All hands on deck!! Ruth Bader Ginsburg is about to kick the bucket.

1  2019-01-07 by Maple28


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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He was also an unironic soyboy and didn’t outright ban the cosmetics industry during World War 2 to appease Eva Braun.

the cult of personality around her is fucking weird, like all the healthy 20-30 year old redditors who genuinely want to give up their lives so she can live longer.

if by healthy you mean either skinnyfat or obese than yes.

by healthy i mean not going to die in the forseeable future, unlike this octogenarian they have literally never met and who they mostly recognize from fucking snl parodies

Anything to pwn the reTHUGlicans!

Demonrats rise up!

They should honestly start owning that term. I mean, there is nothing gangster about tolerance, non-violence, and letting women be in charge.

Keep it gangster, vote ReTHUGlican

Isn’t there a movie about her coming out soon?


All I'm saying is, look into it.

yes twitter is already shilling it

A doc came out recently and the feature biopic comes out later this month.

It's too bad for them she already died and the Dems are trying to hide it from Daddy

You really have the moral high ground here, constantly wishing death on people so that your imagined totalitarian rightist state will be unimpeded by those who believe in human rights and liberty. All rightists worship is power.

how the fuck did my comment wish death on people you retard

I want to have Ruth Baden Ginsberg lying down on her bed in nothing but lingerie and high heels. As I come into the room, she sits up on her knees and looks at me.

“Oh, hello there. Why don’t you be a good young man and take off my panties.”

I sidle up to her and lay down on my stomach in front of her as Ruth falls back into the bed. I can see her nipples standing against her bra like diamonds, and can hear the squelching in her panties as her legs shift. My cock begins to stiffen.

I slowly slide Mrs. Ginsberg’s panties down her wrinkled legs, the veins in her thighs a deep blue underneath her sagging skin. Removing her panties, I bury my face in the moisture and discharge within, taking a deep long huff of the watery stew like mixture within them. It looks like someone has filled half a tub of cottage cheese with drain water, and it doesn’t smell much different either. My cock is rock hard and throbbing at this point. But the best is yet to come. I gently lower my tongue onto Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s vaginal stew. I lick it all out of her sopping wet panties, the discharge dribbling down my chin and smearing all over my cheeks. I moan in ecstasy as cum begins to shoot out of my cock, covering Mrs. Ginsberg in my hot thick load. She moans in pleasure, as her legs begins to shake. She bucks her hips and screams in heavenly orgasm as I continue to chow down on the contents of her panties. Soon my meal is gone, and only the aftertaste of her poon soup is left. Slurping chunks out of my teeth, I kiss her withered cheeks and leave the room, the awe inspiring smell of her heavenly discharge lingering in my nose for years.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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The court said in a release issued the day of the surgery that doctors found “no evidence of any remaining disease” and scans taken before the surgery showed no cancerous growths elsewhere in her body. No additional treatment is currently planned, the court said.

Objection! R/drama posters can't read, so the evidence can't be submissible.

Can somebody tell me what this says, thanks

It says dude bussy lmao

I knew it

Sticking his head in the ground, mostly.

You get cancer like this only if you've it's metastasized elsewhere in the body. That they can't find it, just means that they can't find it. And even if they could, a woman her age is very unlikely to survive chemo, and as such, they wouldn't be planning additional treatment.

I guarantee that if she was younger, she'd be undergoing chemo right now to limit the growth of the cancer wherever it is. They can't irradiate without knowing where it is, but chemo doesn't have that limitation.

A) Love the username

B) Love that you replied seriously to a joke about drama users not being able to read.

C) RBG ded mayne

You don't understand how metastatic cancer works.

There has to be cancer elsehwere, or those lobes wouldn't have been there. That they can't find it isn't a good thing at all.

🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has baby teeth.

... and here’s why that’s a good thing ™!

It makes me wonder why they got Felicity Jones with her cute bunny teeth to play her.

Felicity Jones could unironically play young qween

How does Hilldawg alternate between being repulsive and kind of cute in old pictures? She looks a lot like Felicity Jones in this picture.

Too much spirit cooking if ya know what I’m saying

What would be more dramatic, impeachment hearings or Gindburg replacement hearings?

both. Blorphth gets roasted for a month and then impeached but before he goes he puts in some stormfront poweruser as justice.

Both at the same time? Unnnnnhhh 😫😫

My god the kavanaugh hearings made me realize thate ours l”statesmen” are just grown up highschool tyrants.


ya seriously. I seriously doubt that he committed sexual assault or whatever but that guy is still such a fucking faggot

It caused a huge political divide in my family so I really hate it with a passion

Damn, not fresh enough.....

Op you're an analphabet: "... doctors found “no evidence of any remaining disease” and scans taken before the surgery showed no cancerous growths elsewhere in her body. No additional treatment is currently planned, the court said."

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Let's be honest here: since the purge either banned or drove off 90% of the people here to the right of HRC, all that's left is 'radical centrists' and a shit-ton of SRDines.

the purge


The DDF will go illiterate if it means owning the libz.

Put your dick in your pants, OP. She's not going anywhere.

I mean honestly there is no way she makes it to the end of Trump's run.

Surely this is the end of Justice Rutabaga.

She ad metastic lobes in her lungs. She has cancer somewhere and they just can't find it.

This means that the cancer will keep coming and coming and coming until she's dead.

All the filthy libs who were wishing for 1 less Roe v Wade critical justice when Kavanaugh was being appointed should've been careful what they wished for.

Don't get me excited op. The drama when she dies is going to be amazing.

Imagine if doony suggest hilary clinton to be a scotus judge 😂

It would be like the alleged party switch all over again.

I would like another Conservative judge to trigger the libtards but I like Ruth. Hope she's doing okay.

Q made this happen

I hope she has lung cancer.

How fucked up is it this lady has stayed on the court till such an old age I can type that in good intentioned sincerity?

Because the options seem to be either she developed 2 independent nodes of lung cancer as a non-smoker or 1 of her previous cancers has metastasized and developed a tumor in her lung. If she has metastatic cancer shes going to die.

So thoughts and prayers, I hope you have lung cancer old lady.

She had a fall, broke ribs, then had to get half a lung removed because of cancer that she's too old to treat with chemo.

Lung cancer isn't going to save her.