Actual teenager thinks all of reddit is /r/teenagers and is SHOCKED to find out adults use the Reddit.

1  2019-01-08 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. This Post -,,,

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This but unironically

Zoomers were a bigger mistake than boomers.

This is why global climate destruction is essential. It's the only way to fully realize the mayocide.


The lost generation of 90s kids will save us!!!! Born 85 to 95, 90s kid unite!!!

That optimism and can do attitude is exactly why millennials can suck a male camel's ass, too.

> Optimism

> Millennials


A lot to unpack here.

There really is tho

Born in 1985 and fuck you, no. Caring about shit is gay.

I don't care what the blue-noses would say. I want that phone.

adults use the Reddit.

Sometimes I wonder.

Define adult. I may be of legal age, but Iā€™m not even close to being a grownup.

I am adulting all over the place. Checkmat, zoomers.

I adult when I finger my bussy in public šŸ˜


Fucking millennials.


What is it about kids that makes them think people who grew up using the internet reach an age where they magically stop?

Nobody who has teenaged kids "grew up with the internet"

lol what. Everyone had AOL cds mailed to their house five hundred times in the early to mid 90s

This is true, but consider the average person with teenaged kids to be between 40-45 (I figure thatā€™s a decent estimate). AOL cds were getting mailed no earlier than 1995, right? So the people with teenaged kids (now) would have been 16-21. Definitely didnā€™t ā€œgrow upā€ on the internet - many not even using it until post college, most likely.

i don't know if you're wrong or not but the way you just clearly have no idea either but still have this know-it-all tone enrages me.

Confused as to what I have ā€œno ideaā€ about

I figure

most likely



your whole post is just you guessing m8

implying no computers before AOL cds

No one

The average person

Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?

Actual question, because obviously Iā€™ve fucked up. Who said ā€œno oneā€?

Nobody, no one, same thing.

Q: ā€œWho saidā€

A: ā€œSame thingā€

Reading comprehension isnā€™t your strong point, is it?

See, I thought you were capable of going back three comments to look it up yourself, but apparently you're not even capable of that:

Nobody who has teenaged kids "grew up using the internet"

Thanks. Iā€™m not the one who said that, nor is that what you initially quoted. I am, in fact, capable of going back three comments, which is what I did when you originally fucked up the one word you were trying to quote, so I didnā€™t find what you were referring to. Thatā€™s why I asked you to clarify. However, because you decided to resort immediately to insults, I felt that speaking your language was more appropriate.

Yes, you not saying it still doesn't mean that there aren't any people with teenage kids who grew up with the internet.

Most people aren't dumbfucks who can't even look at the context of the entire conversation, not just what they themselves have said or responded to.

More like aol floppies

False. My wife and I fit that description. Horray for seperate teenage pregnacies!

Someone born 1985 was ten years old in 1995, when plenty people already had internet at home.

In 2005 they had their first child at age 20. That child is now 18.

Oh fuck it 2019

half of them also go on 4chan and fell hook, line, and sinker for /v/ memes about how nobody used the internet or played video games until 2007

Considering how popular /r/politics and /r/latestagecapitalism are, I can't really blame him.

Lol @ this opportunist/insecure 9th grader dunking on the 8th grader.

I'll be 42 next week and still not quite sure why I hang out with you retards.

There was a magical time when the average age on this site was ~30... I really miss those days.

Iā€™m the guy that the guy you replied to replies to. I was 17 when I started lurking Reddit and 19 when I made my first account. I was very noticeably younger than the average user. But that really helped me to grow both as a person and as a writer - meaning I seriously had to learn to write persuasively to be able to debate people who were 10 or so years older than me.

With that being said, I primarily miss when there was a good chance that most of your conversations were with fairly well educated adults on this site, as opposed to kids or god knows who posturing as experts.

What a twat.

Why did he get downvoted so much? Jesus, youā€™d think he tried to defend feminism on a video game subreddit

he triggered all the boomers with no lives who still use reddit.

Spinner phone

Zooomercide NOW!

he isn't wrong, if you're over 30 and you use this website you're a fucking loser lol.

As a certified zoomer, I notice a lot of comments/posts along the lines of ā€œget off my lawnā€ / ā€œyouā€™re in HIGH SCHOOL? wHaTTt?ā€ : but that makes sense, because the target audience for this website is 20+ and Iā€™m aware that everyone under that is a minority on here, and not who the platform is catered towards (my parents are on reddit! hi mum & dad!)

What I mean to say is, how dumb do you have to be to use reddit for any period of time w/o realising that itā€™s full of boomers ? Did he really think that everyone with jobs and families and marriages of 10+ years were like twenty two?

Somebody should call his mom to come get him.

How old are you?

I've been on this fucking site since I was 13. 20 now. I thought everyone was a teenager here and that being above 20 is rare. Now I'm drunk wishing I never found my way here. Fucking ifunny commenters brought me to this shithole. Thanks drama for making it tolerable.

Lol Iā€™m getting infamous off sweaty 40 year olds on Reddit