Does Drama “keep getting away with it” cause it is modded by Spez on the down low? Fake wrestling fans think so!

1  2019-01-08 by ZoomZoomingAway


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Imagine unironically believing that Drama mods (other than Notch) are anything other than basement dwelling manlets.

I'm not going to let people downplay my emotional outrage simply because it shares a trait similar to that of trolling. It's that emotional intelligence we need to instill in so many boys and men now since their puritanical patriarchal privilege has blinded them for so many generations.

Now, if I were truly unnecessarily hostile OR an asshole maybe I'd bring up my own personal prejudices of that I don't trust any whiteboi who has a cut cock as they're effectively broken homunculi void of trust and emotion yet still hypersensitive to any social interaction. You know, Sheldons. See THAT'S unnecessary hostility.

I am totally an asshole tho but I've got baby wipes unlike the rest of the crusty brownstars like yourself.

using manlet unironically multiple times

Now that's what I call doubling down.

Hey newbtard, /u/starship_litterbox_c is an drama poster.

While you're showing us just how new and stupid you are, wanna tell us about band camp?

The drama is coming from inside the sub 😲😲😲

You gotta come down hard on the new idiots. There is always an influx after a popular thread.

If we don't teach them how to behave this place will turn into SRD.

Eww your post history is absolutely haram. Reported you to the authorities as you have admitted to being a child molestor. Starship litterbox neck yourself please as well for being a manlet.

I'm already Genji.

Oh no, it's retarded.

knowing any drama regularposters on this besides snally and maybe xnotch



BIG if true

make drama private fuck

Op is big dumb

We are everywhere, including fucking spergy places like squaredcircle apparently.

I for one am shocked that drama users are spergs, shocked!