it turns out chapocels were the swoleboys all along

1  2019-01-08 by Osterion


George Soros has paid me $25 million to create this hurricane with a wooden spoon, glitter, and a bottle of Prosecco. I can do this because I’m a woman, and I can bleed each month without dying. He is sending me the money via magical unicorn. Gay Rainbow unicorn, of course...


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Man... that's an absurd amount of cope.

It's not cope, it's pointing a bad study is bad, the original claim is still common sense, but the study isn't strong enough to support it.

Also, this is over a year old, stop lurking SSC for content, OP!



Came here to say this.

Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


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It's over for chud-cels

You don’t need scientific studies to realize leftists are physically weak, just look at any ANTIFA rally. I have literally never, ever, seen a physically fit or buff leftist protestor once in my fucking life.

Remember when Wheels was terrorizing that baby-sitting center pretending to be a college?

They why are rightoids so scared of them, HUH?! 🤔🤔🤔

Because an army of softbois can still take out a THAD in seconds.

Then they deserve to win


*400 pound autist

The super soldiers are smart enough to stay hidden until it is their time.

Putanumonit has a recurring Defense Against the Dark Arts section

oh my fucking god

No way I'm reading all of that. I'm just gonna call it bullshit and move on.

as evidenced by the hour I spent doing bench press and squats at the gym this morning 

Lol he spent an hour doing 2/3rd of starting strength.

inb4 same study reveals that strong men are actually nationalist and socialist at the same time.