good fight for drama.


What's up with straights pretending to be LGBT ?

i dunno, i stole that flair from the most hated man in the dsa

Why is he the most hated man ?


he's a trust fund baby "ruiner", part of the dsa retard caucus which undermines events by whining about accessibility.

lmao. Nice.

Arpwel is the lolcow we deserve.


name a more autistic group than speedrunners or fans of speedrunners.

you can't.

It's a mental illness

At some point AGDQ evolved from mere high level autism to something...greater.

This is the culmination of that journey. Also, we have time for a few donation reads OH GOOD I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

fourth time watching AGDQ, second time viewer. My animal passed away from cancer. Money goes to donate the cancer, donate the donation. Hype!!!!

you forgot the "my dude(s)" at the end, my dude

first time watching AGDQ, first time viewer. My donation passed away from animal. Money goes to view the donation, view the cancer. Hype!!!!

"I'm sewing this quilt together with the last fibers of their ass hairs. Cries Please clap"

I like AGDQ, it's purpose is that when I'm browsing reddit so day at work there is at least something less productive I could be doing,

I think it would just make me annoyed. Not as much as Jim beating his fucking keyboard like it owes him money and clicking his mouse so hard it was like he just uploaded a masterwork virus to the goddamn Gibson, but still just rolling my eyes every 10 seconds and scowling.

โ€œiโ€™m actually two retards you fuckin bigotโ€

when and how did gdq go from "gamers having fun" to "tranny group therapy session"?

Tranny entryism


This is where all went wrong.

Once this plural lunatic registers as 70 different persons to vote, it's over for us boys.

Billions of years of human evolution wasted on these inbred idiots.The motgerfucking asteroid can't come fast enough and end our misery.

As soon as the transtrenders won the fight against transgenders, it was only ever going to get crazier. That said, I can't complain. I'm sure it'll only make AGDQ funnier than usual.

Are any speedrunners sane? I ask this unironically.

I couldn't think of a more mundane hobby if I tried

Bird watching.

Being really into food.

I find it kinda weird how Trans people go above-and-beyond with saying 'SHE said that SHE did this while SHE was SHE because SHE feels that SHE was doing what was best for SHE. BTW did I mention that it's a SHE'

I was wondering where the woke pivot from trans people would eventually be.

I knew a guy like this. Fat autistic fuck that suddenly spawned a female identity named Bella and he would switch between them โ€œevery full moonโ€. He dropped the act after a few months as people were getting fed up with his bullshit.

That's really convenient if she ever wants to treat someone like shit but wants to blame it on someone else.

This is what mental illness looks like.

Having a severe mental disorder is hip and cool.

We need a new war

When we say "we," we mean the collective of our individual self, our attendant parasites. epidermal symbiotes and general gut flora. We do not consider fungi welcome. We are American by birth but southern by the grace of god and should be addressed as "Y'all."

In furtherance of our sovereign dominion and natural suzerainty of this body, we have consumed a dodgy sausage and now are pregnant with tapeworms, which will help us keep our girlish figure.

If you would question us, first answer this: If I cut off your head, would you be "you and your body," or "you and your head?"

Checkmate, singulars.