Which one of you mortals has the balls to challenge me

1  2019-01-08 by Spinernuts


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contact my author, u/solodas to rant about how you hate this bot and how it should be banned.

Beautiful...absolutely perfect like everything should be in the universe

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Nice hog chud ECKS DEEE 😁😁😁😁😁😁

Keeping the allfugees away I see.

I have seen god And he’s beautiful

Just... HOW?!

I stared at this silently for like 20 seconds and then burst into uncontrollable laughter tbh


A challenger has arrived u/Pussydriller69

that's gotta hurt like hell