Guy suggests that weed helps with working hard, arguments in replies

1  2019-01-08 by rapidconch


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Potheads are worse than metalheads when faced with "nah, it just isn't for me."

Each will only suggest a new strain or shitty niche band.

I respect potheads more. Metalheads are always like "dude that's so metal, hardcore" but they are the biggest pussies around. Metalheads are posers.

"Pot isn't for me." "You should change the strain." "Tried that, still made me feel bad." "You should put the effort in of smoking other things so pot doesn't make you sick."

Jesus Christ, not everybody has to smoke.

They’ll come up with any excuse to justify it aswell

The best is when they defend driving while high

I've been smoking for over a decade and can't tell the difference between strains. I'm friends with people who grow and supply it for "medical purposes". They'll describe it so me like they are describing a fine wine, but just like wine, I can't tell the fucking difference.

The drug checklist:. "It inebriates me? Check. Doesn't taste like ass? Check."

Because just like wine, it’s all bullshit. Seriously, you can give the same wine to 10 different master sommeliers and will get 10 different tasting notes.

It's def not ALL bullshit (a lot of it is and lot of it's snobbery but not all). I used to be a huge ass pothead when I was young. Every strain seemed to effect me the exact same way, with some just not getting me as high without smoking more of it.

When I got older and started smoking less and less, I started getting different effects from it and now it's turned into a crapshoot as to whether I'm paranoid as fuck or unbelievably relaxed.

Omg. An actual serious comment from /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won. I’m honored.

Weed should have never been legalized

I smoked weed for many years, everyday when i was younger and i quit it to get my life straight and go back to school. Habitual use of the MJs is absolutely fucking your brain up and these people are just in denial about it. It took me a month, but once it was all out of my system it felt like a fog had lifted from my conscious. I was able to visualize tough problems in my head and i noticed a huge uptick in my cognitive abilities.

All drugs affect your body in some way, denying this is pure retardation. Weed is proven to affect your cognitive abilities, this isnt a controversial claim. If you want to smoke weed and be janitor? Go for it, you wont see me bitching. But dont get on leddit and start making crazy ass shit up about how smart you are and still able to smoke every day. Because even if that was true, can you imagine how smart and productive you could be if you actually stopped smoking?

I think all religious pot smokers are born retarded. I had this one chick tell me she was treating her ovarian cancer with smoking weed, nothing else. I hope shes dead.

In my experience it not only affected my memory but also how well I performed in tests and in real life, but my friends refused to believe it was bad for them

I went back to school for engineering and i found that when i tried harder classes when i was a daily smoker, i couldnt think through tough questions. It was like i couldnt materialize the situation in my head and apply potential solutions to the problem.

Once i got clean and went back to school, those same problems were a breeze to me. Also i found that i had WAY WAY WAYYYY more ambition to complete things in my daily life. Instead of just plopping down, smoking and watching some shit that didnt matter.

Yeah I've been grinding through all the basic college math finally for the past couple years and am having to face up to the fact I'm not going to be able to smoke like I used to.

I forgot to bring in

my first Calc 2 homework assignment

because I waked and baked

I hope she's dead

Based and redpilled

Weed is proven to affect your cognitive abilities

Isn't that the fucking point? I don't drink alcohol to be smarter or more ambitious. I drink it because it's fun. Same with weed, I smoke it after a long day of work to relax and be lazy. Could I be more productive with that time? Sure, but I don't want to be.

Im not disagreeing with you. But i run into a million stoners who think that them smoking every day isnt affecting them in any way. Also they refuse to even consider what life, or living in their brain, could be like without the constant flow of THC through their bodies.

I definitely met a lot of those losers in my high school/college years. But when you get to my age most smokers are just normal people. Hell, at my office about half the people here are daily smokers. Although I think one of the big differences is nobody smokes during work hours, just when they get off. Wake and bakers do tend to be losers.

Based and drug-pilled.

Did you use to talk this much back then too?

Bra thanks for completely taking my argument out of context. Never said it helped with working hard. I said it was a case by case basis and it came down to the individual, how it affected them, and how they used it.

Smoking weed everyday makes you more stupid, not less.

Sure bra 🖕🏽

provides no rebuttal

peak stoner debater

No I just don't want to talk to you

Do you fuck a lot of art hoes? Im jelly. Weed smells like shit by the way, stop smoking in public you inconsiderate asshole, only retards do drugs. Anyway where do you meet cute art hoes?


Damn yeah completely missed that good shout

Cannabis has helped me address my depression in a way that drugs and therapy never did

a drug helped me in a ways drugs didn’t