TERF is happy her husband is "incredibly" socially inept

1  2019-01-09 by MoreProfessor3


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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Don't pretend you wouldn't want your girl to stay inside all day and not get brainwashed by femcels

hey, don't kinkshame her attraction to forest gump mannequins

How did she say "excising" instead of "exercising" twice?

Maybe he spends all his time putting tariffs on things?

So Melania wrote this?

That would imply trump reads books which I doubt

He likes Gorilla pop-up books.

Are you implying Trump doesn't spend at least 4 hours a day watching news about himself on TV?

No. I'm implying that he watches the Gorilla Channel for at least 8 hours a day.

Swype I assume.

Speaking of which, what even is Surry?

Freudian slip

Cut that out!

Proof the ideal man for women is a soul-less object.

But when I buy a fleshlight its YUCKY YUCKY ICKY GROSS.

"If a foid gives you her opinion, disregard it automatically" - Pizzashill

Something about a broken clock.

Pizzashill has always told the truth when it comes to foids

This is true

something about a broken dick.

> ideal man for women

ideal man for feminists who identify as women

he sounds like a complete autist but she mentions he exercises a lot so he probably has a nice body which is most likely the only thing she cares about and likes about him.

pretty sad tbh

Welcome to TERFs.

He won't stay quiet when she puts on the pounds.

hopefully but I wouldn't be so sure

Occasionally is her admitting ever other month. I am sure it is more often, sounds like a sore subject for both of then

He's probably cheating already and merely pretending to be a social retard.

Probably is, she said he does calisthenics at home bit also goes to the "gym" 3 times a week ...

of course he knows she'd never set foot in a gym so it's perfect for it

she literally says in the post that he tries to tell her to eat better and exercise, and she threw tantrums until he stopped bringing it up lol.

if this dude had friends they'd tell him to stop being a loser, but she's his only social outlet so he puts up with it. it's the reverse gender situation of when incels talk about how it's better to date asian foids because they are more "traditional and submissive" than western girls.

We should have what your username suggests.

She probably doesn't pester him to go out and lets him read his books about ancient warrior men and jerk off to it in his study so he deals with her.

doesn't seem like it

when he talks about the Mongols its always with sadness

entire populations were wiped out,cities destroyed and all those that were left sold into slavery

The way he describes the sheer brutality of it its always with anger and sadness

Don't take what I said so seriously. They be jokes, bruh

its just exercising,reading,work,our relationship and various small projects he gives himself

exercising Hot body for me to use

reading He's smart and not threatening about it, which makes me happy

our relationship He focuses on me and what I want him to do

and various small projects When I want to have some 'me' time, he goes away

Translation: Me Me Me Me

he does not fall victim to male socialization

Translation: Men are terrible because they think women should be there for their own use. Not like women who don't do that

I have spoken to his Therapist and according to her he is not on the autism spectrum

he has been going to her for over 5 year now so I trust her opinion

incels should be taking notes

Funny that you mention that, one of my coworkers who is a fairly attractive woman outright told me that she isn't attracted to her fiance at all. She likes the fact that he essentially worships her and that it would be incredibly unlikely that he would cheat on her. It's a weird power type thing where the woman knows that she has 100% control in the relationship and if it ends, she was never attracted to him or begin with, nor was she very emotionally vested in the first place.

Kill her and fuck her fiance. Even ugly girls do this nowadays.

Nah, I feel bad for him. He came out and grabbed drinks with all of us once. He seems like a good man who's just shocked that he has a girlfriend to begin with. I find it sad that some men feel that they're only option to attract a woman is by being a simpering white knight. For the longest time I use to think that cuckholdry was a meme or a joke but, it's very real.

Fuck her in front of him. He'll hate you, but he'll know the truth.

Is the poster you replying to m or f or mtf or ftm or l or b or g or q? Big diff.

Doesn't matter.

be cool, we're all queer here

it never even began for sub8cels 😞

this is why you treat women like garbage, only the ones that find you super hot put up with it.

sounds like my relationship, except my boyfriend isn't fug

is it ok to objectify men if i like to be objectified?

No. Know your worth King.

I'm a worthless foid boi

Still no.

αƒš(ΰ² η›Šΰ² αƒš

You can objectify me all day tbh.

i'll do it tomorrow too man meat


literally all women like to be objectified. hole.

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Ban foids.

This is great. Women criticise men for being simple but we are simple because there's no need to complicate things that don't need to be complicated, there's literally entire schools of Eastern and Greek philosophy that have this as one of their foundational tenets.

Kinda expected the last floor to have gay men tbh

Haha great joke Marty,,, tell Barb I can't be there Sunday because I'm mowing,,, - SENT FROM MY SEGA GENESIS

radical feminist hates men

surely not?!?

People for get that the only reason they hate trans people is because they think they're men.

Also, as these TERFS are mostly frumpy and overweight, they don't want to deal with anything they perceive as competition. Hence their aggressively anti-porn/ anti-tranny stance

tfw a tranny is more feminine than you

They also really like sex-segregation, and trans people make that a bit more complicated.


There's quite a reliable correlation between being well read and being progressive in my experience, especially when it comes to feminism.

Unless you read anything pre-1965, then its all very problematic for modern feminists.

Unless you read anything ...

...with statistics, facts, and probable theorems

...with statistics, facts, and provable theorems


Coincidentally, contemporary literature (at least in the West) is largely shit compared to the first half of the twentieth century.

>he does not watch any TV/Movies,eat junk food,eat fruit,read comics or spend time on the internet

>its just exercising,reading,work,our relationship and various small projects he gives himself

This perfect man according to TERFs

soulless man with no agency but is shredded, has six pack abs and Adonis belt

men see women only as sex objects though

eat fruit

It's over for fructocels.

Maybe the dude just doesn't like people in general but loves his wife.

his wife posts on gendercritical and apparently the only thing she likes about him is his trained body.

most likely the guy is a complete Asperger autist who is just happy he has someone to be with.

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/fit/ lol

Nigga idk. People find happiness in weird ways.

This post was 100% made by a socially inept man interested in history looking to dick the terfs.

Why didn’t I think of that?

Tfw no cute terf gf

I think incels and 4chan prove that being socially inept does not necessarily translate to rejecting conventional masculinity and sexism.

Oh yeah, I forgot about those paragons of masculinity over at 4chan.

Actually, it's pretty common that people lacking in some virtue nevertheless extol it most vigorously, for example gay and promiscuous Republicans or male feminists.


Might /r/drama be less committed to the mayocide than I thought?

Perish the thought (and also perish whitey).

Did you know there might be mayos inside this very subreddit?

I'll have you know I'm no trashy, basic mayo, I'm a sophisticated aioli.

It’s no surprise to me that a lot of TiM spend more time reading Tumblr or Facebook posts than they do Novels because their inability to emphasise with actual women (or even men) is non-existent.

Like terfs don't also do this

If those men would just read Harry Potter they'd finally become feminists.

So femcel married an Incel.

Nature finds a way


I bet he just hates all her friends so he doesn't talk to them and is everything she hates the second he's around guys.

The effect of 1 month subscribed to /r/menslib

fall victim to male socialization

Testosterone is literally contagious cancer

What the fuck kind of sub was that Jesus Christ.

Seems like a red pilled feminist group. They hate trans more than they hate men.

hate trans more than they hate men.

They is your confusion, they are the same thing and the same hatred

Just imagine if the roles were reversed. What would the feminist's reaction be? "B-but we strive for equality!" My ass.

god i wish that were me

Fake and gay

Another choice comment from this chubster:

And also remember that men frequently want women who will never leave the house and not have any friends or parents and they don't call each other terrible for this, it's traditional

A reverse situation would be Ideal in a way

men stay at home all day working out,cleaning and making health foods while women go out and socialize without any fear of male violence

These people are fucking delusional.

Terfs taking inspiration from the 1950's

he does not watch any TV/Movies,eat junk food,eat fruit,read comics or spend time on the internet its just exercising, work,reading playing with string, chasing mice, our relationship and various small projects he gives himself

I think I see what's really going on here.


Fruit is not good for you, the only good thing about fruit is fiber but veggies are better for that too. Fruit is only good when compared to processed garbage.

Her post said he doesn't eat fruit.

I'm refering to one k Of the top comments

you're an idiot.

Fruit is all sugar, they're genuinely not good for you.

stop reading health blogs written by bored middle aged house wives, fruit is perfectly fine as long as it's not what you eat 3 meals a day you fucking spaz.

I never said i never eat fruit but lots of people aren't aware it's basically candy and fruit juice is usually just as bad as soda for you.

if you think fruit is as bad as candy, and that fruit juice is as bad as soda, you're literally too retarded to even read labels that they print on the fucking containers.

yes, fruit is not a good idea to eat all day, no one said it was, but it's nowhere near as bad as fkn candy lol, and soda has like 10 times the sugar as fruit juice.

he goes to the gym 3 days a week

Oh, honey... lol

apparently decently fit guy

with fat wife

goes to the "gym" 3 days a week


I got banned, they're so fragile ...


Lol she’s dating an autistic dude and likes it. She views him as a pet too... foidicide when?

I mean what woman wouldn't want a fit autistic man who doesn't eat fruit and reads history about ancient warrior men

The fruit part is killing me. Most random fucking comment ever. Her betaboi will never be Steve Jobs

Its an oddity

A man who doesn't eat fruit

Her betaboi will never be Steve

did he also not eat fruit ?

He literally only ate fruit πŸ˜‚

"He" doesn't exist.

Thought this might be my wife talking about me until I reached the part where she says he spends his free time exercising.

She's a weirdo, he is sucking dick on the side but if they are happy together isn't that the most important ?

he can empathize with people who have been for 800 years

when he talks about the Mongols its always with sadness

entire populations were wiped out,cities destroyed and all those that were left sold into slavery

The way he describes the sheer brutality of it its always with anger and sadness


And then is totally apathetic to the stuff around him? Doesn't that bother you?

This is someone who sees past the BS. I mean, the millions of people slaughtered, raped, and otherwise conquered by the Mongols had it hard I'm sure. But it's nothing at all compared to the struggles of a white woman in America in 2019.

It's over for frugivores

not having any close friends he does not fall victim to male socialization

Men who have male friends are RAPISTS.

does not fall victim to male socialisation

I finally have something I can claim to be a victim of! I’m a victim, guys!

I'm sorry, how is not eating fruit a positive exactly?