Chapotard spergs out and gets downvoted in his own hug box. Posts “Eat the rich”... then brags about parents having money: “I know lots of socialists who are well off”

1  2019-01-08 by flotus_scrotus


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


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Based and redpilled

Tankies being hypocritical? Never seen that before.


Btw, I think he got downvoted by the r/shitpoliticssays brigade though but shhhh

You anti-CTH niggers are the worst. Listen here: if you're gonna eat someone (and you are, let's face it, we all know where society's going), are you gonna eat a poor guy or a rich guy? You're gonna eat a rich guy, right? I mean, it's in the name. They're rich. Rich like cream, butter, milk, foie gras...but the poor guy? Stringy tendons and bones. Not good for anything but broths and stews, I'm afraid.

It's the other way round in the burgerland, praise be to capitalism.

the only people daddy defenders feel comfortable attacking are socialists

really makes u think

unironically posting daddy

rent. free.


yikers. you're not american are you?

He's got a point. CTH has suddenly become the hate target of choice.


I'm not saying it's all a Russian conspiracy, but I think we all know it's a Russian conspiracy.

For good reason though, that whole sub is a laughriot.

Indeed, but do you think they've only recently started acting like this? Hmm? No. But we've only recently started this hate-wave. The answer is obvious: the MDEfugees did not assimilate, and they brought Russians with them.

thinking the gulags are the same as current year america

Sometimes i really do believe its time for a reset.

maybe WW3 would actually be a good thing

We actually need a plague, like the Black Death but world wide.

Black Death

Its time to stop racializing every little thing you don't like. Death is good enough, OK?

You know the real fucked up thing? The only two ways proven to actually "redistribute wealth" in a society are war and plague. Nothing else works.

Tankies want both

Not any reset a hard reset.

Most Chapocels are loaded as fuck. I mean that shitty podcast is making $100k+ monthly out of nowhere.


You have to have rich parents to pay for your Brooklyn apartment.

Their parents are rich. They're downwardly mobile and pissed that knowing more pop culture than their Dad didn't guarantee a good job or loving partner

I told my dad how much I had saved up the other day, and he replied that he didn't have that much until he was like 50. Rightists are just angry that I even do capitalism better than they do. Because I am self conscious of how the system works and do not delude myself into believing I deserve anything. I'm merely rigging the system, just like they did.

As property is theft, acquisition of property is merely another means of seizing the means of production.

lol you're one of the funniest posters here

I'm a communist but I work for my income as a software developer. There is no shame in making a high income through your own labor. Only in being a parasitic owner subsisting off of rent.

Now I also invest in capital whenever possible and do my best to grow my 401k and investment portfolio. But there is no shame in this. Who would you rather have keeping care of the capital, a banker vampire, or a hardened ideological Marxist - Leninist who is merely doing some helpful safekeeping for when the workers revolution arrives?

In fact, the more Marxists own, the faster the revolution will come - expanding your investment portfolio is merely one more means of revolution, fighting the capitalists in their own turf and taking their I'll gotten gains or from under their nose. I would encourage all Marxists to take all means necessary to increase the percentage of capital held by comrades like themselves, we can prove to the owner parasites once and for all that capital merely makes capital, it grows like a cancer, and yes it can even in the hands of the hated communist who desires the best for all people.

Whenever we have our first comrade billionaires, what argument will the "captains of industry" have left? Us comrades will also be far more united in our efforts than the petty squabbling rent seekers who think of nothing besides themselves and pat themselves on the back for their genius in letting the rent pile up.

Besides the gold that I hoard in wait of the revolution, what I spend on my bare needs, I also spend well. And I am generous to my comrades and return their labor to them. I tip very well. In fact the other day I returned to a worker (sex worker) 20% on a $600 tab in tips for her immense efforts, worthy of a Hero of Socialist Labor.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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pin my gas block on my ar15

is this another 400 pound Meal Team 6 operator I see so much around this cursed internet?

Imagine thinking you're participating in some sort of revolution because you post commie spam on Reddit